'MySql5', 'server' => 'localhost', 'port' => null, 'database' => 'quasicmstest', 'username' => 'quasidbutest', 'password' => 'quasidbptest', 'secure' => false, 'sslkey' => '', 'sslcertificate' => '', 'sslcacertificate' => '', 'profiling' => false, 'encoding' => 'utf8', ) )); break; } define('ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN', true); define ('__URL_REWRITE__', 'apache'); define ('__DEVTOOLS_CLI__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/../_devtools_cli'); define ('__INCLUDES__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/includes'); define ('__QCODO__', __INCLUDES__ . '/qcodo'); define ('__QCODO_CORE__', __INCLUDES__ . '/qcodo/_core'); define ('__DEVTOOLS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/_devtools'); // We don't want "Examples", and we don't want to download them during qcodo_update define ('__EXAMPLES__', '/examples'); define ('__JS_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/js'); define ('__CSS_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/css'); define ('__IMAGE_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/images'); define ('__PHP_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/assets/php'); if ((function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) && (!ini_get('date.timezone'))) date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); define('ERROR_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/_core/error_page.php'); // define('ERROR_LOG_PATH', __INCLUDES__ . '/error_log'); // define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/friendly_error_page.php'); // define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_AJAX_MESSAGE', 'Oops! An error has occurred.\r\n\r\nThe error was logged, and we will take a look into this right away.'); /** Quasi CMS specific configuration * The generator directories are defined so that it is easy to have a different local generation. * All basic functionality for Quasi's ORM layer is under core/orm/ while the generated base classes * are in generated. Thus, Quasi ORM can be under version control while generated classes * are not, allowing for local versions of base classes that may have relationships due to local * database schema changes or extensions. You can move subclassed ORM and MetaControls * classes to the directories under local after generation and they will be found by the * Quasi autoloader (Note: currently if you move the generated base class you will need to modify * the require statements to suit, if you leave them in generated/ they will function as is.). * This way local and core code can be under different version control without conflict - generated/ * classes are not under version control. */ /// QUASIBASE defined here in case we are running code generation (ie. without Quasi) /// QUASIBASE should be the same as QUASI_ROOT .. define ('__QUASIBASE__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ ); /// ORM Classes and MetaControls _all_ go under core/orm define ('__DATA_CLASSES__', __QUASIBASE__ . '/core/orm'); define ('__DATA_META_CONTROLS__', __QUASIBASE__ . '/core/meta_controls'); /// Generated base classes and drafts go under generated/ define ('__DATAGEN_CLASSES__', __QUASIBASE__ . '/generated/orm'); define ('__DATAGEN_META_CONTROLS__', __QUASIBASE__ . '/generated/meta_controls'); /// define ('__PANEL_DRAFTS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/generated/panels'); define ('__FORM_DRAFTS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/generated/forms'); ?>