You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

44 lines
541 B

. tests/functions.sh
title "pandoc headers"
HEADER='% title
% author(s)
% date'
try 'valid header' "$HEADER" ''
try -F0x00010000 'valid header with -F0x00010000' "$HEADER" '<p>% title
% author(s)
% date</p>'
try 'invalid header' \
'% title
% author(s)
a pony!' \
'<p>% title
% author(s)
a pony!</p>'
try 'offset header' \
% title
% author(s)
% date' \
'<p>% title
% author(s)
% date</p>'
try 'indented header' \
' % title
% author(s)
% date' \
'<p> % title
% author(s)
% date</p>'
summary $0
exit $rc