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* QuasiDBI - abstract database interface
* This class provides a base class for various
* server types (MySQL, PgSQL, SQLite) which
* are implemented by inheritors (as of 2008-02-20 only
* MySQL is supported.). It is a Singleton class to
* ensure that we only instantiate one database
* connection - this means that you may only access
* it using QuasiDBI::getInstance(). which will
* return an object of type QuasiDBI that is a child
* corresponding to the configured db server type.
* This class is provided as a light weight alternative
* to the QCodo DBI (and may one day replace it..) for
* quick/utility queries - eg. it is used by the OsCommerce
* import module.
* @author Erik Winn <ewinn@erikwinn.com>
* $Id: QuasiDBI.class.php 97 2008-08-29 21:36:11Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
abstract class QuasiDBI {
protected $strDatabase;
protected $strUsername;
protected $strPassword;
protected $strDatabaseServer;
protected $strDatabaseType;
protected static $objDatabaseHandle;
protected static $blnIsConnected = false;
protected $objResultSet;
protected $strDbErrors;
protected $strErrors;
private static $_instance = null;
protected function __construct($strDb=DB_DATABASE,
$this->strDatabase = $strDb;
$this->strUsername = $strUser;
$this->strPassword = $strPass;
$this->strDatabaseServer = $strServer;
if( !$this->connect())
$strErrors .= "QuasiDBI::__construct Failed to connect to database!\n";
/** getInstance()
* Returns an appropriate DBI object - you may provide the
* parameter $type to obtain a driver for a different kind
* of server - currently the default is MySQL
* Note: see class description for supported $type parameters ..
*@access public
*@param string db server type
*@return object QuasiDBI of appropriate type
public static function getInstance($type="MySQL")
case "MySQL":
self::$_instance = new QuasiMysql();
// for now do nothing - maybe set instance to null for unsupported types and die(errormsg) ..
// ensure a current connection ..
if(! self::$_instance->blnIsConnected)
return self::$_instance;
public function isConnected(){ return $this->blnIsConnected;}
// Accessors ..
public function getServerType() {return $this->strDatabaseType;}
public function setServerType($t) {$this->strDatabaseType = $t;}
public function getServerName() {return $this->strDatabaseServer;}
public function setServerName($n) {$this->strDatabaseType = $n;}
public function getDbUser() {return $this->strUsername;}
public function setDbUser($u) {$this->strUsername = $u;}
public function setDbPassword($p) {$this->strPassword = $p;}
public function getDbPassword() {return $this->strPassword;}
public function getDbName() {return $this->strDatabase;}
public function setDbName($n) {$this->strDatabase = $n;}
public function getErrors() {return $this->strErrors . "\n" . $this->getDbError();}
public function reconnect($strNewHost = DB_SERVER,
$strNewDatabase = DB_DATABASE,
$strNewUsername = DB_SERVER_USERNAME,
$strNewPassword = DB_SERVER_PASSWORD)
$this->blnIsConnected = false;
if( ! $this->connect())
return false;
$this->blnIsConnected = true;
return true;
// Utilities ..
/** prepInput()
* Returns string(s) suitable for database input with escaped
* single quotes, slashes, etc.. Note: this is only accessable via
* child classes - and used only if there is no valid objDatabaseHandle ..
* which is unlikely and this may dissappear in future..
*@access protected
*@param mixed mixInput string or array to process
* @return string the prepared string
protected function prepInput($mixInput)
if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
return $mixInput;
return addslashes($mixInput);
elseif (is_array($mixInput))
foreach($mixInput as $key => &$value)
$mixInput[$key] = $this->prepInput($value);
return $mixInput;
} else
return $mixInput;
public function isBad($strQuery)
if(eregi(self::BADNESS, $strQuery))
return true;
return false;
/** fetchRow()
* Returns the first row of results for a given query.
*@access public
*@param string $strQuery query to process.
* @return array results
public function fetchRow ($strQuery)
$resultset = $this->doQuery($strQuery, true);
return $this->nextRow($resultset);
/** getResultSet()
* Returns a new result set for a given query, or the current
* resultset internal to this class if not called with a query
* string.
* This is essentially equivalent to doQuery($string, true).
*@access public
*@param string strQuery query to process.
* @return mixed mysqli_result or false
public function getResultSet ($strQuery)
// Did we get a strQuery? If so, get new results and pass them on...
if ($strQuery)
return $this->doQuery($strQuery, true);
// Abstract public functions .. see child class for more complete documentation.
// connect to server
abstract public function connect();
// close connection
abstract public function disconnect();
// return last insert id
abstract public function getInsertId();
//send a query, return resultset handle or false on failure.
abstract public function doQuery($strQuery, $blnReturnResultSet=false, $blnUnbuffered=true);
// fetch the next row as an associative array, optionally supply result set to use, return 0 after last row.
abstract public function nextRow($objResultSet=null, $blnReturnAssocArray = true);
// return a string containing the error from the last query.
abstract public function getDbError();
// perform a simple insert or update using an array of values with optional where clause
abstract public function insertArray($strTable, $aryValues, $strAction = "INSERT", $strWhereClause = "");
// return number of rows in last result set, passing the result set is optional,
// but _must_ be used in the case that you are using doQuery($q,true)
abstract public function getNumRows($objResultSet=NULL);
abstract public function changeDatabase($strNewDatabase);