* * * $Id: AccountOrderModule.class.php 275 2008-10-09 17:20:14Z erikwinn $ *@version 0.1 * *@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn *@license GPL v.2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA * *@package Quasi * @subpackage Modules */ class AccountOrderModule extends ListModuleBase { private $intOrderId; private $objOrderListView = null; private $objOrderItemView = null; /** * Module constructor *@param ContentBlockView - objParentObject parent controller object. *@param array - aryParameters, should contain one element with an order id or be empty */ public function __construct( $objParentObject, $aryParameters) { $this->objParentObject =& $objParentObject; if(!empty($aryParameters)) $this->intOrderId = array_pop($aryParameters); try { parent::__construct($this->objParentObject); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } $this->AutoRenderChildren = true; // $this->strTemplate = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/AccountOrderModule.tpl.php'; if($this->objAccount instanceof Account) $this->InitPanels(); } protected function InitPanels() { /* $this->pnlListView->RemoveChildControls(false); $this->pnlItemView->RemoveChildControls(false);*/ $this->pnlItemView->Visible = false; $this->pnlListView->Visible = false; if($this->intOrderId) { $this->objOrderItemView = new AccountOrderViewPanel($this->pnlItemView, $this, 'CloseItemPanel', $this->intOrderId); $this->pnlItemView->Visible = true; } else { $this->objOrderListView = new AccountOrderListPanel($this->pnlListView, $this, 'ShowItemPanel', 'CloseItemPanel', $this->Account->Id); $this->pnlListView->Visible = true; } } //Overrides the parent to ensure that the list view is populated public function CloseItemPanel($blnUpdatesMade) { if(!$this->objOrderListView) $this->objOrderListView = new AccountOrderListPanel( $this->pnlListView, $this, 'ShowItemPanel', 'CloseItemPanel', $this->Account->Id ); parent::CloseItemPanel($blnUpdatesMade); } public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } public function __set($strName, $mixValue) { switch ($strName) { default: try { return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } }//end class }//end define ?>