Id, $intId) ); } /** * Load all ContentBlocks * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadAll($objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadAll query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray(QQ::All(), $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count all ContentBlocks * @return int */ public static function CountAll() { // Call ContentBlock::QueryCount to perform the CountAll query return ContentBlock::QueryCount(QQ::All()); } /////////////////////////////// // QCODO QUERY-RELATED METHODS /////////////////////////////// /** * Internally called method to assist with calling Qcodo Query for this class * on load methods. * @param QQueryBuilder &$objQueryBuilder the QueryBuilder object that will be created * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause object or array of QQClause objects for this query * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with (sending in null will skip the PrepareStatement step) * @param boolean $blnCountOnly only select a rowcount * @return string the query statement */ protected static function BuildQueryStatement(&$objQueryBuilder, QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, $blnCountOnly) { // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Create/Build out the QueryBuilder object with ContentBlock-specific SELET and FROM fields $objQueryBuilder = new QQueryBuilder($objDatabase, 'content_block'); ContentBlock::GetSelectFields($objQueryBuilder); $objQueryBuilder->AddFromItem('content_block'); // Set "CountOnly" option (if applicable) if ($blnCountOnly) $objQueryBuilder->SetCountOnlyFlag(); // Apply Any Conditions if ($objConditions) try { $objConditions->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Iterate through all the Optional Clauses (if any) and perform accordingly if ($objOptionalClauses) { if ($objOptionalClauses instanceof QQClause) $objOptionalClauses->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder); else if (is_array($objOptionalClauses)) foreach ($objOptionalClauses as $objClause) $objClause->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder); else throw new QCallerException('Optional Clauses must be a QQClause object or an array of QQClause objects'); } // Get the SQL Statement $strQuery = $objQueryBuilder->GetStatement(); // Prepare the Statement with the Query Parameters (if applicable) if ($mixParameterArray) { if (is_array($mixParameterArray)) { if (count($mixParameterArray)) $strQuery = $objDatabase->PrepareStatement($strQuery, $mixParameterArray); // Ensure that there are no other Unresolved Named Parameters if (strpos($strQuery, chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{') !== false) throw new QCallerException('Unresolved named parameters in the query'); } else throw new QCallerException('Parameter Array must be an array of name-value parameter pairs'); } // Return the Objects return $strQuery; } /** * Static Qcodo Query method to query for a single ContentBlock object. * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work. * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with * @return ContentBlock the queried object */ public static function QuerySingle(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) { // Get the Query Statement try { $strQuery = ContentBlock::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, false); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Perform the Query, Get the First Row, and Instantiate a new ContentBlock object $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery); return ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbResult->GetNextRow(), null, null, null, $objQueryBuilder->ColumnAliasArray); } /** * Static Qcodo Query method to query for an array of ContentBlock objects. * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work. * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with * @return ContentBlock[] the queried objects as an array */ public static function QueryArray(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) { // Get the Query Statement try { $strQuery = ContentBlock::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, false); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Array Result $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery); return ContentBlock::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult, $objQueryBuilder->ExpandAsArrayNodes, $objQueryBuilder->ColumnAliasArray); } /** * Static Qcodo Query method to query for a count of ContentBlock objects. * Uses BuildQueryStatment to perform most of the work. * @param QQCondition $objConditions any conditions on the query, itself * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClausees additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @param mixed[] $mixParameterArray a array of name-value pairs to perform PrepareStatement with * @return integer the count of queried objects as an integer */ public static function QueryCount(QQCondition $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses = null, $mixParameterArray = null) { // Get the Query Statement try { $strQuery = ContentBlock::BuildQueryStatement($objQueryBuilder, $objConditions, $objOptionalClauses, $mixParameterArray, true); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Perform the Query and return the row_count $objDbResult = $objQueryBuilder->Database->Query($strQuery); // Figure out if the query is using GroupBy $blnGrouped = false; if ($objOptionalClauses) foreach ($objOptionalClauses as $objClause) { if ($objClause instanceof QQGroupBy) { $blnGrouped = true; break; } } if ($blnGrouped) // Groups in this query - return the count of Groups (which is the count of all rows) return $objDbResult->CountRows(); else { // No Groups - return the sql-calculated count(*) value $strDbRow = $objDbResult->FetchRow(); return QType::Cast($strDbRow[0], QType::Integer); } } /* public static function QueryArrayCached($strConditions, $mixParameterArray = null) { // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Lookup the QCache for This Query Statement $objCache = new QCache('query', 'content_block_' . serialize($strConditions)); if (!($strQuery = $objCache->GetData())) { // Not Found -- Go ahead and Create/Build out a new QueryBuilder object with ContentBlock-specific fields $objQueryBuilder = new QQueryBuilder($objDatabase); ContentBlock::GetSelectFields($objQueryBuilder); ContentBlock::GetFromFields($objQueryBuilder); // Ensure the Passed-in Conditions is a string try { $strConditions = QType::Cast($strConditions, QType::String); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Create the Conditions object, and apply it $objConditions = eval('return ' . $strConditions . ';'); // Apply Any Conditions if ($objConditions) $objConditions->UpdateQueryBuilder($objQueryBuilder); // Get the SQL Statement $strQuery = $objQueryBuilder->GetStatement(); // Save the SQL Statement in the Cache $objCache->SaveData($strQuery); } // Prepare the Statement with the Parameters if ($mixParameterArray) $strQuery = $objDatabase->PrepareStatement($strQuery, $mixParameterArray); // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Array Result $objDbResult = $objDatabase->Query($strQuery); return ContentBlock::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult); }*/ /** * Updates a QQueryBuilder with the SELECT fields for this ContentBlock * @param QQueryBuilder $objBuilder the Query Builder object to update * @param string $strPrefix optional prefix to add to the SELECT fields */ public static function GetSelectFields(QQueryBuilder $objBuilder, $strPrefix = null) { if ($strPrefix) { $strTableName = $strPrefix; $strAliasPrefix = $strPrefix . '__'; } else { $strTableName = 'content_block'; $strAliasPrefix = ''; } $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'id', $strAliasPrefix . 'id'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'name', $strAliasPrefix . 'name'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'cssclass', $strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'title', $strAliasPrefix . 'title'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'description', $strAliasPrefix . 'description'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_title', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_title'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'show_description', $strAliasPrefix . 'show_description'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'collapsable', $strAliasPrefix . 'collapsable'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'sort_order', $strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'parent_content_block_id', $strAliasPrefix . 'parent_content_block_id'); $objBuilder->AddSelectItem($strTableName, 'location_id', $strAliasPrefix . 'location_id'); } /////////////////////////////// // INSTANTIATION-RELATED METHODS /////////////////////////////// /** * Instantiate a ContentBlock from a Database Row. * Takes in an optional strAliasPrefix, used in case another Object::InstantiateDbRow * is calling this ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow in order to perform * early binding on referenced objects. * @param DatabaseRowBase $objDbRow * @param string $strAliasPrefix * @param string $strExpandAsArrayNodes * @param QBaseClass $objPreviousItem * @param string[] $strColumnAliasArray * @return ContentBlock */ public static function InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix = null, $strExpandAsArrayNodes = null, $objPreviousItem = null, $strColumnAliasArray = array()) { // If blank row, return null if (!$objDbRow) return null; // See if we're doing an array expansion on the previous item $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && ($objPreviousItem) && ($objPreviousItem->intId == $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'))) { // We are. Now, prepare to check for ExpandAsArray clauses $blnExpandedViaArray = false; if (!$strAliasPrefix) $strAliasPrefix = 'content_block__'; $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) && (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) { if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objPageArray)) { $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objPageArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1]; $objChildItem = Page::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray); if ($objChildItem) $objPreviousItem->_objPageArray[] = $objChildItem; } else $objPreviousItem->_objPageArray[] = Page::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); $blnExpandedViaArray = true; } $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) && (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) { if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objContentItemArray)) { $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objContentItemArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1]; $objChildItem = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray); if ($objChildItem) $objPreviousItem->_objContentItemArray[] = $objChildItem; } else $objPreviousItem->_objContentItemArray[] = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); $blnExpandedViaArray = true; } $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) && (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) { if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objMenuArray)) { $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objMenuArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1]; $objChildItem = Menu::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray); if ($objChildItem) $objPreviousItem->_objMenuArray[] = $objChildItem; } else $objPreviousItem->_objMenuArray[] = Menu::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); $blnExpandedViaArray = true; } $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'module__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if ((array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes)) && (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName)))) { if ($intPreviousChildItemCount = count($objPreviousItem->_objModuleArray)) { $objPreviousChildItem = $objPreviousItem->_objModuleArray[$intPreviousChildItemCount - 1]; $objChildItem = Module::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'module__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objPreviousChildItem, $strColumnAliasArray); if ($objChildItem) $objPreviousItem->_objModuleArray[] = $objChildItem; } else $objPreviousItem->_objModuleArray[] = Module::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'module__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); $blnExpandedViaArray = true; } // Either return false to signal array expansion, or check-to-reset the Alias prefix and move on if ($blnExpandedViaArray) return false; else if ($strAliasPrefix == 'content_block__') $strAliasPrefix = null; } // Create a new instance of the ContentBlock object $objToReturn = new ContentBlock(); $objToReturn->__blnRestored = true; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'id'; $objToReturn->intId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'name', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'name'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'name'; $objToReturn->strName = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'cssclass'; $objToReturn->strCssclass = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'title', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'title'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'title'; $objToReturn->strTitle = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'description', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'description'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'description'; $objToReturn->strDescription = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'VarChar'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_title', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_title'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_title'; $objToReturn->blnShowTitle = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'show_description', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'show_description'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'show_description'; $objToReturn->blnShowDescription = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'collapsable', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'collapsable'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'collapsable'; $objToReturn->blnCollapsable = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Bit'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'sort_order'; $objToReturn->intSortOrder = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'parent_content_block_id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'parent_content_block_id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'parent_content_block_id'; $objToReturn->intParentContentBlockId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'); $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAliasPrefix . 'location_id', $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAliasPrefix . 'location_id'] : $strAliasPrefix . 'location_id'; $objToReturn->intLocationId = $objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName, 'Integer'); // Instantiate Virtual Attributes foreach ($objDbRow->GetColumnNameArray() as $strColumnName => $mixValue) { $strVirtualPrefix = $strAliasPrefix . '__'; $strVirtualPrefixLength = strlen($strVirtualPrefix); if (substr($strColumnName, 0, $strVirtualPrefixLength) == $strVirtualPrefix) $objToReturn->__strVirtualAttributeArray[substr($strColumnName, $strVirtualPrefixLength)] = $mixValue; } // Prepare to Check for Early/Virtual Binding if (!$strAliasPrefix) $strAliasPrefix = 'content_block__'; // Check for Page Virtual Binding $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) { if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes))) $objToReturn->_objPageArray[] = Page::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); else $objToReturn->_objPage = Page::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'page__page_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); } // Check for ContentItem Virtual Binding $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) { if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes))) $objToReturn->_objContentItemArray[] = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); else $objToReturn->_objContentItem = ContentItem::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'contentitem__content_item_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); } // Check for Menu Virtual Binding $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) { if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes))) $objToReturn->_objMenuArray[] = Menu::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); else $objToReturn->_objMenu = Menu::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'menu__menu_id__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); } // Check for Module Virtual Binding $strAlias = $strAliasPrefix . 'module__id'; $strAliasName = array_key_exists($strAlias, $strColumnAliasArray) ? $strColumnAliasArray[$strAlias] : $strAlias; if (!is_null($objDbRow->GetColumn($strAliasName))) { if (($strExpandAsArrayNodes) && (array_key_exists($strAlias, $strExpandAsArrayNodes))) $objToReturn->_objModuleArray[] = Module::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'module__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); else $objToReturn->_objModule = Module::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, $strAliasPrefix . 'module__', $strExpandAsArrayNodes, null, $strColumnAliasArray); } return $objToReturn; } /** * Instantiate an array of ContentBlocks from a Database Result * @param DatabaseResultBase $objDbResult * @param string $strExpandAsArrayNodes * @param string[] $strColumnAliasArray * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function InstantiateDbResult(QDatabaseResultBase $objDbResult, $strExpandAsArrayNodes = null, $strColumnAliasArray = null) { $objToReturn = array(); if (!$strColumnAliasArray) $strColumnAliasArray = array(); // If blank resultset, then return empty array if (!$objDbResult) return $objToReturn; // Load up the return array with each row if ($strExpandAsArrayNodes) { $objLastRowItem = null; while ($objDbRow = $objDbResult->GetNextRow()) { $objItem = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, null, $strExpandAsArrayNodes, $objLastRowItem, $strColumnAliasArray); if ($objItem) { $objToReturn[] = $objItem; $objLastRowItem = $objItem; } } } else { while ($objDbRow = $objDbResult->GetNextRow()) $objToReturn[] = ContentBlock::InstantiateDbRow($objDbRow, null, null, null, $strColumnAliasArray); } return $objToReturn; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INDEX-BASED LOAD METHODS (Single Load and Array) /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Load a single ContentBlock object, * by Id Index(es) * @param integer $intId * @return ContentBlock */ public static function LoadById($intId) { return ContentBlock::QuerySingle( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Id, $intId) ); } /** * Load a single ContentBlock object, * by Name Index(es) * @param string $strName * @return ContentBlock */ public static function LoadByName($strName) { return ContentBlock::QuerySingle( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Name, $strName) ); } /** * Load an array of ContentBlock objects, * by ParentContentBlockId Index(es) * @param integer $intParentContentBlockId * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadArrayByParentContentBlockId($intParentContentBlockId, $objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByParentContentBlockId query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->ParentContentBlockId, $intParentContentBlockId), $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count ContentBlocks * by ParentContentBlockId Index(es) * @param integer $intParentContentBlockId * @return int */ public static function CountByParentContentBlockId($intParentContentBlockId) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryCount to perform the CountByParentContentBlockId query return ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->ParentContentBlockId, $intParentContentBlockId) ); } /** * Load an array of ContentBlock objects, * by LocationId Index(es) * @param integer $intLocationId * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadArrayByLocationId($intLocationId, $objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByLocationId query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->LocationId, $intLocationId), $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count ContentBlocks * by LocationId Index(es) * @param integer $intLocationId * @return int */ public static function CountByLocationId($intLocationId) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryCount to perform the CountByLocationId query return ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->LocationId, $intLocationId) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INDEX-BASED LOAD METHODS (Array via Many to Many) //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Load an array of Page objects for a given Page * via the content_block_page_assn table * @param integer $intPageId * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadArrayByPage($intPageId, $objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByPage query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Page->PageId, $intPageId), $objOptionalClauses ); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count ContentBlocks for a given Page * via the content_block_page_assn table * @param integer $intPageId * @return int */ public static function CountByPage($intPageId) { return ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Page->PageId, $intPageId) ); } /** * Load an array of ContentItem objects for a given ContentItem * via the content_item_content_block_assn table * @param integer $intContentItemId * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadArrayByContentItem($intContentItemId, $objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByContentItem query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->ContentItem->ContentItemId, $intContentItemId), $objOptionalClauses ); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count ContentBlocks for a given ContentItem * via the content_item_content_block_assn table * @param integer $intContentItemId * @return int */ public static function CountByContentItem($intContentItemId) { return ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->ContentItem->ContentItemId, $intContentItemId) ); } /** * Load an array of Menu objects for a given Menu * via the menu_content_block_assn table * @param integer $intMenuId * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentBlock[] */ public static function LoadArrayByMenu($intMenuId, $objOptionalClauses = null) { // Call ContentBlock::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByMenu query try { return ContentBlock::QueryArray( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Menu->MenuId, $intMenuId), $objOptionalClauses ); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Count ContentBlocks for a given Menu * via the menu_content_block_assn table * @param integer $intMenuId * @return int */ public static function CountByMenu($intMenuId) { return ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Menu->MenuId, $intMenuId) ); } ////////////////////////// // SAVE, DELETE AND RELOAD ////////////////////////// /** * Save this ContentBlock * @param bool $blnForceInsert * @param bool $blnForceUpdate * @return int */ public function Save($blnForceInsert = false, $blnForceUpdate = false) { // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); $mixToReturn = null; try { if ((!$this->__blnRestored) || ($blnForceInsert)) { // Perform an INSERT query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' INSERT INTO `content_block` ( `name`, `cssclass`, `title`, `description`, `show_title`, `show_description`, `collapsable`, `sort_order`, `parent_content_block_id`, `location_id` ) VALUES ( ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strName) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strCssclass) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strTitle) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strDescription) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnShowTitle) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnShowDescription) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnCollapsable) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intSortOrder) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intParentContentBlockId) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intLocationId) . ' ) '); // Update Identity column and return its value $mixToReturn = $this->intId = $objDatabase->InsertId('content_block', 'id'); } else { // Perform an UPDATE query // First checking for Optimistic Locking constraints (if applicable) // Perform the UPDATE query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' UPDATE `content_block` SET `name` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strName) . ', `cssclass` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strCssclass) . ', `title` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strTitle) . ', `description` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->strDescription) . ', `show_title` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnShowTitle) . ', `show_description` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnShowDescription) . ', `collapsable` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->blnCollapsable) . ', `sort_order` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intSortOrder) . ', `parent_content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intParentContentBlockId) . ', `location_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intLocationId) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } // Update __blnRestored and any Non-Identity PK Columns (if applicable) $this->__blnRestored = true; // Return return $mixToReturn; } /** * Delete this ContentBlock * @return void */ public function Delete() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Cannot delete this ContentBlock with an unset primary key.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_block` WHERE `id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ''); } /** * Delete all ContentBlocks * @return void */ public static function DeleteAll() { // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_block`'); } /** * Truncate content_block table * @return void */ public static function Truncate() { // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' TRUNCATE `content_block`'); } /** * Reload this ContentBlock from the database. * @return void */ public function Reload() { // Make sure we are actually Restored from the database if (!$this->__blnRestored) throw new QCallerException('Cannot call Reload() on a new, unsaved ContentBlock object.'); // Reload the Object $objReloaded = ContentBlock::Load($this->intId); // Update $this's local variables to match $this->strName = $objReloaded->strName; $this->strCssclass = $objReloaded->strCssclass; $this->strTitle = $objReloaded->strTitle; $this->strDescription = $objReloaded->strDescription; $this->blnShowTitle = $objReloaded->blnShowTitle; $this->blnShowDescription = $objReloaded->blnShowDescription; $this->blnCollapsable = $objReloaded->blnCollapsable; $this->intSortOrder = $objReloaded->intSortOrder; $this->intParentContentBlockId = $objReloaded->intParentContentBlockId; $this->intLocationId = $objReloaded->intLocationId; } //////////////////// // GETTORS AND SETTORS //////////////////// /** * Lookup a VirtualAttribute value (if applicable). Returns NULL if none found. * @param string $strName * @return string */ public function GetVirtualAttribute($strName) { if (array_key_exists($strName, $this->__strVirtualAttributeArray)) return $this->__strVirtualAttributeArray[$strName]; return null; } /** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Id': /** * Gets the value for intId (Read-Only PK) * @return integer */ return $this->intId; case 'Name': /** * Gets the value for strName (Unique) * @return string */ return $this->strName; case 'Cssclass': /** * Gets the value for strCssclass * @return string */ return $this->strCssclass; case 'Title': /** * Gets the value for strTitle * @return string */ return $this->strTitle; case 'Description': /** * Gets the value for strDescription * @return string */ return $this->strDescription; case 'ShowTitle': /** * Gets the value for blnShowTitle (Not Null) * @return boolean */ return $this->blnShowTitle; case 'ShowDescription': /** * Gets the value for blnShowDescription (Not Null) * @return boolean */ return $this->blnShowDescription; case 'Collapsable': /** * Gets the value for blnCollapsable (Not Null) * @return boolean */ return $this->blnCollapsable; case 'SortOrder': /** * Gets the value for intSortOrder (Not Null) * @return integer */ return $this->intSortOrder; case 'ParentContentBlockId': /** * Gets the value for intParentContentBlockId * @return integer */ return $this->intParentContentBlockId; case 'LocationId': /** * Gets the value for intLocationId (Not Null) * @return integer */ return $this->intLocationId; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// case '_Page': /** * Gets the value for the private _objPage (Read-Only) * if set due to an expansion on the content_block_page_assn association table * @return Page */ return $this->_objPage; case '_PageArray': /** * Gets the value for the private _objPageArray (Read-Only) * if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the content_block_page_assn association table * @return Page[] */ return (array) $this->_objPageArray; case '_ContentItem': /** * Gets the value for the private _objContentItem (Read-Only) * if set due to an expansion on the content_item_content_block_assn association table * @return ContentItem */ return $this->_objContentItem; case '_ContentItemArray': /** * Gets the value for the private _objContentItemArray (Read-Only) * if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the content_item_content_block_assn association table * @return ContentItem[] */ return (array) $this->_objContentItemArray; case '_Menu': /** * Gets the value for the private _objMenu (Read-Only) * if set due to an expansion on the menu_content_block_assn association table * @return Menu */ return $this->_objMenu; case '_MenuArray': /** * Gets the value for the private _objMenuArray (Read-Only) * if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the menu_content_block_assn association table * @return Menu[] */ return (array) $this->_objMenuArray; case '_Module': /** * Gets the value for the private _objModule (Read-Only) * if set due to an expansion on the module.content_block_id reverse relationship * @return Module */ return $this->_objModule; case '_ModuleArray': /** * Gets the value for the private _objModuleArray (Read-Only) * if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the module.content_block_id reverse relationship * @return Module[] */ return (array) $this->_objModuleArray; case '__Restored': return $this->__blnRestored; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } /** * Override method to perform a property "Set" * This will set the property $strName to be $mixValue * * @param string $strName Name of the property to set * @param string $mixValue New value of the property * @return mixed */ public function __set($strName, $mixValue) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Name': /** * Sets the value for strName (Unique) * @param string $mixValue * @return string */ try { return ($this->strName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'Cssclass': /** * Sets the value for strCssclass * @param string $mixValue * @return string */ try { return ($this->strCssclass = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'Title': /** * Sets the value for strTitle * @param string $mixValue * @return string */ try { return ($this->strTitle = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'Description': /** * Sets the value for strDescription * @param string $mixValue * @return string */ try { return ($this->strDescription = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'ShowTitle': /** * Sets the value for blnShowTitle (Not Null) * @param boolean $mixValue * @return boolean */ try { return ($this->blnShowTitle = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'ShowDescription': /** * Sets the value for blnShowDescription (Not Null) * @param boolean $mixValue * @return boolean */ try { return ($this->blnShowDescription = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'Collapsable': /** * Sets the value for blnCollapsable (Not Null) * @param boolean $mixValue * @return boolean */ try { return ($this->blnCollapsable = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'SortOrder': /** * Sets the value for intSortOrder (Not Null) * @param integer $mixValue * @return integer */ try { return ($this->intSortOrder = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'ParentContentBlockId': /** * Sets the value for intParentContentBlockId * @param integer $mixValue * @return integer */ try { return ($this->intParentContentBlockId = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'LocationId': /** * Sets the value for intLocationId (Not Null) * @param integer $mixValue * @return integer */ try { return ($this->intLocationId = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// default: try { return parent::__set($strName, $mixValue); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } /////////////////////////////// // ASSOCIATED OBJECTS' METHODS /////////////////////////////// // Related Objects' Methods for Module //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets all associated Modules as an array of Module objects * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return Module[] */ public function GetModuleArray($objOptionalClauses = null) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return array(); try { return Module::LoadArrayByContentBlockId($this->intId, $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Counts all associated Modules * @return int */ public function CountModules() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return 0; return Module::CountByContentBlockId($this->intId); } /** * Associates a Module * @param Module $objModule * @return void */ public function AssociateModule(Module $objModule) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateModule on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objModule->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateModule on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Module.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' UPDATE `module` SET `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objModule->Id) . ' '); } /** * Unassociates a Module * @param Module $objModule * @return void */ public function UnassociateModule(Module $objModule) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objModule->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Module.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' UPDATE `module` SET `content_block_id` = null WHERE `id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objModule->Id) . ' AND `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } /** * Unassociates all Modules * @return void */ public function UnassociateAllModules() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' UPDATE `module` SET `content_block_id` = null WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } /** * Deletes an associated Module * @param Module $objModule * @return void */ public function DeleteAssociatedModule(Module $objModule) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objModule->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Module.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `module` WHERE `id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objModule->Id) . ' AND `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } /** * Deletes all associated Modules * @return void */ public function DeleteAllModules() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateModule on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `module` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } // Related Many-to-Many Objects' Methods for Page //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets all many-to-many associated Pages as an array of Page objects * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return Page[] */ public function GetPageArray($objOptionalClauses = null) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return array(); try { return Page::LoadArrayByContentBlock($this->intId, $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Counts all many-to-many associated Pages * @return int */ public function CountPages() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return 0; return Page::CountByContentBlock($this->intId); } /** * Checks to see if an association exists with a specific Page * @param Page $objPage * @return bool */ public function IsPageAssociated(Page $objPage) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsPageAssociated on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objPage->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsPageAssociated on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Page.'); $intRowCount = ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::AndCondition( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Id, $this->intId), QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Page->PageId, $objPage->Id) ) ); return ($intRowCount > 0); } /** * Associates a Page * @param Page $objPage * @return void */ public function AssociatePage(Page $objPage) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociatePage on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objPage->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociatePage on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Page.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' INSERT INTO `content_block_page_assn` ( `content_block_id`, `page_id` ) VALUES ( ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objPage->Id) . ' ) '); } /** * Unassociates a Page * @param Page $objPage * @return void */ public function UnassociatePage(Page $objPage) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociatePage on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objPage->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociatePage on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Page.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_block_page_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' AND `page_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objPage->Id) . ' '); } /** * Unassociates all Pages * @return void */ public function UnassociateAllPages() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateAllPageArray on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_block_page_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } // Related Many-to-Many Objects' Methods for ContentItem //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets all many-to-many associated ContentItems as an array of ContentItem objects * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return ContentItem[] */ public function GetContentItemArray($objOptionalClauses = null) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return array(); try { return ContentItem::LoadArrayByContentBlock($this->intId, $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Counts all many-to-many associated ContentItems * @return int */ public function CountContentItems() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return 0; return ContentItem::CountByContentBlock($this->intId); } /** * Checks to see if an association exists with a specific ContentItem * @param ContentItem $objContentItem * @return bool */ public function IsContentItemAssociated(ContentItem $objContentItem) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsContentItemAssociated on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objContentItem->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsContentItemAssociated on this ContentBlock with an unsaved ContentItem.'); $intRowCount = ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::AndCondition( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Id, $this->intId), QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->ContentItem->ContentItemId, $objContentItem->Id) ) ); return ($intRowCount > 0); } /** * Associates a ContentItem * @param ContentItem $objContentItem * @return void */ public function AssociateContentItem(ContentItem $objContentItem) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateContentItem on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objContentItem->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateContentItem on this ContentBlock with an unsaved ContentItem.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' INSERT INTO `content_item_content_block_assn` ( `content_block_id`, `content_item_id` ) VALUES ( ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objContentItem->Id) . ' ) '); } /** * Unassociates a ContentItem * @param ContentItem $objContentItem * @return void */ public function UnassociateContentItem(ContentItem $objContentItem) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateContentItem on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objContentItem->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateContentItem on this ContentBlock with an unsaved ContentItem.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_item_content_block_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' AND `content_item_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objContentItem->Id) . ' '); } /** * Unassociates all ContentItems * @return void */ public function UnassociateAllContentItems() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateAllContentItemArray on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `content_item_content_block_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } // Related Many-to-Many Objects' Methods for Menu //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets all many-to-many associated Menus as an array of Menu objects * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query * @return Menu[] */ public function GetMenuArray($objOptionalClauses = null) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return array(); try { return Menu::LoadArrayByContentBlock($this->intId, $objOptionalClauses); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } /** * Counts all many-to-many associated Menus * @return int */ public function CountMenus() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) return 0; return Menu::CountByContentBlock($this->intId); } /** * Checks to see if an association exists with a specific Menu * @param Menu $objMenu * @return bool */ public function IsMenuAssociated(Menu $objMenu) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsMenuAssociated on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objMenu->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call IsMenuAssociated on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Menu.'); $intRowCount = ContentBlock::QueryCount( QQ::AndCondition( QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Id, $this->intId), QQ::Equal(QQN::ContentBlock()->Menu->MenuId, $objMenu->Id) ) ); return ($intRowCount > 0); } /** * Associates a Menu * @param Menu $objMenu * @return void */ public function AssociateMenu(Menu $objMenu) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateMenu on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objMenu->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call AssociateMenu on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Menu.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' INSERT INTO `menu_content_block_assn` ( `content_block_id`, `menu_id` ) VALUES ( ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ', ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objMenu->Id) . ' ) '); } /** * Unassociates a Menu * @param Menu $objMenu * @return void */ public function UnassociateMenu(Menu $objMenu) { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateMenu on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); if ((is_null($objMenu->Id))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateMenu on this ContentBlock with an unsaved Menu.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `menu_content_block_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' AND `menu_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($objMenu->Id) . ' '); } /** * Unassociates all Menus * @return void */ public function UnassociateAllMenus() { if ((is_null($this->intId))) throw new QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException('Unable to call UnassociateAllMenuArray on this unsaved ContentBlock.'); // Get the Database Object for this Class $objDatabase = ContentBlock::GetDatabase(); // Perform the SQL Query $objDatabase->NonQuery(' DELETE FROM `menu_content_block_assn` WHERE `content_block_id` = ' . $objDatabase->SqlVariable($this->intId) . ' '); } } ///////////////////////////////////// // ADDITIONAL CLASSES for QCODO QUERY ///////////////////////////////////// class QQNodeContentBlockPage extends QQAssociationNode { protected $strType = 'association'; protected $strName = 'page'; protected $strTableName = 'content_block_page_assn'; protected $strPrimaryKey = 'content_block_id'; protected $strClassName = 'Page'; public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'PageId': return new QQNode('page_id', 'PageId', 'integer', $this); case 'Page': return new QQNodePage('page_id', 'PageId', 'integer', $this); case '_ChildTableNode': return new QQNodePage('page_id', 'PageId', 'integer', $this); default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } class QQNodeContentBlockContentItem extends QQAssociationNode { protected $strType = 'association'; protected $strName = 'contentitem'; protected $strTableName = 'content_item_content_block_assn'; protected $strPrimaryKey = 'content_block_id'; protected $strClassName = 'ContentItem'; public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'ContentItemId': return new QQNode('content_item_id', 'ContentItemId', 'integer', $this); case 'ContentItem': return new QQNodeContentItem('content_item_id', 'ContentItemId', 'integer', $this); case '_ChildTableNode': return new QQNodeContentItem('content_item_id', 'ContentItemId', 'integer', $this); default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } class QQNodeContentBlockMenu extends QQAssociationNode { protected $strType = 'association'; protected $strName = 'menu'; protected $strTableName = 'menu_content_block_assn'; protected $strPrimaryKey = 'content_block_id'; protected $strClassName = 'Menu'; public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'MenuId': return new QQNode('menu_id', 'MenuId', 'integer', $this); case 'Menu': return new QQNodeMenu('menu_id', 'MenuId', 'integer', $this); case '_ChildTableNode': return new QQNodeMenu('menu_id', 'MenuId', 'integer', $this); default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } class QQNodeContentBlock extends QQNode { protected $strTableName = 'content_block'; protected $strPrimaryKey = 'id'; protected $strClassName = 'ContentBlock'; public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'Id': return new QQNode('id', 'Id', 'integer', $this); case 'Name': return new QQNode('name', 'Name', 'string', $this); case 'Cssclass': return new QQNode('cssclass', 'Cssclass', 'string', $this); case 'Title': return new QQNode('title', 'Title', 'string', $this); case 'Description': return new QQNode('description', 'Description', 'string', $this); case 'ShowTitle': return new QQNode('show_title', 'ShowTitle', 'boolean', $this); case 'ShowDescription': return new QQNode('show_description', 'ShowDescription', 'boolean', $this); case 'Collapsable': return new QQNode('collapsable', 'Collapsable', 'boolean', $this); case 'SortOrder': return new QQNode('sort_order', 'SortOrder', 'integer', $this); case 'ParentContentBlockId': return new QQNode('parent_content_block_id', 'ParentContentBlockId', 'integer', $this); case 'LocationId': return new QQNode('location_id', 'LocationId', 'integer', $this); case 'Page': return new QQNodeContentBlockPage($this); case 'ContentItem': return new QQNodeContentBlockContentItem($this); case 'Menu': return new QQNodeContentBlockMenu($this); case 'Module': return new QQReverseReferenceNodeModule($this, 'module', 'reverse_reference', 'content_block_id'); case '_PrimaryKeyNode': return new QQNode('id', 'Id', 'integer', $this); default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } class QQReverseReferenceNodeContentBlock extends QQReverseReferenceNode { protected $strTableName = 'content_block'; protected $strPrimaryKey = 'id'; protected $strClassName = 'ContentBlock'; public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'Id': return new QQNode('id', 'Id', 'integer', $this); case 'Name': return new QQNode('name', 'Name', 'string', $this); case 'Cssclass': return new QQNode('cssclass', 'Cssclass', 'string', $this); case 'Title': return new QQNode('title', 'Title', 'string', $this); case 'Description': return new QQNode('description', 'Description', 'string', $this); case 'ShowTitle': return new QQNode('show_title', 'ShowTitle', 'boolean', $this); case 'ShowDescription': return new QQNode('show_description', 'ShowDescription', 'boolean', $this); case 'Collapsable': return new QQNode('collapsable', 'Collapsable', 'boolean', $this); case 'SortOrder': return new QQNode('sort_order', 'SortOrder', 'integer', $this); case 'ParentContentBlockId': return new QQNode('parent_content_block_id', 'ParentContentBlockId', 'integer', $this); case 'LocationId': return new QQNode('location_id', 'LocationId', 'integer', $this); case 'Page': return new QQNodeContentBlockPage($this); case 'ContentItem': return new QQNodeContentBlockContentItem($this); case 'Menu': return new QQNodeContentBlockMenu($this); case 'Module': return new QQReverseReferenceNodeModule($this, 'module', 'reverse_reference', 'content_block_id'); case '_PrimaryKeyNode': return new QQNode('id', 'Id', 'integer', $this); default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } ?>