A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
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* This is the Filtered Data Grid class that extends the basic QDataGrid with an additional filter
* row and also generates the FilterInfo array needed to pass into the LoadArrayByArray function.
* This is released under the MIT license. See the README.txt file for more details.
* @author Ryan Peters rpeters@icomproductions.ca
* @copyright ICOM Productions, Inc. 2006-2008
* @name QFilteredDataGrid
* @package QFilteredDataGrid
* @subpackage QFilteredDataGrid
* @version 4.1.0
//TODO: provide <,>,<=,>= and = comparisons for numbers in filter
//Cleaned up by gibran (reset not a filter type, QQCondition filter type support, misc changes)
class QFilteredDataGrid extends QDataGrid {
// DataGrid Preferences
public $objFilterWaitIcon = null;
protected $objFilterRowStyle = null;
protected $blnFilterShow = true;
protected $blnFilterButtonShow = true;
protected $blnFilterResetButtonShow = true;
protected $intCurrentColumnId = 1;
protected $btnFilter;
protected $btnFilterReset;
// Feel free to specify global display preferences/defaults for all QDataGrid controls
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$this->objFilterRowStyle = new QDataGridRowStyle();
* Create the row used for datagrid filtering
* @return string $strToReturn of html table row
protected function GetFilterRowHtml() {
$objFilterStyle = $this->objRowStyle->ApplyOverride($this->objFilterRowStyle);
$strToReturn = sprintf(' <tr %s>'."\r\n", $objFilterStyle->GetAttributes());
$intColumnIndex = 0;
if($this->objColumnArray !== null)
for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < count($this->objColumnArray); $intIndex++)
$objColumn = $this->objColumnArray[$intIndex];
$colContent = '&nbsp;';
if ($objColumn instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && ($objColumn->Filter !== null || $objColumn->FilterByCommand !== null || $objColumn->FilterType != QFilterType::None)) {
// This Column is Filterable
$ctlFilter = $this->GetFilterControl($objColumn);
if(null !== $ctlFilter)
//display the control
$colContent = $ctlFilter->Render(false);
if($intIndex == count($this->objColumnArray) -1)
if ($this->FilterResetButtonShow)
$colContent .= $this->btnFilterReset->Render(false);
if ($this->FilterResetButtonShow && $this->FilterButtonShow)
$colContent .= '&nbsp;';
if ($this->FilterButtonShow)
$colContent .= $this->btnFilter->Render(false);
$colContent .= $this->objFilterWaitIcon->Render(false);
$strToReturn .= sprintf(' <th %s>%s</th>'."\r\n",
$strToReturn .= ' </tr>'."\r\n";
return $strToReturn;
protected function GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn) {
if ($objColumn->FilterColId === null)
$objColumn->FilterColId = $this->intCurrentColumnId++;
return 'ctl'.$this->ControlId.'flt'.$objColumn->FilterColId;
protected function GetFilterControl($objColumn)
$intControlId = $this->GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn);
//find/build the control
if(($ctlFilter = $this->GetChildControl($intControlId)) === null)
//create the control this first time
$ctlFilter = $this->CreateFilterControl($intControlId, $objColumn);
return $ctlFilter;
* CreateControls used in the filter row and set their fiter values if available.
* @param string $intControlId id based on the column that the control is contained
* @param QFilteredDataGridColumn $objColumn the QFilteredDataGridColumn that contains the filter data.
* @return QControl $control the input control used for filtering
//this, btnReset_Click and GetControlValue are the functions to override/change if you want to add new types
protected function CreateFilterControl($intControlId, $objColumn)
//show the current filter in the control
$value = null;
if (isset($objColumn->FilterByCommand['value']))
$value = $objColumn->FilterByCommand['value'];
if (null !==$objColumn->Filter && null !== $objColumn->Filter->Value)
$value = $objColumn->Filter->Value;
if (null !==$objColumn->Filter && $objColumn->FilterType == QFilterType::ListFilter)
$value = array_search($objColumn->Filter,$objColumn->FilterList);
//create the appropriate kind of control
$actionName = 'btnFilter_Click';
$ctlFilter = null;
case QFilterType::TextFilter:
$ctlFilter = $this->filterTextBox_Create($intControlId, $objColumn->Name, $objColumn->FilterBoxSize, $value);
case "List":
$ctlFilter = $this->listBox_Create($intControlId, $objColumn->Name, $objColumn->FilterList, $value);
case QFilterType::ListFilter:
$ctlFilter = $this->filterListBox_Create($intControlId, $objColumn->Name, $objColumn->FilterList, $value);
if(null !== $ctlFilter)
//make sure hitting enter applies the filter
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, $actionName, $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, $actionName));
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
return $ctlFilter;
* Get the control's filter input for filtering
* @param string $type id based on the column that the control is contained
* @param obj $control the filter control to get the filter input
* @return string $value the input used for filtering
//this, btnReset_Click and CreateControl are the functions to override/change if you want to add new types
protected function GetFilterControlValue($strFilterType, $ctlControl) {
//depending on the control, the members used to store the value are different
$strValue = null;
switch($strFilterType) {
case QFilterType::TextFilter:
$strValue = $ctlControl->Text;
if($strValue == '')
$strValue = null;
case "List":
case QFilterType::ListFilter:
$strValue = $ctlControl->SelectedValue;
return $strValue;
protected function filterTextBox_Create($intControlId, $strControlName, $columns, $strValue) {
$ctlFilterTextBox = new QTextBox($this, $intControlId);
$ctlFilterTextBox->Name = $strControlName;
$ctlFilterTextBox->Text = QType::Cast($strValue, QType::String);
$ctlFilterTextBox->FontSize = $this->RowStyle->FontSize;
$ctlFilterTextBox->Columns = $columns;
return $ctlFilterTextBox;
protected function listBox_Create($controlId, $controlName, $list, $value)
$listbox = new QListBox($this, $controlId);
$listbox->Name = $controlName;
$listbox->AddItem('- '.QApplication::Translate('Any').' -', null);
//fill it with the supplied name=>value pairs, ensuring any current choices are selected
foreach ($list as $itemName=>$itemValue)
$objListItem = new QListItem($itemName, $itemValue);
if ($value === $itemValue)
$objListItem->Selected = true;
return $listbox;
protected function filterListBox_Create($intControlId, $strControlName, $arrListValues, $strSelectedValue)
$ctlFilterListbox = new QListBox($this, $intControlId);
$ctlFilterListbox->Name = $strControlName;
$ctlFilterListbox->FontSize = $this->RowStyle->FontSize;
$ctlFilterListbox->Width = 'auto';
//Now fill up the advanced list
foreach (array_keys($arrListValues) as $strFilterName) {
$ctlFilterListbox->SelectedName = $strSelectedValue;
return $ctlFilterListbox;
protected function btnFilterReset_Create() {
$this->btnFilterReset = new QButton($this);
$this->btnFilterReset->Text = QApplication::Translate('Reset');;
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnFilterReset_Click', $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'btnFilterReset_Click'));
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
//create the filter button
protected function btnFilter_Create()
$this->btnFilter = new QButton($this);
$this->btnFilter->Name = QApplication::Translate('Filter');
$this->btnFilter->Text = QApplication::Translate('Filter');
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnFilter_Click', $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'btnFilter_Click'));
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
$this->btnFilter->CausesValidation = false;
protected function objWaitIcon_Create()
$this->objFilterWaitIcon = new QWaitIcon($this);
* For each column, get its input filter value and set the columns filter with it.
* @param $strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter
public function btnFilter_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
//set the filter commands
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $objColumn)
if ($objColumn instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && ($objColumn->FilterByCommand !== null || $objColumn->FilterType != QFilterType::None))
$ctlFilter = $this->GetChildControl($this->GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn));
if($ctlFilter !== null)
$strValue = $this->GetFilterControlValue($objColumn->FilterType, $ctlFilter);
if ($objColumn->FilterByCommand !== null)
//update the column's filterByCommand with the user-entered value
$filter = $objColumn->FilterByCommand;
if($strValue !== null && $objColumn->FilterType !== "Reset")
$filter['value'] = $strValue;
else if(isset($filter['value']))
$objColumn->FilterByCommand = $filter;
//Handle the other methods differently
elseif($strValue !== null)
switch($objColumn->FilterType) {
case QFilterType::ListFilter:
case QFilterType::TextFilter;
//reset to page 1
if ($this->objPaginator)
$this->PageNumber = 1;
public function btnReset_Click()
* Clear all filter column control input values.
* @param $strFormId = null, $strControlId = null, $strParameter = null
//this, GetControlValue and CreateControl are the functions to override/change if you want to add new types
public function btnFilterReset_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
//set the filter commands
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $objColumn)
if ($objColumn instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn)
if($objColumn->FilterByCommand !== null)
//legacy mode
$filter = $this->GetChildControl($this->GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn));
if($filter) switch($objColumn->FilterType)
case QFilterType::TextFilter:
$filter->Text = '';
case "List":
$filter->SelectedIndex = 0;
case "Reset":
elseif($objColumn->FilterType != QFilterType::None)
//normal mode
$ctlFilter = $this->GetChildControl($this->GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn));
if ($ctlFilter !== null)
case QFilterType::TextFilter:
$ctlFilter->Text = '';
case 'List':
case QFilterType::ListFilter:
$ctlFilter->SelectedIndex = 0;
//reset to page 1
if ($this->objPaginator)
$this->PageNumber = 1;
protected function GetHeaderRowHtml() {
$strToReturn = parent::GetHeaderRowHtml();
// Filter Row (if applicable)
if ($this->blnFilterShow)
$strToReturn .= $this->GetFilterRowHtml();
return $strToReturn;
* Set Filter values as passed through session upon preRender
* @param array $filters array of filters indexed by column name
* contain either a string or a filter object
public function SetFilters($filters)
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $col)
if($col instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && (isset($col->FilterByCommand['operator'])))
//if filterbycommand is used
$filterCommand = $col->FilterByCommand;
$filterCommand['value'] = $filters[$col->Name];
$col->FilterByCommand = $filterCommand;
//AddListItem with filters dont enter this check until filter button clicked
elseif ($col instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && $col->Filter !== null) {
if($col->Filter instanceof QQConditionComparison)
$col->Filter = $filters[$col->Name];
elseif($col->Filter instanceof Filter)
if($col->Filter->Node === null){
$col->Filter = $filters[$col->Name];
$col->Filter->Value = $filters[$col->Name];
elseif ($col instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && $col->FilterType == "Advanced List"){
$col->Filter = $filters[$col->Name];
* Get Filter values from each column to be passed to session
* @return array $filters array of filters indexed by column name
public function GetFilters()
$filters = array();
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $col)
if($col instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && (isset($col->FilterByCommand['value'])))
$filterCommand = $col->FilterByCommand;
$filters[$col->Name] = $filterCommand['value'];
elseif ($col instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && $col->Filter !== null)
if($col->Filter instanceof QQConditionComparison)
$filters[$col->Name] = $col->Filter;
elseif($col->Filter instanceof Filter)
if($col->Filter->Node === null ){
$filters[$col->Name] = $col->Filter;
}elseif($col->Filter->Value !== null){
$filters[$col->Name] = $col->Filter->Value;
throw new exception(QApplication::Translate("Unknown Filter type"));
return $filters;
// Public Properties: GET
public function __get($strName) {
switch ($strName) {
case "FilterRowStyle": return $this->objFilterRowStyle;
case "FilterShow":
case "ShowFilter":
return $this->blnFilterShow;
case "ShowFilterButton":
case "FilterButtonShow":
return $this->blnFilterButtonShow;
case 'FilterResetButtonShow': return $this->blnFilterResetButtonShow;
case "FilterInfo":
$filterArray = array();
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $col)
$filterCommand = $col->FilterByCommand;
$filterCommand['clause_operator'] = 'AND';
//apply the pre and postfix
$filterCommand['value'] = $filterCommand['prefix'] . $filterCommand['value'] . $filterCommand['postfix'];
$filterArray[] = $filterCommand;
return $filterArray;
case 'FilterConditions':
case "Conditions":
//Calculate the conditions to apply to the entire grid based on the column's filters
$dtgConditions = QQ::All();
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $objColumn)
if($objColumn instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn)
//old style filter
$filterCommand = $objColumn->FilterByCommand;
//apply the pre and postfix
$filterCommand['value'] = $filterCommand['prefix'] . $filterCommand['value'] . $filterCommand['postfix'];
$colCondition = QQ::_($filterCommand['node'], $filterCommand['operator'], $filterCommand['value']);
elseif ($objColumn->FilterType != QFilterType::None) {
//new condition based filter
//if we are using node, operator, value and value returned by control is null we
//do not want to apply the filter
if($objColumn->Filter instanceof Filter)
if($objColumn->Filter->Node !== null && $objColumn->Filter->Operator !==null && $objColumn->Filter->Value === null)
$colCondition = null;
//A filter was set. Use it
$colCondition = $objColumn->Filter->Condition;
$colCondition = null;
if ($objColumn->Filter !== null)
$colCondition = $objColumn->Filter;
else {
//neither form of filter appears to have been used
$colCondition = null;
/*CustomFilter allows us to specify a custom QQuery that applies in addition to any
user-specified filters. EG: If the user enters a Cost to filter on, also filter on
object actually being sold*/
if(null !== $colCondition && null !== $objColumn->FilterCustom)
$colCondition = QQ::AndCondition($colCondition, $objColumn->FilterCustom);
//now after all the above checks if the column has a condition to be specified
//we add it to overall conditions. but if the column conditions are null we leave
//overall conditions as is
if($colCondition !== null) {
//if there are no overall conditions yet change them to reflect the column condition
if($dtgConditions == QQ::All())
$dtgConditions = $colCondition;
//combine the overall conditions with the column conditions
$dtgConditions = QQ::AndCondition($dtgConditions, $colCondition);
return $dtgConditions;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Public Properties: SET
public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
switch ($strName) {
case "FilterRowStyle":
try {
$this->objFilterRowStyle = QType::Cast($mixValue, "QDataGridRowStyle");
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case 'FilterShow':
case "ShowFilter":
try {
$this->blnFilterShow = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case 'FilterButtonShow':
case "ShowFilterButton":
try {
$this->blnFilterButtonShow = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case 'FilterResetButtonShow':
try {
$this->blnFilterResetButtonShow = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case "Paginator":
//do whatever needs done
try {
$blnToReturn = parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
//Now make sure it knows about our spinner
// $this->objPaginator->WaitIcon = $this->objFilterWaitIcon;
return $blnToReturn;
case "PaginatorAlternate":
//do whatever needs done
try {
$blnToReturn = parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
//Now make sure it knows about our spinner
$this->objPaginatorAlternate->WaitIcon = $this->objFilterWaitIcon;
return $blnToReturn;
case "UseAjax":
try {
$blnToReturn = parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Because we are switching to/from Ajax, we need to reset the events
$actionName = 'btnFilter_Click';
foreach($this->objColumnArray as $objColumn)
if ($objColumn instanceof QFilteredDataGridColumn && ($objColumn->FilterByCommand !== null || $objColumn->FilterType != QFilterType::None))
$ctlFilter = $this->GetChildControl($this->GetColumnFilterControlId($objColumn));
if ($ctlFilter !== null)
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, $actionName, $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, $actionName));
$ctlFilter->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, $actionName, $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, $actionName));
$this->btnFilter->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
if ($this->blnUseAjax)
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnFilterReset_Click', $this->objFilterWaitIcon));
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'btnFilterReset_Click'));
$this->btnFilterReset->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QTerminateAction());
return $blnToReturn;
try {
parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;