a technical notebook
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  1. Tuesday, December 23, 2014
  2. ==========================
  3. screenshots
  4. -----------
  5. Looking to streamline capture of static screenshots a bit. Options:
  6. - `gnome-screenshot` - use this already, it's fine, whatever.
  7. - `shutter` - weirdness with my xmonad setup? Errors and I don't feel like taking
  8. the time to find out why.
  9. - `scrot` - buncha nice command line options
  10. I wind up forking Tyler's [grab](https://github.com/thcipriani/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/grab),
  11. a nice wrapper for `scrot`, which is pretty much what I was going to write anyway.
  12. This is pretty good at defining a region for a static screenshot.