#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use Text::Markdown::Discount;
# Enable html5 block-level tags:
my $flags = Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE();
my $markdown = Text::Markdown::Discount->new;
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
my $full_source = '';
while (my $source = get_input()) {
# A simple preprocessor:
my ($basename, $dir) = fileparse($ARGV); # get path of target file
chdir $dir;
# XXX: temporarily disabled until code examples are updated:
# $source =~ s{<!-- exec -->(.*?)<!-- end -->}{handle_block($1);}egs;
chdir $cwd;
$full_source .= "\n\n----\n\n" . $source;
print replace_some_stuff($markdown->markdown($full_source, $flags));
sub get_input {
local $/ = undef;
my $source = <>;
return $source;
sub handle_block {
my ($block) = @_;
my $cmd;
if ($block =~ m/\$ (.*?)$/m) {
$cmd = $1;
} else {
die "bogus cmd";
my $result = `$cmd`;
# indent 4 spaces so we get a code block:
$result =~ s/^/ /gm;
return "<!-- exec -->\n\n \$ " . $cmd . "\n" . $result . "\n<!-- end -->";
# super cheeseball, man
sub replace_some_stuff {
my ($markup) = @_;
# bold first "$ command" string in a code block
# $markup =~ s{<code>(\$ .*?)$}{<code><b>$1</b>}gm;
my @contents;
# insert anchors in headers, accumulate a table of contents
$markup =~ s{<(h[12])(.*?)>(.*?)</h[12]>}{
my ($tag, $attributes, $text) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $a_name = $text;
$a_name =~ s/[^a-z]+/-/ig;
$a_name =~ s/^-|-$//g;
push @contents, make_contents_link($tag, $a_name, $text);
"<$tag$attributes><a name=$a_name href=#$a_name>#</a> $text</$tag>";
my $contents_text = '<div class=contents>'
. $markdown->markdown((join "\n", @contents), $flags)
. '</div>';
$markup =~ s/\{\{contents\}\}/$contents_text/g;
return $markup;
# make an individual element of a markdown list
sub make_contents_link {
my ($tag, $a_name, $text) = @_;
if ($tag eq 'h2') {
return " * [$text](#$a_name)";
} elsif ($tag eq 'h1') {
return "* [$text](#$a_name)";