A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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function Qcodo__DateTimePicker_Change(strControlId, objListbox) {
var objMonth = document.getElementById(strControlId + "_lstMonth");
var objDay = document.getElementById(strControlId + "_lstDay");
var objYear = document.getElementById(strControlId + "_lstYear");
if (objListbox.options[objListbox.selectedIndex].value == "") {
objMonth.selectedIndex = 0;
objYear.selectedIndex = 0;
objDay.options[objDay.options.length - 1] = null;
objDay.options[0] = new Option("--", "");
objDay.selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
if ((objListbox == objMonth) || ((objListbox == objYear) && (objMonth.options[objMonth.selectedIndex].value == 2))) {
var intCurrentDay = objDay.options[objDay.selectedIndex].value;
var intCurrentMaxDay = objDay.options[objDay.options.length - 1].value;
// Calculate new Max Day
var intNewMaxDay = 0;
var intSelectedMonth = objMonth.options[objMonth.selectedIndex].value;
var intSelectedYear = new Number(objYear.options[objYear.selectedIndex].value);
if (!intSelectedYear)
intSelectedYear = 2000;
switch (intSelectedMonth) {
case "1":
case "3":
case "5":
case "7":
case "8":
case "10":
case "12":
intNewMaxDay = 31;
case "4":
case "6":
case "9":
case "11":
intNewMaxDay = 30;
case "2":
if ((intSelectedYear % 4) != 0)
intNewMaxDay = 28;
else if ((intSelectedYear % 1000) == 0)
intNewMaxDay = 29;
else if ((intSelectedYear % 100) == 0)
intNewMaxDay = 28;
intNewMaxDay = 29;
if (intNewMaxDay != intCurrentMaxDay) {
// Redo the Days Dropdown
var blnRequired = true;
if (objDay.options[0].value == "")
blnRequired = false;
while (objDay.options.length)
objDay.options[objDay.options.length - 1] = null;
if (!blnRequired)
objDay.options[0] = new Option("--", "");
for (var intDay = 1; intDay <= intNewMaxDay; intDay++) {
objDay.options[objDay.options.length] = new Option(intDay, intDay);
intCurrentDay = Math.min(intCurrentDay, intNewMaxDay);
if (blnRequired)
objDay.options[intCurrentDay - 1].selected = true;
objDay.options[intCurrentDay].selected = true;