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  1. . tests/functions.sh
  2. title "markdown extra-style footnotes"
  3. rc=0
  5. FOOTIE='I haz a footnote[^1]
  6. [^1]: yes?'
  7. try -ffootnote 'footnotes (-ffootnote)' "$FOOTIE" \
  8. '<p>I haz a footnote<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup></p>
  9. <div class="footnotes">
  10. <hr/>
  11. <ol>
  12. <li id="fn:1">
  13. <p>yes?<a href="#fnref:1" rev="footnote">&#8617;</a></p></li>
  14. </ol>
  15. </div>'
  16. try -ffootnote -Cfoot 'footnotes (-ffootnote -Cfoot)' "$FOOTIE" \
  17. '<p>I haz a footnote<sup id="footref:1"><a href="#foot:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup></p>
  18. <div class="footnotes">
  19. <hr/>
  20. <ol>
  21. <li id="foot:1">
  22. <p>yes?<a href="#footref:1" rev="footnote">&#8617;</a></p></li>
  23. </ol>
  24. </div>'
  25. try -fnofootnote 'footnotes (-fnofootnote)' "$FOOTIE" \
  26. '<p>I haz a footnote<a href="yes?">^1</a></p>'
  27. summary $0
  28. exit $rc