- # Fenced code living in an indented environment is correctly highlighted
- 1. run this command to do this:
- ```
- some command
- ```
- 2. Subsequent list items are correctly highlighted.
- Fenced code block with language:
- ```ruby
- def f
- 0
- end
- ```
- # Links
- [a](b "c")
- [a]()
- [good spell](a)
- [badd spell](a)
- [a](b "c")
- [a]( b
- "c" )
- a (`a`) b. Fix: <https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown/issues/113>
- Escaped:
- \[a](b)
- [a\]b](c)
- ## Known failures
- Escape does not work:
- [a\](b)
- Should not be links because of whitespace:
- [a] (b)
- [a](a
- b)
- [a](a b)
- # Reference links
- Single links:
- [a][b]
- [good spell][a]
- [badd spell][a]
- [a][]
- [a] []
- [a][b] c [d][e]
- Reference link followed by inline link:
- [a] [b](c)
- ## Known failures
- Should be shortcut reference links:
- [a]
- [a] b [c]
- Should be a single link:
- [a] [b]
- [a] b [c](d)