Wednesday, December 10, 2014 ============================ listusers / repo ------------------------------ There's now a [squigglecity organization on GitHub][]. What little is there is a classic duct-tape mess complete with a bunch of commits made as root, but may contain a few useful bits. I'm planning to clean up [this version of][listusers-dec-10] into a more generic `listusers` utility that just outputs TSV and pipe to csvkit / `jq` for HTML & JSON. Oh, right --- about the JSON. ~ford proposed a standard `tilde.json` [kind of like this](, which I think is not a terrible idea at all though that one's a bit rough and the format could still use a little tweaking as of this writing. This is the kind of thing it's unbelievably easy to overthink. I'm hoping we'll give it enough thought to do a few smart things but not so much thought that no one actually uses it. [listusers-dec-10]: