A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This is the Column class used by the QFilteredDataGrid. It contains all column-specific
* information, such as the filter information to use, and the size of this column's textbox
* This is released under the MIT license. See the README.txt file for more details.
* @author Ryan Peters rpeters@icomproductions.ca
* @copyright ICOM Productions, Inc. 2006-2008
* @name QFilteredDataGridColumn
* @package QFilteredDataGrid
* @subpackage QFilteredDataGridColumn
* @version 4.1.0
//newly added custom filters allowing us to specify custom conditions
//Gagandeep Grewal
//Cleaned up by gibran (reset not a filter type, QQCondition filter type support, misc changes)
abstract class QFilterType {
const None = '';
const TextFilter = 'Text';
const ListFilter = 'Advanced List';
class QFilteredDataGridColumn extends QDataGridColumn {
protected $arrFilterByCommand = null; //depreciated
protected $FilterBoxSize = '10';
protected $strFilterType = QFilterType::None;
protected $intFilterColId = null;
protected $arrFilterList = array();
//The filter this column has applied
protected $objFilter = null;
//a Filter that gets applied in addition to $Filter when the user filters on this column
protected $objFilterCustom = null;
protected $strFilterPrefix = '';
protected $strFilterPostfix = '';
// Public Properties: GET
public function __get($strName) {
switch ($strName) {
case "FilterByCommand": return $this->arrFilterByCommand;
case "FilterBoxSize": return $this->FilterBoxSize;
case "FilterType": return $this->strFilterType;
case "FilterList": return $this->arrFilterList;
case "FilterColId": return $this->intFilterColId;
case "FilterPrefix": return $this->strFilterPrefix;
case "FilterPostfix": return $this->strFilterPostfix;
case "FilterCustom": return $this->objFilterCustom;
case "Filter": return $this->objFilter;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Public Properties: SET
public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
switch ($strName) {
case "FilterCustom":
try {
$this->objFilterCustom = $mixValue;
} catch(QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterPrefix":
try {
$this->strFilterPrefix = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterPostfix":
try {
$this->strFilterPostfix = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterType":
try {
$this->strFilterType= QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterColId":
try {
$this->intFilterColId = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterByCommand": //depreciated
try {
$arr = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
//ensure pre and postfix exist
$arr['prefix'] = '';
$arr['postfix'] = '';
$this->arrFilterByCommand = $arr;
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "Filter":
try {
//if($mixValue instanceof Filter)
// $this->objFilter = $mixValue;
$this->arrFilterList = array($mixValue);
} catch(QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterBoxSize":
try {
$this->FilterBoxSize = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
$this->FilterType = 'Text';
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "FilterList":
try {
$this->arrFilterList = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
$this->strFilterType = 'List';
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
try {
parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function AddListItem($arg1=null, $arg2=null) {
return $this->FilterAddListItem($arg1, $arg2);
//creates and advanced list or a simple list for a column
//2 ways of calling the fuction: specify only one paramter and it should be an advanced list item
//the other way is to call it using 2 parameters with first one being a name and other a value
public function FilterAddListItem($arg1=null, $arg2=null) {
if($this->arrFilterList === null)
$this->arrFilterList = array();
if($arg1 instanceof AdvancedListItem) {
$this->arrFilterList[$arg1->Name] = $arg1->Filter;
//since we are adding an advanced list item make sure to set the
//filter type for the column appropriately too
$this->strFilterType = QFilterType::ListFilter;
elseif($arg1 !== null && $arg2 instanceof QQCondition)
//they passed in a name, condition pair
$this->arrFilterList[$arg1] = $arg2;
$this->strFilterType = QFilterType::ListFilter;
//else we are trying to make a simple list but make sure the name is supplied
elseif ($arg1 !== null){
$this->arrFilterList[$arg1] = $arg2;
$this->strFilterType = "List";
//else fail the function and let the user know about correct use of parameters
else {
throw new Exception("Please specify a single AdvancedListItem OR a name and value pair OR a name and QQCondition pair as parameters.");
public function FilterActivate($strIndex = 0) {
if ($this->strFilterType == QFilterType::TextFilter && count($this->arrFilterList) > 1) {
throw new Exception('Trying to activate a Filter when multiple filters are stored (potential ListFilter).');
//really, this shouldn't happen
if(null === $strIndex)
return $this->FilterClear();
$this->objFilter = $this->arrFilterList[$strIndex];
return true;
public function FilterSetOperand($mixOperand) {
try {
if(null === $this->objFilter)
elseif($this->objFilter instanceof QQConditionComparison)
if ($mixOperand instanceof QQNamedValue)
$this->objFilter->mixOperand = $mixOperand;
else if ($mixOperand instanceof QQAssociationNode)
throw new QInvalidCastException('Comparison operand cannot be an Association-based QQNode', 3);
else if ($mixOperand instanceof QQCondition)
throw new QInvalidCastException('Comparison operand cannot be a QQCondition', 3);
else if ($mixOperand instanceof QQClause)
throw new QInvalidCastException('Comparison operand cannot be a QQClause', 3);
else if (!($mixOperand instanceof QQNode)) {
$mixOperand = $this->strFilterPrefix . $mixOperand . $this->strFilterPostfix;
$this->objFilter->mixOperand = $mixOperand;
} else {
if (!$mixOperand->_ParentNode)
throw new QInvalidCastException('Unable to cast "' . $mixOperand->_Name . '" table to Column-based QQNode', 3);
$this->objFilter->mixOperand = $mixOperand;
elseif($this->objFilter instanceof Filter)
$this->objFilter->Value = $mixOperand;
throw new Exception('Trying to set Operand on a filter that does not take operands');
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function btnReset_Click()
public function FilterClear()
$this->objFilter = null;
if($this->arrFilterByCommand !== null)
$this->arrFilterByCommand['value'] = null;