A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
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// The Server Instance constant is used to help ease web applications with multiple environments.
// Feel free to use, change or ignore.
define('SERVER_INSTANCE', 'dev');
case 'dev':
case 'test':
case 'stage':
case 'prod':
/* Constant to allow/disallow remote access to the admin pages
* e.g. the generated form_drafts, codegen, or any other script that calls QApplication::CheckRemoteAdmin()
* If set to TRUE, anyone can access those pages.
* If set to FALSE, only localhost can access those pages.
* If set to an IP address (e.g. ""), then only localhost and can access those pages.
* If set to a comma-separate list of IP addresses, then localhoost and any of those IP addresses can access those pages.
* Of course, you can also feel free to remove QApplication::CheckRemoteAdmin() call on any of these pages,
* which will completely ignore ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN altogether.
define('ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN', false);
/* Constants for Document Root (and Virtual Directories / Subfoldering)
* Please note that all paths should use standard "forward" slashes instead of "backslashes".
* So windows paths would look like "c:/wwwroot" instead of "c:\wwwroot".
* Please specify the "Document Root" here. This is the top level filepath for your web application.
* If you are on a installation that uses virtual directories, then you must specify that here, as well.
* For example, if your example web application where http://my.domain.com/index.php points to
* /home/web/htdocs/index.php, then you must specify:
* __DOCROOT__ is defined as '/home/web/htdocs'
* (note the leading slash and no ending slash)
* On Windows, if you have http://my.domain.com/index.php pointing to c:\webroot\files\index.php, then:
* __DOCROOT__ is defined as 'c:/webroot/files'
* (again, note the leading c:/ and no ending slash)
* Next, if you are using Virtual Directories, where http://not.my.domain.com/~my_user/index.php
* (for example) points to /home/my_user/public_html/index.php, then:
* __DOCROOT__ is defined as '/home/my_user/public_html'
* __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ is defined as '/~my_user'
* Finally, if you have installed Qcodo within a SubDirectory of the Document Root, so for example
* the Qcodo "index.php" page is accessible at http://my.domain.com/frameworks/qcodo/index.php, then:
* __SUBDIRECTORY__ is defined as '/frameworks/qcodo'
* (again, note the leading and no ending slash)
* In combination with Virtual Directories, if you (for example) have the Qcodo "index.php" page
* accessible at http://not.my.domain.com/~my_user/qcodo/index.php, and the index.php resides at
* c:\users\my_user\public_html\index.php, then:
* __DOCROOT__ is defined as 'c:/users/my_user/public_html'
* __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ is defined as '/~my_user'
* __SUBDIRECTORY__ is defined as '/qcodo'
define ('__DOCROOT__', '/var/www/qcodo/wwwroot');
define ('__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__', '');
define ('__SUBDIRECTORY__', '');
* If you are using Apache-based mod_rewrite to perform URL rewrites, please specify "apache" here.
* Otherwise, specify as "none"
define ('__URL_REWRITE__', 'none');
// Constant for the DevTools (Command Line Interface) Directory
// (We're assuming it's at one level above __DOCROOT__... but feel free to specify any absolute path
define ('__DEVTOOLS_CLI__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/../_devtools_cli');
/* Absolute File Paths for Internal Directories
* Please specify the absolute file path for all the following directories in your Qcodo-based web
* application.
* Note that all paths must start with a slash or 'x:\' (for windows users) and must have
* no ending slashes. (We take advantage of the __DOCROOT__ constant defined above and the
* __INCLUDES__ constant defined below to help simplify this section. But note that this is NOT
* required. These directories can also reside outside of the Document Root altogether.
* So feel free to use or not use the __DOCROOT__ and __INCLUDES__ constants as you wish/need
* in defining your other directory constants.)
// General Includes (the location of the Prepend and Configuration includes files, and the Manifest XML)
define ('__INCLUDES__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/includes');
// The Qcodo Directories
// Includes subdirectories for Qcodo Customizations in CodeGen and QForms, i18n PO files, QCache storage, etc.
// Also includes the _core subdirectory for the QCodo Core
define ('__QCODO__', __INCLUDES__ . '/qcodo');
// The Qcodo Core
define ('__QCODO_CORE__', __INCLUDES__ . '/qcodo/_core');
// Destination for Code Generated class files
define ('__DATA_CLASSES__', __INCLUDES__ . '/data_classes');
define ('__DATAGEN_CLASSES__', __INCLUDES__ . '/data_classes/generated');
define ('__DATA_META_CONTROLS__', __INCLUDES__ . '/data_meta_controls');
define ('__DATAGEN_META_CONTROLS__', __INCLUDES__ . '/data_meta_controls/generated');
/* Relative File Paths for Web Accessible Directories
* Please specify the file path RELATIVE FROM THE DOCROOT for all the following web-accessible directories
* in your Qcodo-based web application.
* For some directories (e.g. the Examples site), if you are no longer using it, you STILL need to
* have the constant defined. But feel free to define the directory constant as blank (e.g. '') or null.
* Note that constants must have a leading slash and no ending slash, and they MUST reside within
* the Document Root.
* (We take advantage of the __SUBDIRECTORY__ constant defined above to help simplify this section.
* Note that this is NOT required. Feel free to use or ignore.)
// Location of the Qcodo-specific web-based development tools, like codegen.php
define ('__DEVTOOLS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/_devtools');
// Destination for generated form drafts and panel drafts
define ('__FORM_DRAFTS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/drafts');
define ('__PANEL_DRAFTS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/drafts/dashboard');
// Location of the Examples site
define ('__EXAMPLES__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/examples');
// Location of Qcodo-specific Web Assets (JavaScripts, CSS, Images, and PHP Pages/Popups)
define ('__JS_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/js');
define ('__CSS_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/css');
define ('__IMAGE_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/images');
define ('__PHP_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/php');
/* Database Connection SerialArrays
* Note that all Database Connections are defined as constant serialized arrays. Qcodo supports
* connections to an unlimited number of different database sources. Each database source, referenced by
* a numeric index, will have its DB Connection SerialArray stored in a DB_CONNECTION_# constant
* (where # is the numeric index).
* The SerialArray can have the following keys:
* "adapter" (Required), options are:
* MySql (MySQL v4.x, using the old mysql extension)
* MySqli (MySQL v4.x, using the new mysqli extension)
* MySqli5 (MySQL v5.x, using the new mysqli extension)
* SqlServer (Microsoft SQL Server)
* PostgreSql (PostgreSQL)
* "server" (Required) is the db server's name or IP address, e.g. localhost,, etc.
* "port" is the port number - default is the server-specified default
* "database", "username", "password" should be self explanatory
* "profiling" is true or false, defining whether or not you want to enable DB profiling - default is false
* NOTE: Profiling should only be enabled when you are actively wanting to profile a
* specific PHP script or scripts. Because of SIGNIFICANT performance degradation,
* it should otherwise always be OFF.
* "ScriptPath": you can have CodeGen virtually add additional FKs, even though they are
* not defined as a DB constraint in the database, by using a script to define what
* those constraints are. The path of the script can be defined here. - default is blank or none
* Note: any option not used or set to blank will result in using the default value for that option
define('DB_CONNECTION_1', serialize(array(
'adapter' => 'MySqli5',
'server' => 'localhost',
'port' => null,
'database' => 'qcodo',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'profiling' => false)));
// Additional Database Connection Strings can be defined here (e.g. for connection #2, #3, #4, #5, etc.)
// define('DB_CONNECTION_2', serialize(array('adapter'=>'SqlServer', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcodo', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false)));
// define('DB_CONNECTION_3', serialize(array('adapter'=>'MySqli', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcodo', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false)));
// define('DB_CONNECTION_4', serialize(array('adapter'=>'MySql', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcodo', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false)));
// define('DB_CONNECTION_5', serialize(array('adapter'=>'PostgreSql', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcodo', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false)));
// (For PHP > v5.1) Setup the default timezone (if not already specified in php.ini)
if ((function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) && (!ini_get('date.timezone')))
// Define the Filepath for the error page (path MUST be relative from the DOCROOT)
define('ERROR_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/_core/error_page.php');
// Define the Filepath for any logged errors
define('ERROR_LOG_PATH', __INCLUDES__ . '/error_log');
// To Log ALL errors that have occurred, set flag to true
// define('ERROR_LOG_FLAG', true);
// To enable the display of "Friendly" error pages and messages, define them here (path MUST be relative from the DOCROOT)
// define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/friendly_error_page.php');
// define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_AJAX_MESSAGE', 'Oops! An error has occurred.\r\n\r\nThe error was logged, and we will take a look into this right away.');