A QCodo powered CMS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This is the "Meta" DataGrid class for the List functionality
* of the ShoppingCartItem class. This code-generated class
* contains a QDataGrid class which can be used by any QForm or QPanel,
* listing a collection of ShoppingCartItem objects. It includes
* functionality to perform pagination and sorting on columns.
* To take advantage of some (or all) of these control objects, you
* must create an instance of this DataGrid in a QForm or QPanel.
* Any and all changes to this file will be overwritten with any subsequent re-
* code generation.
* @package Quinta CMS
* @subpackage MetaControls
class ShoppingCartItemDataGridGen extends QDataGrid {
* Standard DataGrid constructor which also pre-configures the DataBinder
* to its own SimpleDataBinder. Also pre-configures UseAjax to true.
* @param mixed $objParentObject either a QPanel or QForm which would be this DataGrid's parent
* @param string $strControlId optional explicitly-defined ControlId for this DataGrid
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strControlId = null) {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
$this->SetDataBinder('MetaDataBinder', $this);
$this->UseAjax = true;
* Given the description of the Column's contents, this is a simple, express
* way of adding a column to this ShoppingCartItem datagrid. The description of a column's
* content can be either a text string description of a simple field name
* in the ShoppingCartItem object, or it can be any QQNode extending from QQN::ShoppingCartItem().
* MetaAddColumn will automatically pre-configure the column with the name, html
* and sort rules given the content being specified.
* Any of these things can be overridden with OverrideParameters.
* Finally, $mixContents can also be an array of contents, if displaying and/or
* sorting using two fields from the ShoppingCartItem object.
* @param mixed $mixContents
* @param string $objOverrideParameters[]
* @return QDataGridColumn
public function MetaAddColumn($mixContent, $objOverrideParameters = null)
$strColumnName = '';
$strHtml = '';
$aryOrderByClauses = null;
if (is_array($mixContent))
$objNodeArray = array();
try {
foreach ($mixContent as $mixItem)
$objNodeArray[] = $this->ResolveContentItem($mixItem);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
if (count($objNodeArray) == 0)
throw new QCallerException('No content specified');
// Create Various Arrays to be used by DGC
$strNameArray = '';
$strHtmlArray = '';
$objSortDescending = array();
foreach ($objNodeArray as $objNode)
$strNameArray[] = QApplication::Translate(QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objNode->_PropertyName));
$strHtmlArray[] = $objNode->GetDataGridHtml();
$objSort[] = $objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode();
$objSortDescending[] = $objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode();
$objSortDescending[] = false;
$strColumnName = implode(', ', $strNameArray);
$strHtml = '<?=' . implode(' . ", " . ', $strHtmlArray) . '?>';
$aryOrderByClauses = array(
'OrderByClause' => new QQOrderBy($objNodeArray),
'ReverseOrderByClause' => new QQOrderBy($objSortDescending)
try {
$objNode = $this->ResolveContentItem($mixContent);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$strColumnName = QApplication::Translate(QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objNode->_PropertyName));
$strHtml = '<?=' . $objNode->GetDataGridHtml() . '?>';
$aryOrderByClauses = array(
'OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode()),
'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode(), false)
$objNewColumn = new QDataGridColumn( $strColumnName, $strHtml, $aryOrderByClauses );
$objOverrideArray = func_get_args();
if (count($objOverrideArray) > 1)
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
return $objNewColumn;
* Similar to MetaAddColumn, except it creates a column for a Type-based Id. You MUST specify
* the name of the Type class that this will attempt to use $NameArray against.
* Also, $mixContent cannot be an array. Only a single field can be specified.
* @param mixed $mixContent string or QQNode from ShoppingCartItem
* @param string $strTypeClassName the name of the TypeClass to use $NameArray against
* @param mixed $objOverrideParameters
public function MetaAddTypeColumn($mixContent, $strTypeClassName, $objOverrideParameters = null) {
// Validate TypeClassName
if (!class_exists($strTypeClassName) || !property_exists($strTypeClassName, 'NameArray'))
throw new QCallerException('Invalid TypeClass Name: ' . $strTypeClassName);
// Validate Node
try {
$objNode = $this->ResolveContentItem($mixContent);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Create the Column
$strName = QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objNode->_PropertyName);
if (strtolower(substr($strName, strlen($strName) - 3)) == ' id')
$strName = substr($strName, 0, strlen($strName) - 3);
$strProperty = $objNode->GetDataGridHtml();
$objNewColumn = new QDataGridColumn(
sprintf('<?=(%s) ? %s::$NameArray[%s] : null;?>', $strProperty, $strTypeClassName, $strProperty),
'OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode),
'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode, false)
// Perform Overrides
$objOverrideArray = func_get_args();
if (count($objOverrideArray) > 2)
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
return $objNewColumn;
* Will add an "edit" link-based column, using a standard HREF link to redirect the user to a page
* that must be specified.
* @param string $strLinkUrl the URL to redirect the user to
* @param string $strLinkHtml the HTML of the link text
* @param string $strColumnTitle the HTML of the link text
* @param string $intArgumentType the method used to pass information to the edit page (defaults to PathInfo)
public function MetaAddEditLinkColumn($strLinkUrl, $strLinkHtml = 'Edit', $strColumnTitle = 'Edit', $intArgumentType = QMetaControlArgumentType::PathInfo) {
switch ($intArgumentType) {
case QMetaControlArgumentType::QueryString:
$strLinkUrl .= '?intShoppingCartId=<?=urlencode($_ITEM->ShoppingCartId)?>&intProductId=<?=urlencode($_ITEM->ProductId)?>';
case QMetaControlArgumentType::PathInfo:
$strLinkUrl .= '/<?=urlencode($_ITEM->ShoppingCartId)?>/<?=urlencode($_ITEM->ProductId)?>';
throw new QCallerException('Unable to pass arguments with this intArgumentType: ' . $intArgumentType);
$strHtml = '<a href="' . $strLinkUrl . '">' . $strLinkHtml . '</a>';
$colEditColumn = new QDataGridColumn($strColumnTitle, $strHtml, 'HtmlEntities=False');
return $colEditColumn;
* Will add an "edit" control proxy-based column, calling any actions on a given control proxy
* that must be specified.
* @param QControlProxy $pxyControl the control proxy to use
* @param string $strLinkHtml the HTML of the link text
* @param string $strColumnTitle the HTML of the link text
public function MetaAddEditProxyColumn(QControlProxy $pxyControl, $strLinkHtml = 'Edit', $strColumnTitle = 'Edit') {
$strHtml = '<a href="#" <?= $_FORM->GetControl("' . $pxyControl->ControlId . '")->RenderAsEvents($_ITEM->ShoppingCartId . "," . $_ITEM->ProductId, false); ?>>' . $strLinkHtml . '</a>';
$colEditColumn = new QDataGridColumn($strColumnTitle, $strHtml, 'HtmlEntities=False');
return $colEditColumn;
* Given the description of the Column's contents, this is a simple, express
* way of adding a column to this ShoppingCartItem datagrid. The description of a column's
* content can be either a text string description of a simple field name
* in the ShoppingCartItem object, or it can be any QQNode extending from QQN::ShoppingCartItem().
* MetaAddColumn will automatically pre-configure the column with the name, html
* and sort rules given the content being specified.
* Any of these things can be overridden with OverrideParameters.
* @param QControlProxy $pxyControl the control proxy to use
* @param mixed $mixContents - a string or QQNode
* @param string $strLinkHtml the HTML of the link text
* @param string $strColumnTitle the HTML of the link text
* @param string $aryOverrideParameters
* @return QDataGridColumn
public function MetaAddProxyColumn(QControlProxy $pxyControl,
$strLinkText = '',
$strColumnTitle = '',
$aryOverrideParameters = null)
$strHtml = '';
$aryOverrides = null;
$aryExtraOverrides = null;
$aryParams = func_get_args();
if( sizeof($aryParams > 4) )
$aryExtraOverrides = array_slice($aryParams, 4);
try {
$objNode = $this->ResolveContentItem($mixContent);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
if( empty($strColumnTitle) )
$strColumnTitle = QApplication::Translate(QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objNode->_PropertyName));
if( empty($strLinkText) )
$strLinkText = '<?= $_ITEM->' . $objNode->_PropertyName . '?>';
$strHtml = '<a href="#" <?= $_FORM->GetControl("' . $pxyControl->ControlId . '")->RenderAsEvents($_ITEM->ShoppingCartId . "," . $_ITEM->ProductId, false); ?>>' . $strLinkText . '</a>';
$aryOverrides = array(
'HtmlEntities' => 'False',
'OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode()),
'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy($objNode->GetDataGridOrderByNode(), false)
if ($aryExtraOverrides)
$aryOverrides = array_merge($aryOverrides, $aryExtraOverrides);
$objNewColumn = new QDataGridColumn( $strColumnTitle, $strHtml, $aryOverrides );
return $objNewColumn;
* Default / simple DataBinder for this Meta DataGrid. This can easily be overridden
* by calling SetDataBinder() on this DataGrid with another DataBinder of your choice.
* If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it. If not, then no pagination will be used.
* It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
public function MetaDataBinder() {
// Remember! We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
if ($this->Paginator) {
$this->TotalItemCount = ShoppingCartItem::CountAll();
// Setup the $objClauses Array
$objClauses = array();
// If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
// the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause)
array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
// Add the LimitClause information, as well
if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause)
array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
// Set the DataSource to be a Query result from ShoppingCartItem, given the clauses above
$this->DataSource = ShoppingCartItem::LoadAll($objClauses);
* Used internally by the Meta-based Add Column tools.
* Given a QQNode or a Text String, this will return a ShoppingCartItem-based QQNode.
* It will also verify that it is a proper ShoppingCartItem-based QQNode, and will throw an exception otherwise.
* @param mixed $mixContent
* @return QQNode
protected function ResolveContentItem($mixContent) {
if ($mixContent instanceof QQNode) {
if (!$mixContent->_ParentNode)
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode cannot be a Top Level Node');
if ($mixContent->_RootTableName == 'shopping_cart_item') {
if (($mixContent instanceof QQReverseReferenceNode) && !($mixContent->_PropertyName))
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode cannot go through any "To Many" association nodes.');
$objCurrentNode = $mixContent;
while ($objCurrentNode = $objCurrentNode->_ParentNode) {
if (!($objCurrentNode instanceof QQNode))
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode cannot go through any "To Many" association nodes.');
if (($objCurrentNode instanceof QQReverseReferenceNode) && !($objCurrentNode->_PropertyName))
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode cannot go through any "To Many" association nodes.');
return $mixContent;
} else
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode has a root table of "' . $mixContent->_RootTableName . '". Must be a root of "shopping_cart_item".');
} else if (is_string($mixContent)) switch ($mixContent) {
case 'ShoppingCartId': return QQN::ShoppingCartItem()->ShoppingCartId;
case 'ShoppingCart': return QQN::ShoppingCartItem()->ShoppingCart;
case 'ProductId': return QQN::ShoppingCartItem()->ProductId;
case 'Product': return QQN::ShoppingCartItem()->Product;
case 'Quantity': return QQN::ShoppingCartItem()->Quantity;
default: throw new QCallerException('Simple Property not found in ShoppingCartItemDataGrid content: ' . $mixContent);
} else if ($mixContent instanceof QQAssociationNode)
throw new QCallerException('Content QQNode cannot go through any "To Many" association nodes.');
throw new QCallerException('Invalid Content type');