for CSS styling * when there are lists or optionally a simple div with an anchor. The label * may be text or an img src (CSS images are prefered). A div may be * used for stand alone links that are not part of a menu * * The CSS Id is the Name column in the menu_item table, class may * be set in the administration as well - each class will be added, a default * class of Menu or MenuItem will be applied in any case. * * The constructor may be passed either a MenuItem or a MenuView - * for MenuView GetControlHtml will make a li or a div in which to create * the children of the menu (NOTE: this is unimplemented ..) * *@todo * - implement Menu child items * - check permissions for the item .. * - (maybe) add js actions to simply change the CenterPanel of a PageView * without a total reload of the page. Ie. pass a callback that can hide/show * areas. * *@author Erik Winn * * * $Id: MenuItemView.class.php 426 2008-12-14 04:18:10Z erikwinn $ *@version 0.1 * *@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn *@license GPL v.2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA * * @package Quasi * @subpackage Views * */ class MenuItemView extends QControl { /** * Local reference to the Parent object: MenuItem or a Menu normally * @var QPanel objParentObject */ protected $objControlBlock; protected $mixMenuItem; private $_objMenuItem = null; private $_objMenu = null; // The presented item - may contain text or an image protected $strLabel = ''; protected $strHref = ''; protected $strImgSrc = null; // This MenuItem's CSS protected $strCssId = ''; protected $strCssclass = ''; // State flags protected $intLevel = 1; protected $blnEnabled = true; protected $blnUseDivs = false; protected $blnUseSpans = false; protected $blnUseImgSrc = false; protected $isLocal = true; public function ParsePostData() {} public function Validate() {return true;} /** * MenuItemView constructor * This constructor will accept any QPanel as the control block, this is normally a MenuView. * The second parameter may be either a Menu or a MenuItem. * *@param QPanel objControlBlock - the DOM parent, should be a ContentBlockView or a MenuView *@param QPanel mixMenuItem - the item to display, a Menu or a MenuItem */ public function __construct($objControlBlock, $mixMenuItem) { //Parent should always be a ContentBlockView or a MenuView $this->objControlBlock = $objControlBlock; $this->strCssId = preg_replace('/\s/', '',$mixMenuItem->Name); try { parent::__construct($this->objControlBlock, $this->strCssId); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } if( $mixMenuItem instanceof MenuItem ) { $this->_objMenuItem = $mixMenuItem; if('/'. $this->MenuItem->Uri == Quasi::$PathInfo) $this->AddCssClass("currentlink"); } elseif ( $mixMenuItem instanceof Menu ) { $this->AddCssClass("Menu"); $this->_objMenu = $mixMenuItem; } if($mixMenuItem->CssClass) $this->AddCssClass($mixMenuItem->CssClass); $this->AddCssClass($mixMenuItem->Type); $this->strHref = $this->CreateHref(); } /** * Creates the HTML for this MenuItem - returns address to be wrapped * @todo * - be more intelligent here, perhaps support odd number ports, possibly * omit http* and servername for local items. * - There is also an odd behaviour in QCodo - it gets confused when switching * between ssl and plain connections .. fixme. * - Possibly allow for document.location if js is available * * @return string */ public function CreateHref() { //we are a menu .. return. if($this->Menu ) return ''; if($this->MenuItem->IsSsl) $strReturn = 'https://'; else $strReturn = 'http://'; if($this->MenuItem->IsLocal) $strReturn .= Quasi::$ServerName . __QUASI_SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/index.php/'; $strReturn .= $this->MenuItem->Uri; return $strReturn; } /** * Get the HTML for this MenuItem - returns the anchor wrapped in li or div * @return string */ public function GetControlHtml() { if($this->Menu) $object = $this->Menu; else $object = $this->MenuItem; $strAttributes = $this->GetAttributes(); $strStyle = $this->GetStyleAttributes(); if ( '' != $strStyle) $strStyle = 'style="' . $strStyle . '"'; if($object instanceof Menu) return sprintf(' %s', 'Submenus TBD-FIXME' ); /* if($this->blnUseDivs) return sprintf('
', $this->strCssId, $strAttributes, $strStyle, $this->Href, $object->Label); /* return sprintf('
  • %s
  • ', $this->strCssId, $strAttributes, $strStyle, $this->Href, $object->Label);*/ return sprintf(' %s', $strAttributes, $strStyle, $this->Href, $object->Label); } public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'UseDivs': return $this->blnUseDivs ; case 'CssId': return $this->strCssId ; case 'Cssclass': return $this->strCssclass ; case 'Href': return $this->strHref ; case 'Level': return $this->intLevel ; case 'Menu': return $this->_objMenu; case 'MenuItem': return $this->_objMenuItem; case 'Label': case 'Title': if($this->mixMenuItem instanceof Menu ) return $this->_objMenu->Title ; else return $this->_objMenuItem->Label ; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } public function __set($strName, $mixValue) { switch ($strName) { case 'Level': try { return ($this->intLevel = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer)); } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } default: try { return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue)); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } } } ?>