/////////////////////////////// // Control Handle Functionality /////////////////////////////// qcodo.registerControlHandle = function(mixControl, strCursor) { var objControl; if (!(objControl = qcodo.getControl(mixControl))) return; var objWrapper = objControl.wrapper; if (!objWrapper.handle) { var objHandle = document.createElement("span"); objHandle.id = objWrapper.id + "handle"; objWrapper.parentNode.appendChild(objHandle); objWrapper.handle = objHandle; objHandle.wrapper = objWrapper; if (!objWrapper.style.position) { // The Wrapper is not defined as Positioned Relatively or Absolutely // Therefore, no offsetTop/Left/Width/Height values are available on the wrapper itself objHandle.style.width = objWrapper.control.style.width; objHandle.style.height = objWrapper.control.style.height; objHandle.style.top = objWrapper.control.offsetTop + "px"; objHandle.style.left = objWrapper.control.offsetLeft + "px"; } else { objHandle.style.width = objWrapper.offsetWidth + "px"; objHandle.style.height = objWrapper.offsetHeight + "px"; objHandle.style.top = objWrapper.offsetTop + "px"; objHandle.style.left = objWrapper.offsetLeft + "px"; }; objHandle.style.cursor = strCursor; objHandle.style.zIndex = 999; objHandle.style.backgroundColor = "white"; if (qcodo.isBrowser(qcodo.IE)) objHandle.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"; else objHandle.style.opacity = 0.0; objHandle.style.position = "absolute"; objHandle.style.fontSize = "1px"; objHandle.innerHTML = "."; }; objWrapper.updateHandle = function(blnUpdateParent, strCursor) { var objHandle = this.handle; // Make Sure the Wrapper's Parent owns this Handle if (blnUpdateParent) this.parentNode.appendChild(objHandle); // Fixup Size and Positioning objHandle.style.top = this.offsetTop + "px"; objHandle.style.left = this.offsetLeft + "px"; objHandle.style.width = this.offsetWidth + "px"; objHandle.style.height = this.offsetHeight + "px"; // Update the Cursor if (strCursor) objHandle.style.cursor = strCursor; }; }; ////////////////// // Qcodo Shortcuts ////////////////// qc.regCH = qcodo.registerControlHandle;