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. tests/functions.sh
title "embedded links"
try 'url contains &' '[hehehe](u&rl)' '<p><a href="u&amp;rl">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'url contains +' '[hehehe](u+rl)' '<p><a href="u+rl">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'url contains "' '[hehehe](u"rl)' '<p><a href="u%22rl">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'url contains <' '[hehehe](u<rl)' '<p><a href="u&lt;rl">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'url contains whitespace' '[ha](r u)' '<p><a href="r%20u">ha</a></p>'
try 'label contains escaped []s' '[a\[b\]c](d)' '<p><a href="d">a[b]c</a></p>'
try '<label> w/o title' '[hello](<sailor>)' '<p><a href="sailor">hello</a></p>'
try '<label> with title' '[hello](<sailor> "boy")' '<p><a href="sailor" title="boy">hello</a></p>'
try '<label> with whitespace' '[hello]( <sailor> )' '<p><a href="sailor">hello</a></p>'
try 'url contains whitespace & title' \
'[hehehe](r u "there")' \
'<p><a href="r%20u" title="there">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'url contains escaped )' \
'[hehehe](u\))' \
'<p><a href="u)">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'image label contains <' \
'![he<he<he](url)' \
'<p><img src="url" alt="he&lt;he&lt;he" /></p>'
try 'image label contains >' \
'![he>he>he](url)' \
'<p><img src="url" alt="he&gt;he&gt;he" /></p>'
try 'sloppy context link' \
'[heh]( url "how about it?" )' \
'<p><a href="url" title="how about it?">heh</a></p>'
try 'footnote urls formed properly' \
'[hehehe]: hohoho "ha ha"
[hehehe][]' \
'<p><a href="hohoho" title="ha ha">hehehe</a></p>'
try 'linky-like []s work' \
'[foo]' \
try 'pseudo-protocol "id:"'\
'[foo](id:bar)' \
'<p><span id="bar">foo</span></p>'
try 'pseudo-protocol "class:"' \
'[foo](class:bar)' \
'<p><span class="bar">foo</span></p>'
try 'pseudo-protocol "abbr:"'\
'[foo](abbr:bar)' \
'<p><abbr title="bar">foo</abbr></p>'
try 'nested [][]s' \
'[[z](y)](x)' \
'<p><a href="x">[z](y)</a></p>'
try 'empty [][] tags' \
[1]: image1
[2]: image2' \
'<p><a href="image2"><img src="image1" alt="" /></a></p>'
try 'footnote cuddled up to text' \
[bar]:bar' \
try 'mid-paragraph footnote' \
'talk talk talk talk
[bar]: bar
talk talk talk talk' \
'<p>talk talk talk talk
talk talk talk talk</p>'
try 'mid-blockquote footnote' \
[footnote]: here!
>blockquote!' \
try 'end-blockquote footnote' \
[footnote]: here!' \
try 'start-blockquote footnote' \
'[footnote]: here!
>blockquote!' \
try '[text] (text) not a link' \
'[test] (me)' \
'<p>[test] (me)</p>'
try '[test] [this] w/ one space between' \
'[test] [this]
[test]: yay!
[this]: nay!' \
'<p><a href="nay!">test</a></p>'
try '[test] [this] w/ two spaces between' \
'[test] [this]
[test]: yay!
[this]: nay!' \
'<p><a href="yay!">test</a> <a href="nay!">this</a></p>'
try -f1.0 'link with <> (-f1.0)' \
'[this](<is a (test)>)' \
'<p><a href="is%20a%20(test">this</a>>)</p>'
try 'link with <>' \
'[this](<is a (test)>)' \
'<p><a href="is%20a%20(test)">this</a></p>'
summary $0
exit $rc