A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1001 B

class QImageControl extends QImageControlBase {
// If you wish to set a cache for the generated images so that they
// are not dynamically recreated every time, specify a default CacheFolder here.
// The Cache Folder is an absolute folder location relative to the root of the
// qcodo application. So for example, if you have the qcodo application installed
// at /var/web/wwwroot/my_application, and if docroot is "/var/web/wwwroot" and if
// you therefore have a subfolder defined as "/my_application", then if you specify
// a CacheFolder of "/text_images", the following will happen:
// * Cached images will be stored at /var/web/wwwroot/my_application/text_images/...
// * Cached images will be accessed by <img src="/my_application/text_images/...">
// Remember: CacheFolder *must* have a leading "/" and no trailing "/", and also
// be sure that the webserver process has WRITE access to the CacheFolder, itself.
protected $strCacheFolder = null;