A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
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* This file is a part of Quasi CMS
*@package Quasi
if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die('No Quasi.');
* Class AuthorizeNetAIMAction - Authorize.net AIM payment action
* This class provides an interface to the Authorize.net AIM API. It sends credit card and
* order information (via SSL) to the API server and handles the response. It will set
* Approved = true on success and store any message returned. If the transaction is
* not approved the order will be deleted and error messages are available for display.
* Additionally, the error code and error reason code will be stored. If the transaction is
* approved the order status will be updated, order_status_history and order_totals will
* be inserted and a confirmation email sent to the customer in the base class.
* - deal with "Transaction Id"? Might log them like PayPal ..
* - handle errors better, messages - eg. what failed ..
* - implement address verification check - ie. add ship_to_* fields and handle response
* - add optional customer email notification (from authorize)?
* - add "Send Shipping address .." option?
*@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
* $Id: AuthorizeNetAIMAction.class.php 458 2008-12-23 20:12:46Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Classes
class AuthorizeNetAIMAction extends PaymentActionBase
* @var array Name - Value pairs with which to construct AIM POST string
protected $aryRequestValues = array(
'x_login' => '',
'x_tran_key' => '',
'x_version' => '3.1',
'x_delim_char' => '|',
'x_delim_data' => 'TRUE',
'x_url' => 'FALSE',
'x_type' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
'x_method' => 'CC',
'x_relay_response' => 'FALSE',
'x_card_num' => '4242424242424242',
'x_exp_date' => '1209',
'x_card_code' => '', //CCV no.
'x_description' => 'Recycled Toner Cartridges',
'x_amount' => '12.23',
'x_first_name' => 'Charles D.',
'x_last_name' => 'Gaulle',
'x_address' => '342 N. Main Street #150',
'x_city' => 'Ft. Worth',
'x_state' => 'TX',
'x_country' => 'USA',
'x_zip' => '12345',
'x_email' => 'FALSE',
'x_email_customer' => '', //TRUE | FALSE
'x_email_header' => '',
'x_email_footer' => '',
'x_cust_id' => '',
'x_customer_ip' => '',
'x_invoice_num' => '',
* @var array Response values will be stored here
protected $aryResponseValues;
protected $intResponseCode ;
protected $intResponseReasonCode ;
protected $strResponseReasonText ;
protected $strAVSResponse ;
// protected $strInvoiceNumber ;
protected $blnSendShippingAddress = false;
* AuthorizeNetAIMAction Constructor
* This sets various defaults specific to the Authorize.net API
* @param Order objOrder - the Order to process
public function __construct(Order $objOrder)
//Note: fixme - i don't think we will get a QCallerException here ..
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$this->blnTestMode = $objOrder->PaymentMethod->TestMode;
$this->strRemoteDomainName = AUTHORIZENET_AIM_TESTURL;
$this->strRemoteDomainName = AUTHORIZENET_AIM_URL;
/// FIXME: put these somewhere safer and load it .. currently in config file!
$this->strRemoteAccountId = AUTHORIZENET_AIM_USERNAME;
$this->strRemoteCgiUrl = '/gateway/transact.dll';
$this->strRequestType = 'POST';
$this->strTemplateUri = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/AuthorizeNetAIMAction.tpl.php';
* Performs any preparation steps prior to submitting an actual payment.
*@return bool true on success
public function PreProcess()
return ! $this->HasErrors;
* Performs the actual payment submission
*@return bool true on success
public function Process()
return ! $this->HasErrors;
* Performs any steps necessary after submitting an actual payment.
* Updating order_status_history, order totals and confirmation email
* is also called here on approval (these actions actually performed in
* completeOrder ..)
*@return bool true on success
public function PostProcess()
return ! $this->HasErrors;
* Parses the response from the payment service provider into an array
* for convenience. It also sets the Response codes, messages, and blnApproved.
* On failure or error messages will be in strErrors.
protected function handleResponse()
$objAuthNetTransaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction();
$objAuthNetTransaction->OrderId = $this->objOrder->Id;
//default to an error ..
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseCode = 3;
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonCode = 555;
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonText = 'Unknown Server Error';
$this->aryResponseValues = array();
$pos = strpos( $this->strResponse,'|' );
if(false === $pos)
$this->intResponseCode = 3;
$this->intResponseReasonCode = 555;
//remove everything except the integer at the end just before the pipe (the "ResponseCode")..
$strTemp = substr($this->strResponse, $pos - 1);
$this->aryResponseValues = explode('|', $strTemp );
$objAuthNetTransaction->TransactionId = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::TransactionIdIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->TransactionType = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::TransactionTypeIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::ResponseCodeIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseSubcode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::ResponseSubcodeIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::ResponseReasonCodeIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonText = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::ResponseReasonTextIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->AuthorizationCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::AuthorizationCodeIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->AvsResponseCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::AVSResponseIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->CcvResponseCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::CCVResponseIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->CavResponseCode = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::CAVResponseIdx ];
$objAuthNetTransaction->Amount = $this->aryResponseValues[ AuthorizeNetTransaction::AmountIdx ];
$this->intResponseCode = $objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseCode;
$this->intResponseReasonCode = $objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonCode;
$this->strResponseReasonText = $objAuthNetTransaction->ResponseReasonText;
$this->strAVSResponse = $objAuthNetTransaction->AvsResponseCode;
case '1': //Approved
$this->blnApproved = true;
$this->strStatusText = $this->strResponseReasonText;
$this->blnHasErrors = false;
case '2': //Declined
$this->blnApproved = false;
$this->strStatusText = $this->strResponseReasonText;
$this->blnHasErrors = false;
case '3': //Error
$this->strErrors = $this->strResponseReasonText;
/* . '<br />Response code: ' . $this->intResponseCode
.'<br />Response: ' . $this->strResponse;*/
case '103':
$this->strErrors .= '<br />Valid Fingerprint, Transaction Key or Password Required. ';
case '555':
$this->strErrors .= '<br /> Invalid server response. ';
$this->strErrors .= '<br />Unknown internal error. ';
$this->blnApproved = false;
$this->blnHasErrors = true;
case '4': //Held for review
///@todo handle held for review payments (authnet)
$this->blnApproved = false;
$this->blnHasErrors = false;
$this->blnApproved = false;
$this->blnHasErrors = true;
$this->strErrors = $this->strResponseReasonText
. '<br />Unknown Response code: ' . $this->intResponseCode
.'<br />Response: ' . $this->strResponse;
// $this->objOrder->Delete();
* Creates GET query string for the transaction appropriate to the provider API, storing
* the result in strGETRequest.
* NOTE: Currently unused - we send a POST ..
protected function createGETRequest()
foreach( $this->aryRequestValues as $strName => $strValue )
if('' != $strValue )
$this->strGETRequest .= $strName . '=' . urlencode($strValue) . '&';
$this->strGETRequest = rtrim($this->strGETRequest,'&');
if('' != $this->strGETRequest )
$this->blnHasErrors = false;
protected function createPOSTRequest()
foreach( $this->aryRequestValues as $strName => $strValue )
if('' != $strValue )
$this->strPOSTRequest .= $strName . '=' . urlencode($strValue) . '&';
$this->strPOSTRequest = rtrim($this->strPOSTRequest,'&');
if('' != $this->strPOSTRequest )
$this->blnHasErrors = false;
protected function initMerchantFields()
$this->aryRequestValues['x_login'] = $this->strRemoteAccountId;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_tran_key'] = $this->strTransactionKey;
protected function initTransactionFields($strTransactionId='')
/* unused - todo: .. not sure what to do with this yet.
if('' != $strTransactionId)
$this->aryRequestValues['x_trans_id'] = $strTransactionId;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_trans_id'] = $this->strTransactionId;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_auth_code'] = $this->
$this->aryRequestValues['x_amount'] = $this->fltTotalPrice;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_card_num'] = $this->strCCNumber;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_exp_date'] = $this->strCCExpirationMonth . $this->strCCExpirationYear;
//Note - this should be checked on input, this is for testing - remove conditional ..
if( '' != $this->strCCVNumber )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_card_code'] = $this->strCCVNumber;
protected function initOrderFields()
$this->aryRequestValues['x_invoice_num'] = $this->objOrder->Id;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_description'] = DEFAULT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION;
//todo: maybe itemized list here ..
//foreach (orderitems) $this->aryRequestValues['x_line_item'] ...etc.
protected function initCustomerFields()
$this->aryRequestValues['x_customer_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$this->aryRequestValues['x_cust_id'] = $this->objOrder->Account->Id;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_email'] = $this->objOrder->Account->Person->EmailAddress;
/* todo: optionally have authorize send a confirmation email ..
$this->aryRequestValues['x_email_customer'] = '';
$this->aryRequestValues['x_email_header'] = '';
$this->aryRequestValues['x_email_footer'] = '';
protected function initAddressFields()
//todo: if($this->SendShippingAddress)
//We must concatenate all the name fields into first or last name ..
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingNamePrefix )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_first_name'] = $this->objOrder->BillingNamePrefix . ' ';
$this->aryRequestValues['x_first_name'] .= $this->objOrder->BillingFirstName;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_first_name'] = $this->objOrder->BillingFirstName;
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingMiddleName )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_first_name'] .= ' ' . $this->objOrder->BillingMiddleName;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_last_name'] = ' ' . $this->objOrder->BillingLastName;
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingNameSuffix )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_last_name'] .= ' ' . $this->objOrder->BillingNameSuffix;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_address'] = $this->objOrder->BillingStreet1;
//ALERT: There is no field for Street2, County or Suburb so we put them all in address .. this may
// cause problems ..
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingStreet2 )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_address'] .= ', ' . $this->objOrder->BillingStreet2;
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingSuburb )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_address'] .= ', ' . $this->objOrder->BillingSuburb;
if( '' != $this->objOrder->BillingCounty )
$this->aryRequestValues['x_address'] .= ', ' . $this->objOrder->BillingCounty;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_city'] = $this->objOrder->BillingCity;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_state'] = $this->objOrder->BillingState;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_country'] = $this->objOrder->BillingCountry;
$this->aryRequestValues['x_zip'] = $this->objOrder->BillingPostalCode;
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'SendShippingAddress':
return $this->blnSendShippingAddress;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
switch ($strName)
case 'SendShippingAddress':
try {
$this->blnSendShippingAddress = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean );
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
try {
return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}//end class
}//end define