if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die("No quasi.");
/** Class CheckOutItemListModule - provides display/modification of the list of items in an order
* CheckOutItemListModule is a center page module displayed on the Checkout page.
* It shows a detailed list of the items in an Order with quantity modification fields.
* NOTE: You must call initItemList() to initialize the list and the totals - this allows for AJAX refreshing
* between panels when quantities are modified.
*@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
* $Id: CheckOutItemListModule.class.php 197 2008-09-19 22:11:27Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
* @package Quasi
* @subpackage Views
class CheckOutItemListModule extends QPanel
protected $objControlBlock;
protected $objCheckOutEditModule;
protected $fltItemsTotalPrice;
* @var array CheckOutItems - a list of products as cart items.
public $aryCheckOutItemViews;
protected $blnModifiable;
*@param QPanel objParentObject a reference to the CheckOutEditModule, DOM parent
*@param QPanel objControlBlock a reference to the main CheckOutModule
*@param bool blnModifiable - if true the quantity is modifiable
public function __construct($objParentObject, $objControlBlock, $blnModifiable=true)
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// a reference to the main CheckOutModule
$this->objControlBlock =& $objControlBlock;
// a reference to the immediate parent
$this->objCheckOutEditModule =& $objParentObject;
//lets avoid foreach complaint in template if there are no items ..
$this->aryCheckOutItemViews = array();
$this->blnModifiable = $blnModifiable;
$this->Template = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/CheckOutItemListModule.tpl.php';
$this->fltItemsTotalPrice = 0;
* This function initializes the item list display and and the total price. It may be called to
* refresh the list and totals at any time after instantiation.
*@param array aryOrderItems - an array of OrderItems from which to create a list view
public function initItemList($aryOrderItems)
$this->fltItemsTotalPrice = 0;
$this->aryCheckOutItemViews = array();
//construct the list of items
foreach($aryOrderItems as $objOrderItem)
$objItemView = new CheckOutItemView( $this, $objOrderItem, $this->blnModifiable );
$this->fltItemsTotalPrice += $objItemView->ItemTotal;
$this->aryCheckOutItemViews[] = $objItemView;
public function RefreshTotalPrice()
$this->fltItemsTotalPrice = 0;
foreach($this->aryCheckOutItemViews as $objItemView)
$this->fltItemsTotalPrice += $objItemView->ItemTotal;
if($this->objCheckOutEditModule instanceof CheckOutEditModule)
$this->objCheckOutEditModule->TotalItemsCharge = $this->fltItemsTotalPrice;
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'ItemsTotalPrice':
return $this->fltItemsTotalPrice ;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}// end class
}//end define shield