You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
5.8 KiB

#ifndef _MARKDOWN_D
#define _MARKDOWN_D
#include "cstring.h"
/* reference-style links (and images) are stored in an array
* of footnotes.
typedef struct footnote {
Cstring tag; /* the tag for the reference link */
Cstring link; /* what this footnote points to */
Cstring title; /* what it's called (TITLE= attribute) */
int height, width; /* dimensions (for image link) */
int dealloc; /* deallocation needed? */
int refnumber;
int flags;
#define EXTRA_BOOKMARK 0x01
#define REFERENCED 0x02
} Footnote;
/* each input line is read into a Line, which contains the line,
* the offset of the first non-space character [this assumes
* that all tabs will be expanded to spaces!], and a pointer to
* the next line.
typedef struct line {
Cstring text;
struct line *next;
int dle; /* leading indent on the line */
int flags; /* special attributes for this line */
#define PIPECHAR 0x01 /* line contains a | */
#define CHECKED 0x02
enum { chk_text, chk_code,
chk_hr, chk_dash,
chk_tilde, chk_equal } kind;
int count;
} Line;
/* a paragraph is a collection of Lines, with links to the next paragraph
* and (if it's a QUOTE, UL, or OL) to the reparsed contents of this
* paragraph.
typedef struct paragraph {
struct paragraph *next; /* next paragraph */
struct paragraph *down; /* recompiled contents of this paragraph */
struct line *text; /* all the text in this paragraph */
char *ident; /* %id% tag for QUOTE */
enum { IMPLICIT=0, PARA, CENTER} align;
int hnumber; /* <Hn> for typ == HDR */
} Paragraph;
enum { ETX, SETEXT }; /* header types */
typedef struct block {
enum { bTEXT, bSTAR, bUNDER } b_type;
int b_count;
char b_char;
Cstring b_text;
Cstring b_post;
} block;
typedef STRING(block) Qblock;
typedef char* (*mkd_callback_t)(const char*, const int, void*);
typedef void (*mkd_free_t)(char*, void*);
typedef struct callback_data {
void *e_data; /* private data for callbacks */
mkd_callback_t e_url; /* url edit callback */
mkd_callback_t e_flags; /* extra href flags callback */
mkd_free_t e_free; /* edit/flags callback memory deallocator */
} Callback_data;
/* a magic markdown io thing holds all the data structures needed to
* do the backend processing of a markdown document
typedef struct mmiot {
Cstring out;
Cstring in;
Qblock Q;
int isp;
int reference;
char *ref_prefix;
STRING(Footnote) *footnotes;
DWORD flags;
#define MKD_NOLINKS 0x00000001
#define MKD_NOIMAGE 0x00000002
#define MKD_NOPANTS 0x00000004
#define MKD_NOHTML 0x00000008
#define MKD_STRICT 0x00000010
#define MKD_TAGTEXT 0x00000020
#define MKD_NO_EXT 0x00000040
#define MKD_CDATA 0x00000080
#define MKD_NOSUPERSCRIPT 0x00000100
#define MKD_NORELAXED 0x00000200
#define MKD_NOTABLES 0x00000400
#define MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH 0x00000800
#define MKD_TOC 0x00001000
#define MKD_1_COMPAT 0x00002000
#define MKD_AUTOLINK 0x00004000
#define MKD_SAFELINK 0x00008000
#define MKD_NOHEADER 0x00010000
#define MKD_TABSTOP 0x00020000
#define MKD_NODIVQUOTE 0x00040000
#define MKD_NOALPHALIST 0x00080000
#define MKD_NODLIST 0x00100000
#define MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE 0x00200000
#define IS_LABEL 0x08000000
Callback_data *cb;
* the mkdio text input functions return a document structure,
* which contains a header (retrieved from the document if
* markdown was configured * with the * --enable-pandoc-header
* and the document begins with a pandoc-style header) and the
* root of the linked list of Lines.
typedef struct document {
int magic; /* "I AM VALID" magic number */
#define VALID_DOCUMENT 0x19600731
Line *title;
Line *author;
Line *date;
ANCHOR(Line) content; /* uncompiled text, not valid after compile() */
Paragraph *code; /* intermediate code generated by compile() */
int compiled; /* set after mkd_compile() */
int html; /* set after (internal) htmlify() */
int tabstop; /* for properly expanding tabs (ick) */
char *ref_prefix;
MMIOT *ctx; /* backend buffers, flags, and structures */
Callback_data cb; /* callback functions & private data */
} Document;
extern int mkd_firstnonblank(Line *);
extern int mkd_compile(Document *, DWORD);
extern int mkd_document(Document *, char **);
extern int mkd_generatehtml(Document *, FILE *);
extern int mkd_css(Document *, char **);
extern int mkd_generatecss(Document *, FILE *);
#define mkd_style mkd_generatecss
extern int mkd_xml(char *, int , char **);
extern int mkd_generatexml(char *, int, FILE *);
extern void mkd_cleanup(Document *);
extern int mkd_line(char *, int, char **, DWORD);
extern int mkd_generateline(char *, int, FILE*, DWORD);
#define mkd_text mkd_generateline
extern void mkd_basename(Document*, char *);
typedef int (*mkd_sta_function_t)(const int,const void*);
extern void mkd_string_to_anchor(char*,int, mkd_sta_function_t, void*, int);
extern Document *mkd_in(FILE *, DWORD);
extern Document *mkd_string(const char*,int, DWORD);
extern void mkd_initialize();
extern void mkd_shlib_destructor();
extern void mkd_ref_prefix(Document*, char*);
/* internal resource handling functions.
extern void ___mkd_freeLine(Line *);
extern void ___mkd_freeLines(Line *);
extern void ___mkd_freeParagraph(Paragraph *);
extern void ___mkd_freefootnote(Footnote *);
extern void ___mkd_freefootnotes(MMIOT *);
extern void ___mkd_initmmiot(MMIOT *, void *);
extern void ___mkd_freemmiot(MMIOT *, void *);
extern void ___mkd_freeLineRange(Line *, Line *);
extern void ___mkd_xml(char *, int, FILE *);
extern void ___mkd_reparse(char *, int, int, MMIOT*);
extern void ___mkd_emblock(MMIOT*);
extern void ___mkd_tidy(Cstring *);