if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die("No quasi.");
* Class ShippingModule - a module to display a selection of ShippingMethods
* This class obtains any shipping methods flagged as active in the database and
* adds them to a radiobutton list which is the only display object. For each method
* a new ShippingCalculator is instantiated and GetEstimate is called to obtain a price
* for the order based on information in the OrderItems and the addresses (ie. weight,
* size and destination).
* @todo
* - check availability more gracefully
* - handle errors
*@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
* $Id: ShippingModule.class.php 471 2009-01-07 21:16:50Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Modules
class ShippingModule extends QPanel
public $blnDebug = false;
* This is the main control block for this module - it is designed to be the CheckOutModule,
* but it may be used with other controllers as long as you pass an Order object as we obtain
* address information, weight, etc from the order ..
*@var QPanel objControlBlock - the main control block for this module, usually CheckOutModule
protected $objControlBlock;
*@var Order objOrder - a local reference to the Order
protected $objOrder;
*@var Address objAddress - a local reference to the Address
protected $objAddress;
*@var ShippingMethod objSelectedMethod - the selected method for this module
protected $objSelectedMethod;
*@var array aryShippingMethods - the active methods available for this module
protected $aryShippingMethods;
protected $strDefaultCarrier;
protected $strDefaultServiceType;
protected $fltShippingTotal;
protected $blnHasActiveMethods=true;
protected $blnIsInternational=false;
protected $intPreviousAddressId;
* This is a mapping of shipping provider to method. Each ShippingMethod has a title
* field, this is displayed at the top of a block showing each method active for a provider.
* The title field is used as the title of the block, so the map is in the form title => objShippingMethodView
* the view containing a radiobutton for the selection of that method.
*@var array aryShippingProviders - an array/map of Carriers to methods
public $aryShippingProviders;
*@var AddressSelectionModule objAddressSelectionModule - handles selecting the shipping address
public $objAddressSelectionModule;
*@var QTextBox txtNotes - customer comments added to order ..
public $txtNotes;
* Module constructor
*@param QPanel objControlBlock - the main control block for this module, usually CheckOutModule
*@param Order objOrder - the order to be shipped ...
public function __construct($pnlParentObject, $objControlBlock, Order $objOrder, $blnDebug = false )
try {
parent::__construct($pnlParentObject );
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$this->blnDebug = $blnDebug;
$this->strDefaultCarrier = DEFAULT_SHIPPING_CARRIER;
$this->strDefaultServiceType = DEFAULT_SHIPPING_SERVICE;
//normally refers to the CheckOutModule ..
$this->objControlBlock =& $objControlBlock;
$this->objOrder =& $objOrder;
$this->AutoRenderChildren = true;
$this->strTemplate = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/ShippingModule.tpl.php';
if( !empty($this->aryShippingMethods))
$this->objAddressSelectionModule = new AddressSelectionModule($this,
$this->objAddress = $this->objAddressSelectionModule->Address;
$this->blnHasActiveMethods = false;
$this->txtNotes = new QTextBox($this);
$this->txtNotes->TextMode = QTextMode::MultiLine;
$this->txtNotes->Columns = 30;
* This function initializes the array of potential shipping methods
*@todo make the local pickup option configurable, currently you have to change the check here ..
protected function initShippingMethods()
if( $this->objOrder->IsInternational)
$this->aryShippingMethods = ShippingMethod::QueryArray( QQ::AndCondition(
QQ::Equal(QQN::ShippingMethod()->Active, true),
$this->aryShippingMethods = ShippingMethod::QueryArray(
QQ::Equal(QQN::ShippingMethod()->Active, true)
if(ZoneType::Colorado == $this->objOrder->ShippingZoneId )
$this->aryShippingMethods[] = ShippingMethod::Load(1);
* This function creates a radio button to display for each active shipping method as
* appropriate - if the method is not international no button will be created for an international
* order and if a method is not available or returns a 0 rate charge it will also not be created.
* @todo
* - check availability
* - implement try/catch to handle errors, log them when not debugging.
protected function initMethodViews()
if( empty($this->aryShippingMethods))
if( is_array($this->aryShippingProviders) )
foreach( $this->aryShippingProviders as $strName => &$aryMethodViews )
foreach($aryMethodViews as $it => $objMethodView)
$strControlId = $objMethodView->ControlId;
$this->RemoveChildControl($strControlId, true);
$this->aryShippingProviders = array();
foreach($this->aryShippingMethods as $objShippingMethod)
//Fedex Ground international only goes for Canada
if($this->objOrder->IsInternational && CountryType::Canada != $this->objOrder->ShippingCountryId
&& false !== stripos( $objShippingMethod->ServiceType, 'FEDEX_GROUND' ) )
//Skip the Fedex international methods for domestic orders ..
if( !$this->objOrder->IsInternational && ( false !== stripos( $objShippingMethod->ServiceType, 'GLOBAL' )
|| false !== stripos( $objShippingMethod->ServiceType, 'INTERNATIONAL' )) )
///@todo check availability ..
/* if( ! $objShippingMethod->MethodAvailable() ) continue;*/
*@todo figure this out - USPS, eg. provides no clear way to determine availability (in fact i can't even
* find their !@#$ing error codes ..) so for now if there is no charge we assume it is not available ..
if( ! $objShippingMethod->IsAvailable || $objShippingMethod->HasErrors || 0 == $objShippingMethod->Rate )
// if($this->blnDebug && 'FEDEX_2_DAY' != $objShippingMethod->ServiceType)
// exit(var_dump($objShippingMethod));
die($objShippingMethod->Title . ', '
. $objShippingMethod->ServiceType . '<br /> '
. $objShippingMethod->Errors );
//eh, could be a server error .. skip it. todo: make me smarter ..
if( ! is_numeric($objShippingMethod->Rate) )
$objShippingMethodView = new ShippingMethodView($this, $objShippingMethod);
//set the defaults here - note that if the default method is not active this leaves everything
//null until/unless the user selects a method; hence default should be properly configured.
if( $objShippingMethod->Carrier == $this->strDefaultCarrier
&& $objShippingMethod->ServiceType == $this->strDefaultServiceType )
$objShippingMethodView->Checked = true;
$this->objSelectedMethod = $objShippingMethod;
$this->objOrder->ShippingMethodId = $objShippingMethod->Id;
$this->objOrder->ShippingCharged = $objShippingMethod->Rate;
//store by title for the method display ..
$this->aryShippingProviders[$objShippingMethod->Title][] = $objShippingMethodView;
* This Function is called when the user selects a method - it sets objSelectedMethod
* and updates ShippingMethodId and ShippingCharged in the Order ..
*@param integer intShippingMethodId - the id of the selected method
public function SelectMethod($intShippingMethodId)
foreach($this->aryShippingMethods as $objMethod )
if($intShippingMethodId == $objMethod->Id)
//this is redundant .. todo: pick one way or the other?
$this->objSelectedMethod = $objMethod;
$this->objOrder->ShippingMethodId = $objMethod->Id;
$this->objOrder->ShippingCharged = $objMethod->Rate;
if($this->objControlBlock instanceof CheckOutModule)
public function SelectAddress($intAddressId, $strParameter=null)
if( is_numeric($intAddressId) )
$this->intPreviousAddressId = $intAddressId;
$this->objAddress = $this->objAddressSelectionModule->Address;
$this->RemoveChildControl($this->objAddressSelectionModule->ControlId, false);
if( 'Edit' == $strParameter )
$this->objAddressSelectionModule = new AddressSelectionModule($this, 'SelectAddress', $intAddressId, true);
elseif( 'New' == $strParameter )
$this->objAddressSelectionModule = new AddressSelectionModule($this, 'SelectAddress', null, true);
else//Note: includes Save and Cancel ..
$this->objAddressSelectionModule = new AddressSelectionModule($this, 'SelectAddress', $intAddressId);
$this->objAddressSelectionModule = new AddressSelectionModule($this, 'SelectAddress', $this->intPreviousAddressId);
//Refresh the options listing ..
$this->objAddressSelectionModule->Visible = true;
* This Function is called when any input is sent - on failure the
* fields are redrawn with optional error messages.
public function Validate()
$blnToReturn = true;
// validate input here
return $blnToReturn;
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'Notes':
return $this->txtNotes->Text ;
case 'SelectedMethod':
return $this->objSelectedMethod ;
case 'Address':
return $this->objAddress ;
case 'HasActiveMethods':
return $this->blnHasActiveMethods ;
case 'IsInternational':
return $this->blnIsInternational ;
case 'DefaultCarrier':
return $this->strDefaultCarrier ;
case 'DefaultServiceType':
return $this->strDefaultServiceType ;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
switch ($strName)
case 'IsInternational':
try {
return ($this->blnIsInternational = QType::Cast($mixValue, Qtype::Boolean ));
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case 'DefaultCarrier':
try {
return ($this->strDefaultCarrier = QType::Cast($mixValue, Qtype::String ));
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
case 'DefaultServiceType':
try {
return ($this->strDefaultServiceType = QType::Cast($mixValue, Qtype::String ));
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
try {
return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}//end class
}//end define