A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

732 lines
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// Control: Moveable functionality
qcodo.registerControlMoveable = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
var objWrapper = objControl.wrapper;
objWrapper.moveable = true;
// Control Handle and Mask
objWrapper.mask = qcodo.getControl(objWrapper.id + "mask");
if (!objWrapper.mask) {
var objSpanElement = document.createElement('span');
objSpanElement.id = objWrapper.id + "mask";
objSpanElement.style.position = "absolute";
objWrapper.mask = objSpanElement;
objWrapper.mask.wrapper = objWrapper;
// Setup Mask
objMask = objWrapper.mask;
objMask.style.position = "absolute";
objMask.style.zIndex = 998;
if (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE))
objMask.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)";
objMask.style.opacity = 0.5;
objMask.style.display = "none";
objMask.innerHTML = "";
objMask.handleAnimateComplete = function(mixControl) {
this.style.display = "none";
// Update Absolutely-positioned children on Scroller (if applicable)
// to fix Firefox b/c firefox uses position:absolute incorrectly
/* if (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.FIREFOX) && (objControl.style.overflow == "auto"))
objControl.onscroll = function(objEvent) {
objEvent = qcodo.handleEvent(objEvent);
for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex < this.childNodes.length; intIndex++) {
if ((this.childNodes[intIndex].style) && (this.childNodes[intIndex].style.position == "absolute")) {
if (!this.childNodes[intIndex].originalX) {
this.childNodes[intIndex].originalX = this.childNodes[intIndex].offsetLeft;
this.childNodes[intIndex].originalY = this.childNodes[intIndex].offsetTop;
this.childNodes[intIndex].style.left = this.childNodes[intIndex].originalX - this.scrollLeft + "px";
this.childNodes[intIndex].style.top = this.childNodes[intIndex].originalY - this.scrollTop + "px";
// Block Control: DropZone Target Functionality
qcodo.registerControlDropZoneTarget = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
var objWrapper = objControl.wrapper;
// Control Handle and Mask
objWrapper.dropZoneMask = qcodo.getControl(objWrapper.id + "dzmask");
if (!objWrapper.dropZoneMask) {
//<span id="%s_ctldzmask" style="position:absolute;"><span style="font-size: 1px">&nbsp;</span></span>
var objSpanElement = document.createElement("span");
objSpanElement.id = objWrapper.id + "dzmask";
objSpanElement.style.position = "absolute";
var objInnerSpanElement = document.createElement("span");
objInnerSpanElement.style.fontSize = "1px";
objInnerSpanElement.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
objWrapper.dropZoneMask = objSpanElement;
objWrapper.dropZoneMask.wrapper = objWrapper;
// Setup Mask
objMask = objWrapper.dropZoneMask;
objMask.style.position = "absolute";
objMask.style.top = "0px";
objMask.style.left = "0px";
objMask.style.borderColor = "#bb3399";
objMask.style.borderStyle = "solid";
objMask.style.borderWidth = "3px";
objMask.style.display = "none";
objWrapper.addToDropZoneGrouping = function(strGroupingId, blnAllowSelf, blnAllowSelfParent) {
if (!qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId])
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId] = new Object;
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId][this.control.id] = this;
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId]["__allowSelf"] = (blnAllowSelf) ? true : false;
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId]["__allowSelfParent"] = (blnAllowSelfParent) ? true : false;
objWrapper.removeFromDropZoneGrouping = function(strGroupingId) {
if (!qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId])
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId] = new Object;
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId][this.control.id] = false;
// Qcodo Shortcuts
objWrapper.a2DZG = objWrapper.addToDropZoneGrouping;
objWrapper.rfDZG = objWrapper.removeFromDropZoneGrouping;
// Block Control: DropZone Grouping
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping = new Object;
// Block Control: Move Handle Functionality
qcodo.registerControlMoveHandle = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
var objWrapper = objControl.wrapper;
if (!objWrapper.handle) {
qcodo.registerControlHandle(objControl, 'move');
// Assign Event Handlers
objWrapper.handleMouseDown = function(objEvent, objHandle) {
// Set the Handle's MoveControls Bounding Box
// Calculate the offset (the top-left page coordinates of the bounding box vs. where the mouse is on the page)
this.offsetX = qcodo.page.x - this.boundingBox.x;
this.offsetY = qcodo.page.y - this.boundingBox.y;
this.startDragX = qcodo.page.x;
this.startDragY = qcodo.page.y;
// Clear MaskReturn Timeout (if applicable)
if (qcodo.moveHandleReset)
// Make the Masks appear (if applicable)
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objMoveControl = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objMask = objMoveControl.mask;
var objAbsolutePosition = objMoveControl.getAbsolutePosition();
objMask.style.display = "block";
objMask.style.top = objAbsolutePosition.y + "px";
objMask.style.left = objAbsolutePosition.x + "px";
objMask.innerHTML = "";
return qcodo.terminateEvent(objEvent);
objWrapper.handleMouseMove = function(objEvent, objHandle) {
// Do We Scroll?
if ((qcodo.client.x <= 30) || (qcodo.client.y >= (qcodo.client.height - 30)) ||
(qcodo.client.y <= 30) || (qcodo.client.x >= (qcodo.client.width - 30))) {
qcodo.scrollMoveHandle = this;
} else {
// Clear Handle Timeout
return qcodo.terminateEvent(objEvent);
objWrapper.handleMouseUp = function(objEvent, objHandle) {
// Calculate Move Delta
var objMoveDelta = this.calculateMoveDelta();
var intDeltaX = objMoveDelta.x;
var intDeltaY = objMoveDelta.y;
// Stop Scrolling
// Validate Drop Zone
var objDropControl;
if ((intDeltaX == 0) && (intDeltaY == 0)) {
// Nothing Moved!
objDropControl = null;
} else {
objDropControl = this.getDropTarget();
if (objDropControl) {
// Update everything that's moving (e.g. all controls in qcodo.moveControls)
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objWrapper = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objMask = objWrapper.mask;
objMask.style.display = "none";
objMask.style.cursor = null;
// qcodo.moveControls[strKey] = null;
objWrapper.updateStyle("position", "absolute");
// Get Control's Position
var objAbsolutePosition = objWrapper.getAbsolutePosition();
// Update Parent -- Wrapper now belongs to a new DropControl
if (objDropControl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form') {
if (objWrapper.parentNode != objDropControl)
objWrapper.updateStyle("parent", objDropControl.id);
} else {
if (objDropControl.id != objWrapper.parentNode.parentNode.id)
objWrapper.updateStyle("parent", objDropControl.control.id);
// Update Control's Position
objWrapper.setAbsolutePosition(objAbsolutePosition.x + intDeltaX, objAbsolutePosition.y + intDeltaY, true);
if (objWrapper.updateHandle)
objWrapper.updateHandle(true, "move");
// Setup OnMove (if applicable)
if (objWrapper.control.getAttribute("onqcodomove")) {
objWrapper.control.qcodomove = function(strOnMoveCommand) {
} else {
// Rejected
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objWrapper = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objMask = objWrapper.mask;
objMask.style.cursor = null;
if (objWrapper.updateHandle)
objWrapper.updateHandle(false, "move");
if (qcodo.isBrowser(this.IE))
this.resetMasks(intDeltaX, intDeltaY, 25);
this.resetMasks(intDeltaX, intDeltaY, 50);
// If we haven't moved at all, go ahead and run the control's onclick method
// (if applicable) or just propogate the click up
if ((intDeltaX == 0) && (intDeltaY == 0)) {
if (this.control.onclick)
return this.control.onclick(objEvent);
return true;
} else {
return qcodo.terminateEvent(objEvent);
// Setup Move Targets
objWrapper.moveControls = new Object();
objWrapper.registerMoveTarget = function(mixControl) {
// If they pass in null, then register itself as the move target
if (mixControl == null) mixControl = this.control;
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
var objTargetWrapper = objControl.wrapper;
if (objTargetWrapper)
this.moveControls[objControl.id] = objTargetWrapper;
// this.registerDropZone(objTargetWrapper.parentNode);
objWrapper.unregisterMoveTarget = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
if (objControl.id)
this.moveControls[objControl.id] = null;
objWrapper.clearMoveTargets = function() {
this.moveControls = new Object();
// Setup Drop Zones
objWrapper.registerDropZone = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
if (objControl.wrapper) {
this.dropControls[objControl.id] = objControl.wrapper;
} else
this.dropControls[objControl.id] = objControl;
objWrapper.unregisterDropZone = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
this.dropControls[objControl.id] = null;
objWrapper.clearDropZones = function() {
this.dropControls = new Object();
objWrapper.registerDropZoneGrouping = function(strGroupingId) {
if (!qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId])
qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId] = new Object;
this.dropGroupings[strGroupingId] = true;
objWrapper.clearDropZoneGroupings = function() {
this.dropGroupings = new Object();
// Mouse Delta Calculator
objWrapper.calculateMoveDelta = function() {
// Calculate Move Delta
var intDeltaX = qcodo.page.x - this.startDragX;
var intDeltaY = qcodo.page.y - this.startDragY;
intDeltaX = Math.min(Math.max(intDeltaX, -1 * this.boundingBox.x), qcodo.page.width - this.boundingBox.boundX);
intDeltaY = Math.min(Math.max(intDeltaY, -1 * this.boundingBox.y), qcodo.page.height - this.boundingBox.boundY);
return {x: intDeltaX, y: intDeltaY};
objWrapper.setupBoundingBox = function() {
// Calculate moveControls aggregate bounding box (x,y,width,height,boundX,boundY)
// Note that boundX is just (x + width), and boundY is just (y + height)
var intMinX = null;
var intMinY = null;
var intMaxX = null;
var intMaxY = null;
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objMoveControl = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objAbsolutePosition = objMoveControl.getAbsolutePosition();
if (intMinX == null) {
intMinX = objAbsolutePosition.x;
intMinY = objAbsolutePosition.y;
intMaxX = objAbsolutePosition.x + objMoveControl.offsetWidth;
intMaxY = objAbsolutePosition.y + objMoveControl.offsetHeight;
} else {
intMinX = Math.min(intMinX, objAbsolutePosition.x);
intMinY = Math.min(intMinY, objAbsolutePosition.y);
intMaxX = Math.max(intMaxX, objAbsolutePosition.x + objMoveControl.offsetWidth);
intMaxY = Math.max(intMaxY, objAbsolutePosition.y + objMoveControl.offsetHeight);
if (!this.boundingBox)
this.boundingBox = new Object();
this.boundingBox.x = intMinX;
this.boundingBox.y = intMinY;
this.boundingBox.boundX = intMaxX;
this.boundingBox.boundY = intMaxY;
this.boundingBox.width = intMaxX - intMinX;
this.boundingBox.height = intMaxY - intMinY;
objWrapper.updateBoundingBox = function() {
// Just like SETUP BoundingBox, except now we're using the MASKS instead of the Controls
// (in case, becuase of hte move, the size of the control may have changed/been altered)
var intMinX = null;
var intMinY = null;
var intMaxX = null;
var intMaxY = null;
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objMoveControl = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objAbsolutePosition = objMoveControl.getAbsolutePosition();
if (intMinX == null) {
intMinX = objAbsolutePosition.x;
intMinY = objAbsolutePosition.y;
intMaxX = objAbsolutePosition.x + objMoveControl.mask.offsetWidth;
intMaxY = objAbsolutePosition.y + objMoveControl.mask.offsetHeight;
} else {
intMinX = Math.min(intMinX, objAbsolutePosition.x);
intMinY = Math.min(intMinY, objAbsolutePosition.y);
intMaxX = Math.max(intMaxX, objAbsolutePosition.x + objMoveControl.mask.offsetWidth);
intMaxY = Math.max(intMaxY, objAbsolutePosition.y + objMoveControl.mask.offsetHeight);
this.boundingBox.x = intMinX;
this.boundingBox.y = intMinY;
this.boundingBox.boundX = intMaxX;
this.boundingBox.boundY = intMaxY;
this.boundingBox.width = intMaxX - intMinX;
this.boundingBox.height = intMaxY - intMinY;
objWrapper.moveMasks = function() {
// Calculate Move Delta
var objMoveDelta = this.calculateMoveDelta();
var intDeltaX = objMoveDelta.x;
var intDeltaY = objMoveDelta.y;
var blnValidDropZone = this.validateDropZone();
if (blnValidDropZone)
this.handle.style.cursor = "url(" + qc.imageAssets + "/_core/move_drop.cur), auto";
this.handle.style.cursor = "url(" + qc.imageAssets + "/_core/move_nodrop.cur), auto";
// Update Everything that's Moving (e.g. all controls in qcodo.moveControls)
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objWrapper = this.moveControls[strKey];
var objMask = objWrapper.mask;
// Fixes a weird Firefox bug
if (objMask.innerHTML == "")
objMask.innerHTML = ".";
if (objMask.innerHTML == ".")
objMask.innerHTML = objWrapper.innerHTML.replace(' id="', ' id="invalid_mask_');
// Recalculate Widths
// Move this control's mask
objWrapper.setMaskOffset(intDeltaX, intDeltaY);
if (blnValidDropZone) {
objMask.style.cursor = "url(" + qc.imageAssets + "/_core/move_drop.cur), auto";
} else {
objMask.style.cursor = "url(" + qc.imageAssets + "/_core/move_nodrop.cur), auto";
objWrapper.getDropZoneControlWrappers = function() {
var arrayToReturn = new Object;
for (var strDropKey in this.dropControls) {
var objDropWrapper = this.dropControls[strDropKey];
if (objDropWrapper)
arrayToReturn[strDropKey] = objDropWrapper;
for (var strGroupingId in this.dropGroupings) {
if (this.dropGroupings[strGroupingId]) for (var strControlId in qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId]) {
if (strControlId.substring(0, 1) != "_") {
var objDropWrapper = qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId][strControlId];
if (objDropWrapper) {
if (objDropWrapper.control.id == objWrapper.control.id) {
if (qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId]["__allowSelf"])
arrayToReturn[strControlId] = objDropWrapper;
} else if (objDropWrapper.control.id == objWrapper.parentNode.id) {
if (qcodo.dropZoneGrouping[strGroupingId]["__allowSelfParent"])
arrayToReturn[strControlId] = objDropWrapper;
} else {
arrayToReturn[strControlId] = objDropWrapper;
return arrayToReturn;
objWrapper.validateDropZone = function() {
var blnFoundTarget = false;
var blnFormOkay = false;
var dropControls = this.getDropZoneControlWrappers();
for (var strDropKey in dropControls) {
var objDropWrapper = dropControls[strDropKey];
if (objDropWrapper) {
if (objDropWrapper.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form') {
blnFormOkay = true;
} else if (objDropWrapper.containsPoint(qcodo.page.x, qcodo.page.y)) {
if (blnFoundTarget) {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.display = "none";
} else {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.display = "block";
var objAbsolutePosition = objDropWrapper.getAbsolutePosition();
if (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE) && (window.document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.width = Math.max(7, objDropWrapper.control.offsetWidth) + "px";
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.height = Math.max(7, objDropWrapper.control.offsetHeight) + "px";
// if (objDropWrapper.style.position == 'absolute') {
var objAbsolutePosition = objDropWrapper.getAbsolutePosition();
// objDropWrapper.setDropZoneMaskAbsolutePosition(objAbsolutePosition.x + 10, objAbsolutePosition.y + 10);
objDropWrapper.setDropZoneMaskAbsolutePosition(objAbsolutePosition.x, objAbsolutePosition.y);
// };
} else {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.width = Math.max(1, objDropWrapper.control.offsetWidth - 6) + "px";
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.height = Math.max(1, objDropWrapper.control.offsetHeight - 6) + "px";
// if (objDropWrapper.style.position != 'absolute') {
var objAbsolutePosition = objDropWrapper.getAbsolutePosition();
objDropWrapper.setDropZoneMaskAbsolutePosition(objAbsolutePosition.x, objAbsolutePosition.y);
// }
blnFoundTarget = true;
} else {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.display = "none";
return (blnFoundTarget || blnFormOkay);
// Will return "NULL" if there was no target found
// Could also return the Form if not dropped on any valid target BUT tbe Form is still a drop zone
objWrapper.getDropTarget = function() {
var objForm = null;
var objToReturn = null;
var dropControls = this.getDropZoneControlWrappers();
for (var strDropKey in dropControls) {
var objDropWrapper = dropControls[strDropKey];
if (objDropWrapper) {
if (objDropWrapper.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form')
objForm = objDropWrapper;
else if (objDropWrapper.containsPoint(qcodo.page.x, qcodo.page.y)) {
objDropWrapper.dropZoneMask.style.display = "none";
if (!objToReturn)
objToReturn = objDropWrapper;
if (objToReturn)
return objToReturn;
if (objForm)
return objForm;
return null;
objWrapper.resetMasks = function(intDeltaX, intDeltaY, intSpeed) {
qcodo.moveHandleReset = this;
if (intDeltaX || intDeltaY) {
this.resetCurrentOffsetX = intDeltaX * 1.0;
this.resetCurrentOffsetY = intDeltaY * 1.0;
var fltTotalMove = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(intDeltaX, 2) + Math.pow(intDeltaY, 2));
var fltRatio = (intSpeed * 1.0) / fltTotalMove;
this.resetStepX = fltRatio * intDeltaX;
this.resetStepY = fltRatio * intDeltaY;
qcodo.setTimeout("move_mask_return", "qcodo.wrappers['" + this.id + "'].resetMaskHelper()", 10);
objWrapper.resetMaskHelper = function() {
if (this.resetCurrentOffsetX < 0)
this.resetCurrentOffsetX = Math.min(this.resetCurrentOffsetX - this.resetStepX, 0);
this.resetCurrentOffsetX = Math.max(this.resetCurrentOffsetX - this.resetStepX, 0);
if (this.resetCurrentOffsetY < 0)
this.resetCurrentOffsetY = Math.min(this.resetCurrentOffsetY - this.resetStepY, 0);
this.resetCurrentOffsetY = Math.max(this.resetCurrentOffsetY - this.resetStepY, 0);
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objWrapper = this.moveControls[strKey];
objWrapper.setMaskOffset(this.resetCurrentOffsetX, this.resetCurrentOffsetY);
if ((this.resetCurrentOffsetX == 0) && (this.resetCurrentOffsetY == 0)) {
objWrapper.mask.style.display = "none";
if ((this.resetCurrentOffsetX != 0) || (this.resetCurrentOffsetY != 0))
qcodo.setTimeout("move_mask_return", "qcodo.wrappers['" + this.id + "'].resetMaskHelper()", 10);
qcodo.moveHandleReset = null;
objWrapper.resetMasksCancel = function() {
qcodo.moveHandleReset = null;
for (var strKey in this.moveControls) {
var objWrapper = this.moveControls[strKey];
objWrapper.mask.style.display = "none";
// Wrapper Shortcuts
objWrapper.regMT = objWrapper.registerMoveTarget;
objWrapper.regDZ = objWrapper.registerDropZone;
objWrapper.regDZG = objWrapper.registerDropZoneGrouping;
} else {
qcodo.animateMove = function(mixControl, intDestinationX, intDestinationY, intSpeed) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
// Record Destination Coordinates
objControl.destinationX = intDestinationX;
objControl.destinationY = intDestinationY;
// Get Starting Coordinates
var objAbsolutePosition = qcodo.getAbsolutePosition(objControl);
objControl.currentX = objAbsolutePosition.x * 1.0;
objControl.currentY = objAbsolutePosition.y * 1.0;
// Calculate the amount to move in the X- and Y- direction per step
var fltTotalMove = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(objControl.destinationY - objControl.currentY, 2) + Math.pow(objControl.destinationX - objControl.currentX, 2));
var fltTotalMoveX = (objControl.destinationX * 1.0) - objControl.currentX;
var fltTotalMoveY = (objControl.destinationY * 1.0) - objControl.currentY;
objControl.stepMoveX = ((intSpeed * 1.0) / fltTotalMove) * fltTotalMoveX;
objControl.stepMoveY = ((intSpeed * 1.0) / fltTotalMove) * fltTotalMoveY;
qcodo.setTimeout(objControl, "qcodo.handleAnimateMove('" + objControl.id + "');", 10);
qcodo.handleAnimateMove = function(mixControl) {
var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return;
// Update Current Coordinates
if (objControl.stepMoveX < 0)
objControl.currentX = Math.max(objControl.destinationX, objControl.currentX + objControl.stepMoveX);
objControl.currentX = Math.min(objControl.destinationX, objControl.currentX + objControl.stepMoveX);
if (objControl.stepMoveY < 0)
objControl.currentY = Math.max(objControl.destinationY, objControl.currentY + objControl.stepMoveY);
objControl.currentY = Math.min(objControl.destinationY, objControl.currentY + objControl.stepMoveY);
qcodo.setAbsolutePosition(objControl, Math.round(objControl.currentX), Math.round(objControl.currentY));
if ((Math.round(objControl.currentX) == objControl.destinationX) &&
(Math.round(objControl.currentY) == objControl.destinationY)) {
// We are done
if (objControl.handleAnimateComplete)
} else {
// Do it again
qcodo.setTimeout(objControl, "qcodo.handleAnimateMove('" + objControl.id + "');", 10);
qcodo.handleScroll = function() {
var objHandle = qcodo.scrollMoveHandle;
// Clear Timeout
// How much to scroll by
var intScrollByX = 0;
var intScrollByY = 0;
// Calculate our ScrollByY amount
if (qcodo.client.y <= 30) {
var intDivisor = (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE)) ? 1.5 : 3;
intScrollByY = Math.round((qcodo.client.y - 30) / intDivisor);
} else if (qcodo.client.y >= (qcodo.client.height - 30)) {
var intDivisor = (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE)) ? 1.5 : 3;
intScrollByY = Math.round((qcodo.client.y - (qcodo.client.height - 30)) / intDivisor);
// Calculate our ScrollByX amount
if (qcodo.client.x <= 30) {
var intDivisor = (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE)) ? 1 : 2;
intScrollByX = Math.round((qcodo.client.x - 30) / intDivisor);
} else if (qcodo.client.x >= (qcodo.client.width - 30)) {
var intDivisor = (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE)) ? 1 : 2;
intScrollByX = Math.round((qcodo.client.x - (qcodo.client.width - 30)) / intDivisor);
// Limit ScrollBy amounts (dependent on current scroll and scroll.max's)
if (intScrollByX < 0) {
// Scroll to Left
intScrollByX = Math.max(intScrollByX, 0 - qcodo.scroll.x);
} else if (intScrollByX > 0) {
// Scroll to Right
intScrollByX = Math.min(intScrollByX, qcodo.scroll.width - qcodo.scroll.x);
if (intScrollByY < 0) {
// Scroll to Left
intScrollByY = Math.max(intScrollByY, 0 - qcodo.scroll.y);
} else if (intScrollByY > 0) {
// Scroll to Right
intScrollByY = Math.min(intScrollByY, qcodo.scroll.height - qcodo.scroll.y);
// Perform the Scroll
window.scrollBy(intScrollByX, intScrollByY);
// Update Event Stats
// Update Handle Offset
objHandle.offsetX -= intScrollByX;
objHandle.offsetY -= intScrollByY;
if (intScrollByX || intScrollByY)
qcodo.setTimeout(objHandle.id, "qcodo.handleScroll()", 25);
// Qcodo Shortcuts
qc.regCM = qcodo.registerControlMoveable;
qc.regCMH = qcodo.registerControlMoveHandle;