A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die("No quasi.");
* Class CheckOutTotalsView - provides display of order totals, shipping and handling
* charges for display during checkout
*@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
* $Id: CheckOutTotalsView.class.php 234 2008-09-30 15:49:13Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
class CheckOutTotalsView extends QPanel
*@var CheckOutModule objControlBlock - the main control block for the check out module
protected $objControlBlock;
*@var float fltShippingCharge - shipping for order
protected $fltShippingCharge;
*@var float fltHandlingCharge - handling for order
protected $fltHandlingCharge;
*@var float fltTaxesCharge - taxes for order
protected $fltTaxesCharge;
*@var float fltTotalItemsCharge - sub total of all the items on an order
protected $fltTotalItemsCharge;
*@var float fltTotalCharge - grand total of all charges for order
protected $fltTotalCharge;
* @var QLabel lblHandlingCharge - display for handling charges ..
public $lblHandlingCharge;
* @var QLabel lblShippingCharge - display for shipping charges ..
public $lblShippingCharge;
* @var QLabel lblTaxesCharge - display for total taxes for the order
public $lblTaxesCharge;
* @var QLabel lblTotalItemsCharge - display for total of Item charges for the order
public $lblTotalItemsCharge;
* @var QLabel lblTotalCharge - display for grand total charges for the order
public $lblTotalCharge;
* View constructor
*@param CheckOutView objControlBlock - parent controller module.
*@param Order objOrder - the
public function __construct( QPanel $objControlBlock)
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$this->AutoRenderChildren = true;
$this->strTemplate = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/CheckOutTotalsView.tpl.php';
$this->lblShippingCharge = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblHandlingCharge = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblTotalItemsCharge = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblTaxesCharge = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblTotalCharge = new QLabel($this);
public function RefreshTotal()
$this->TotalCharge = $this->fltShippingCharge
+ $this->fltHandlingCharge
+ $this->fltTaxesCharge
+ $this->fltTotalItemsCharge;
* This Function is called when any input is sent - on failure the
* fields are redrawn with optional error messages.
public function Validate()
$blnToReturn = true;
// validate input here
return $blnToReturn;
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'ShippingCharge':
return $this->fltShippingCharge ;
case 'HandlingCharge':
return $this->fltHandlingCharge ;
case 'TotalCharge':
return $this->fltTotalCharge ;
case 'TotalCharge':
return $this->fltTotalItemsCharge ;
case 'TaxesCharge':
return $this->fltTaxesCharge ;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
switch ($strName)
case 'ShippingCharge':
$this->fltShippingCharge = $mixValue;
$this->lblShippingCharge->Text = money_format('%n', $mixValue);
case 'HandlingCharge':
$this->fltHandlingCharge = $mixValue;
$this->lblHandlingCharge->Text = money_format('%n', $mixValue);
case 'TaxesCharge':
$this->fltTaxesCharge = $mixValue;
$this->lblTaxesCharge->Text = money_format('%n', $mixValue);
case 'TotalItemsCharge':
$this->fltTotalItemsCharge = $mixValue;
$this->lblTotalItemsCharge->Text = money_format('%n', $mixValue);
case 'TotalCharge':
$this->fltTotalCharge = $mixValue;
$this->lblTotalCharge->Text = money_format('%n', $mixValue);
try {
return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}//end class
}//end define