- <?php
- /**
- * This is the abstract Panel class for the List All functionality
- * of the MenuItem class. This code-generated class
- * contains a datagrid to display an HTML page that can
- * list a collection of MenuItem objects. It includes
- * functionality to perform pagination and sorting on columns.
- *
- * To take advantage of some (or all) of these control objects, you
- * must create a new QPanel which extends this MenuItemListPanelBase
- * class.
- *
- * Any and all changes to this file will be overwritten with any subsequent re-
- * code generation.
- *
- * @package Quinta
- * @subpackage AdminUI
- *
- */
- class MenuItemListPanel extends QPanel {
- // Local instance of the Meta DataGrid to list MenuItems
- public $dtgMenuItems;
- // Other public QControls in this panel
- public $btnCreateNew;
- public $pxyEdit;
- // Callback Method Names
- protected $strSetEditPanelMethod;
- protected $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
- public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
- // Call the Parent
- try {
- parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- // Record Method Callbacks
- $this->strSetEditPanelMethod = $strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod = $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
- // Setup the Template
- $this->Template = 'MenuItemListPanel.tpl.php';
- // Instantiate the Meta DataGrid
- $this->dtgMenuItems = new MenuItemDataGrid($this);
- // Style the DataGrid (if desired)
- $this->dtgMenuItems->CssClass = 'datagrid';
- $this->dtgMenuItems->AlternateRowStyle->CssClass = 'alternate';
- // Add Pagination (if desired)
- $this->dtgMenuItems->Paginator = new QPaginator($this->dtgMenuItems);
- $this->dtgMenuItems->ItemsPerPage = 8;
- // Use the MetaDataGrid functionality to add Columns for this datagrid
- // Create an Edit Column
- $this->pxyEdit = new QControlProxy($this);
- $this->pxyEdit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'pxyEdit_Click'));
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddEditProxyColumn($this->pxyEdit, 'Edit', 'Edit');
- // Create the Other Columns (note that you can use strings for menu_item's properties, or you
- // can traverse down QQN::menu_item() to display fields that are down the hierarchy)
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('Id');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('Name');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('CssClass');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('Label');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('Uri');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('IsLocal');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('IsSsl');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn('SortOrder');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddTypeColumn('StatusId', 'MenuStatusType');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddTypeColumn('TypeId', 'MenuItemType');
- $this->dtgMenuItems->MetaAddColumn(QQN::MenuItem()->Page);
- // Setup the Create New button
- $this->btnCreateNew = new QButton($this);
- $this->btnCreateNew->Text = QApplication::Translate('Create a New') . ' ' . QApplication::Translate('MenuItem');
- $this->btnCreateNew->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnCreateNew_Click'));
- }
- public function pxyEdit_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
- $strParameterArray = explode(',', $strParameter);
- $objEditPanel = new MenuItemEditPanel($this, $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strParameterArray[0]);
- $strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->objForm->$strMethodName($objEditPanel);
- }
- public function btnCreateNew_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
- $objEditPanel = new MenuItemEditPanel($this, $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, null);
- $strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->objForm->$strMethodName($objEditPanel);
- }
- }
- ?>