* $Id: LostPasswordModule.class.php 286 2008-10-10 23:33:36Z erikwinn $
*@version 0.1
*@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
*@license GPL v.2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
*@package Quasi
* @subpackage Modules
class LostPasswordModule extends QPanel
* @var ContentBlockView objContentBlock - the content block to which this module is assigned
protected $objContentBlock;
* @var Account objAccount - local instance of the Account
protected $objAccount = null;
* @var Person objPerson - local instance of the Person
protected $objPerson = null;
* Note: this will accept a username or an email address, an account will be retrieved for either
* if possible.
* @var QTextBox txtUserName - input for password retrieval
public $txtUserName;
public $lblInstructions;
public $lblMessage;
public $btnSubmit;
* Module constructor
* NOTE: This module ignores the required extra parameters ..
*@param ContentBlock - parent controller object.
*@param mixed - extra parameters, ignored
public function __construct( ContentBlockView $objContentBlock, $mixParameters=null)
//Parent should always be a ContentBlockView
$this->objContentBlock =& $objContentBlock;
try {
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
$this->strTemplate = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/LostPasswordModule.tpl.php';
$this->txtUserName = new QTextBox($this);
$this->txtUserName->Name = Quasi::Translate('Username or Email');
$this->txtUserName->Required = true;
$this->lblMessage = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblMessage->HtmlEntities = false;
$this->lblInstructions = new QLabel($this);
$this->lblInstructions->HtmlEntities = false;
$this->lblInstructions->Text = Quasi::Translate('Please enter your username or primary email address') .':
$this->btnSubmit = new QButton($this);
$this->btnSubmit->Text = QApplication::Translate('Submit');
$this->btnSubmit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnSubmit_Click'));
$this->btnSubmit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'btnSubmit_Click'));
$this->btnSubmit->CausesValidation = $this;
* This Function is called when any input is sent - on failure the
* fields are redrawn with optional error messages.
public function Validate()
$blnToReturn = true;
// validate input here
return $blnToReturn;
public function btnSubmit_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
$strInput = $this->txtUserName->Text;
$this->objAccount = Account::LoadByUsername($strInput);
if( ! $this->objAccount instanceof Account )
$aryPersons = Person::LoadArrayByEmailAddress($strInput);
foreach($aryPersons as $objPerson)
$this->objAccount = Account::LoadByPersonId($objPerson->Id);
if( $this->objAccount instanceof Account )
$this->objPerson = $objPerson;
//Still no good? sorry ..
if( ! $this->objAccount instanceof Account )
$strMessage = Quasi::Translate('I am sorry, I can not find an account for this username or email') . '!
. Quasi::Translate('Please contact support at') . Quasi::$SupportEmailLink . Quasi::Translate('for further assistance') . '.' ;
$strMessage = Quasi::Translate('Thank You ') . $this->objAccount->Name . '!
. Quasi::Translate('You will receive an email in a few minutes containing a onetime password to use to login and reset your password.');
$this->lblInstructions->Visible = false;
$this->txtUserName->Visible = false;
$this->btnSubmit->Visible = false;
$this->lblMessage->Text = $strMessage;
private function setRandomPassword()
$strPassword = self::CreatePassword();
$this->objAccount->Password = sha1($strPassword);
$this->objAccount->OnetimePassword = true;
$this->objAccount->ValidPassword = true;
if(null == $this->objPerson)
$this->objPerson = Person::LoadById( $this->objAccount->PersonId );
$strEmailText = Quasi::Translate('Hi ') . $this->objAccount->Name . ", \n"
. Quasi::Translate(' Here is a temporary password you can use to log in to your account ') . ". \n\n"
. Quasi::Translate(' Username') . ': ' . $this->objAccount->Username . " \n"
. Quasi::Translate(' Password') . ': ' . $strPassword . " \n\n"
. Quasi::Translate('PLEASE NOTE: This password can only be used once. You MUST RESET YOUR PASSWORD after logging in!')
. Quasi::Translate('Warm Regards') . ", \n\n" . STORE_NAME . Quasi::Translate('Support Team') . "\n"
$objEmail = new QEmailMessage();
$objEmail->From = STORE_NAME . ' <' . STORE_EMAIL_ADDRESS . '>';
$objEmail->Subject = STORE_NAME . ' Important Information ';
$objEmail->To = $this->objPerson->FullName . ' <' . $this->objPerson->EmailAddress . '>';
$objEmail->Body = $strEmailText;
public static function CreatePassword($intLength = 8, $blnHard = true)
$strChars = "0123456789_!@#$%&*()-=+/abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$strChars = "0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$strToReturn = '';
$intCtr = 0;
$intSelectionLength = strlen($strChars) - 1;
while ($intCtr < $intLength)
$strChar = substr($strChars, rand(0, $intSelectionLength), 1);
if (false === strpos($strToReturn, $strChar))
$strToReturn .= $strChar;
return $strToReturn;
public function __get($strName)
switch ($strName)
case 'Account':
return $this->objAccount ;
try {
return parent::__get($strName);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
switch ($strName)
case 'Account':
try {
return ($this->objAccount = QType::Cast($mixValue, 'Account' ));
} catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
try {
return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
}//end class
}//end define