* This file is a part of Quasi CMS
*@package Quasi
if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die('No Quasi.');
* Class ShippingRequestType - enumerator class for types of shipping requests
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
class ShippingRequestType
///@var const - a request for a rate
const Rate = 1;
///@var const - a request for a rate availability
const Availability = 2;
///@var const - a request for a printable label image
const Label = 3;
///@var const - a request for the status of the account
const AccountStatus = 4;
///@var const - a request to make a credit payment
const CreditAccount = 5;
public static function ToString($intFlag)
case ShippingRequestType::Label:
return 'LabelRequest';
case ShippingRequestType::Availability:
return 'AvailabilityRequest';
case ShippingRequestType::Rate:
return 'RateRequest';
case ShippingRequestType::AccountStatus:
return 'AccountStatusRequest';
case ShippingRequestType::CreditAccount:
return 'CreditAccountRequest';
return 'None';
* Class ExtraDocumentImage - convenience class for extra customs image documents
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
class ExtraDocumentImage
public $Copies;
public $Image;
public $Type;
public function __construct($mixImage, $strType, $intCopies=1)
$this->Image = $mixImage;
$this->Type = $strType;
$this->Copies = $intCopies;
* Class ShippingRequest - base class for performing shipping requests via Shipping API web services
* This class provides an interface to shipping requests. Abstract methods MUST be implemented by
* subclasses, others may be overridden as needed. Subclasses are instantiated by a call to
* ShippingMethod::GetRequest($strRequestType). The primary function of this base class is to associate
* the request with the ShippingMethod
* This class also connects to the specified server via the methods provided by extending WebServiceRequest.
*@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
* $Id: ShippingRequest.class.php 502 2009-02-10 22:09:53Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
abstract class ShippingRequest extends WebServiceRequest
*@var ShippingMethod method that created this calculator
protected $objShippingMethod;
*@var ShippingRequestType - the type of request to create
protected $intShippingRequestType;
* An array of CustomsInformation objects containing data for customs
* declarations
*@var array aryCustomsInformation
protected $aryCustomsInformation = null;
* An array of extra document images for customs declarations
*@var array aryExtraDocumentImages
protected $aryExtraDocumentImages;
*@var resource objShippingLabelImage - the shipping label image as GD image resource
protected $objShippingLabelImage;
*@var array aryCustomsFormImages - image(s) for printing out customs forms ..
protected $aryCustomsFormImages;
*@var boolean blnIsAvailable - flag indicating if the method is avaiable for the address in Order ..
protected $blnIsAvailable;
* ShippingRequest Constructor
* This sets some defaults for the shipping requests.
*NOTE: It is assumed that the shipping origin is the same as the store address.
*@todo Support remote shipping options ..
* @param ShippingMethod objShippingMethod - the method to be used for the request
public function __construct(ShippingMethod $objShippingMethod)
$this->objShippingMethod =& $objShippingMethod;
$this->blnTestMode = $objShippingMethod->TestMode;
* Connects to web service and submits the request. Note that
* this function merely constructs a request URL from internal variables
* that are set in createRequest, it may therefor contain a GET query
* string or a POST depending on the subclass requirements.
* Note: If the request transaction succeeds we also call handleResponse here.
*@return boolean true on success
protected function submitRequest()
if(! parent::submitRequest())
return false;
if(! $this->handleResponse())
return false;
return true;
* This function attempts to create a request string for the method of the given ShippingRequestType.
* The WebRequestType (POST, GET, etc ..) may also be optionally set here.
* @param ShippingRequestType intShippingRequestType - the type of shipping request object to create
* @param WebRequestType intWebRequestType - the type of web request to submit
protected function createRequest($intShippingRequestType, $intWebRequestType = WebRequestType::POST)
$this->intShippingRequestType = $intShippingRequestType;
/* switch($intShippingRequestType)
case ShippingRequestType::Label:
return $this->createLabelRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Availability:
return $this->createAvailabilityRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Rate:
return $this->createRateRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::AccountStatus:
return $this->createAccountStatusRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::CreditAccount:
return $this->createCreditAccountRequest();
throw new QCallerException('Shipping request type unsupported: ' . $intRequestType );
* This function attempts to create a POST request string for the method of a given ShippingRequestType.
protected function createPOSTRequest()
case ShippingRequestType::Label:
return $this->createLabelRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Availability:
return $this->createAvailabilityRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Rate:
return $this->createRateRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::AccountStatus:
return $this->createAccountStatusRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::CreditAccount:
return $this->createCreditAccountRequest();
throw new QCallerException('Shipping request type unsupported: ' . $this->intRequestType );
* This function attempts to create a GET request string for the method of a given ShippingRequestType.
protected function createGETRequest()
case ShippingRequestType::Label:
return $this->createLabelRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Availability:
return $this->createAvailabilityRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::Rate:
return $this->createRateRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::AccountStatus:
return $this->createAccountStatusRequest();
case ShippingRequestType::CreditAccount:
return $this->createCreditAccountRequest();
throw new QCallerException('Shipping request type unsupported: ' . $this->intRequestType );
* This function handles the response string for the method of a given ShippingRequestType.
protected function handleResponse()
case ShippingRequestType::Label:
return $this->handleLabelResponse();
case ShippingRequestType::Availability:
return $this->handleAvailabilityResponse();
case ShippingRequestType::Rate:
return $this->handleRateResponse();
case ShippingRequestType::AccountStatus:
return $this->handleAccountStatusResponse();
case ShippingRequestType::CreditAccount:
return $this->handleCreditAccountResponse();
throw new QCallerException('Shipping request type unsupported: ' . $this->intRequestType );
protected function initCustomsInformationArray()
$this->aryCustomsInformation = array();
$aryOrderItems = OrderItem::LoadArrayByOrderId($this->objShippingMethod->Order->Id);
foreach($aryOrderItems as $objOrderItem)
$objCustomsInfo = new CustomsInformation();
$objCustomsInfo->Quantity = $objOrderItem->Quantity;
$objCustomsInfo->Description = $objOrderItem->Product->Name;
$objCustomsInfo->Weight = $objOrderItem->Product->Weight * $objOrderItem->Quantity;
$objCustomsInfo->Value = $objOrderItem->Product->RetailPrice * $objOrderItem->Quantity;
$this->aryCustomsInformation[] = $objCustomsInfo;
* Returns a rate for this method to the order address
*@return float containing the rate for the order address
abstract public function GetRate();
* Returns a shipping label image suitable for printing
*@return string containing the image code
abstract public function GetLabel();
* Returns an account status report
*@return string containing the status report
abstract public function GetAccountStatus();
* Returns whether this method is available for the order address
*@return boolean true if method is available
abstract public function GetAvailability();
* Submits an account credit payment
// abstract public function CreditAccount();
//Request string creators
* Creates a rate request
abstract protected function createRateRequest();
* Creates a label image request
abstract protected function createLabelRequest();
* Creates an account status request
abstract protected function createAccountStatusRequest();
* Creates a request submitting an account credit payment
abstract protected function createCreditAccountRequest();
* Creates a method available request
abstract protected function createAvailabilityRequest();
//Response handlers
* Creates a rate request
abstract protected function handleRateResponse();
* Creates a label image request
abstract protected function handleLabelResponse();
* Creates an account status request
abstract protected function handleAccountStatusResponse();
* Creates a request submitting an account credit payment
abstract protected function handleCreditAccountResponse();
* Creates a method available request
abstract protected function handleAvailabilityResponse();
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'ShippingLabelImage':
return $this->objShippingLabelImage;
case 'ExtraDocumentImages':
return (array) $this->aryExtraDocumentImages;
case 'CustomsFormImages':
return (array) $this->aryCustomsFormImages;
case 'IsAvailable':
return $this->blnIsAvailable;
case 'Order':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Order ;
case 'Carrier':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Carrier ;
case 'ServiceType':
return $this->objShippingMethod->ServiceType ;
case 'Rate':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Rate ;
case 'TotalValue':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Order->ProductTotalCharged;
case 'Pounds':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Pounds ;
case 'Ounces':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Ounces ;
case 'Container':
return $this->objShippingMethod->Container ;
case 'IsMachinable':
return $this->objShippingMethod->IsMachinable ;
case 'OriginZip':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginZip ;
case 'DestinationZip':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZip ;
case 'DestinationCountryId':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationCountryId ;
case 'OriginCountryId':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginCountryId ;
case 'OriginStateId':
case 'OriginZoneId':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginZoneId ;
case 'DestinationStateId':
case 'DestinationZoneId':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZoneId ;
///string representation of country and state names ..
case 'DestinationCountry':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationCountry ;
case 'OriginCountry':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginCountry ;
case 'OriginState':
case 'OriginZone':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginZone ;
case 'DestinationState':
case 'DestinationZone':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZone ;
///string representation of country and state ISO 2 letter codes ..
case 'DestinationCountryCode':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationCountryCode ;
case 'OriginCountryCode':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginCountryCode ;
case 'OriginStateCode':
case 'OriginZoneCode':
return $this->objShippingMethod->OriginZoneCode ;
case 'DestinationStateCode':
case 'DestinationZoneCode':
return $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZoneCode ;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
switch ($strName)
case 'DestinationZip':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZip = $mixValue);
case 'OriginZip':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->OriginZip = $mixValue);
case 'DestinationCountryId':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->DestinationCountryId = $mixValue);
case 'OriginCountryId':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->OriginCountryId = $mixValue);
case 'Container':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->Container = $mixValue);
case 'Pounds':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->Pounds = $mixValue);
case 'Rate':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->Rate = $mixValue);
case 'Ounces':
return ($this->objShippingMethod->Ounces = $mixValue);
try {
return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}//end class
}//end define