A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
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68 lines
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12 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <codegen>
  3. <!--
  4. This XML file defines the settings used when running the Code Generator.
  5. When running CodeGen, you must specify a CodeGenSettings XML file like
  6. this one to use. Feel free to copy, modify, etc.
  7. -->
  8. <!-- General CodeGen Settings -->
  9. <name application="Quasi"/>
  10. <templateEscape begin="&lt;%" end="%&gt;"/>
  11. <!-- Define Data Sources (e.g. Databases, Services, etc.) -->
  12. <dataSources>
  13. <database index="1">
  14. <!-- Append Prefixes/Suffixes to the Following Code Generated Items -->
  15. <className prefix="" suffix=""/>
  16. <associatedObjectName prefix="" suffix=""/>
  17. <!-- Table Type Identifiers - Used to Classify Tables in your Data Model -->
  18. <typeTableIdentifier suffix="_type"/>
  19. <associationTableIdentifier suffix="_assn"/>
  20. <!-- Other -->
  21. <stripFromTableName prefix=""/>
  22. <!-- Specific Tables to Exclude or Include in the CodeGen process -->
  23. <!--
  24. * "include" is used to override any "exclude" patterns or lists
  25. * "list" should be a comma-separated list of table names
  26. * "pattern" is a regexp pattern
  27. So for example, if you only want to codegen any table prefixed with "qc_",
  28. you should set an excludeTables pattern to exclude all, or "[0-9a-zA-Z_]*".
  29. And then you should set an includeTables pattern of "^qc_[0-9a-zA-Z_]*".
  30. -->
  31. <excludeTables pattern="" list=""/>
  32. <includeTables pattern="" list=""/>
  33. <!-- Support for "Beta 2" version of Manual Queries and Hard Coded Column Names -->
  34. <manualQuery support="false"/>
  35. <!-- Virtual Foreign Key Relationships -->
  36. <!--
  37. There are two ways to define relationships. To signify a virtual FK
  38. relationship (for example, on foo.bar_id which would key to bar.id)
  39. you can:
  40. A) Simply define the relationship in the <relationships/> tag using
  41. the following format:
  42. foo.bar_id => bar.id
  43. bar.other_id => other.id
  44. (with one relationship per line)
  45. Note that because the relationships data uses a ">" symbol, proper
  46. XML rules dictate that the content of the relationships script must
  47. be escaped with <![CDATA[ and ]]> tags.
  48. B) You can define the relationships in totally separate relationships
  49. script file by using the <relationshipsScript/> tag, where you can
  50. specify a filepath and a format. Format can either be:
  51. qcodo - follows the same "foo.bar_id => bar.id" as above
  52. sql - parses the script, looking for SQL-based ALTER TABLE statments like:
  54. -->
  55. <relationships><![CDATA[
  56. ]]></relationships>
  57. <relationshipsScript filepath="/home/erik/devel/sf/quasicms/local/relationships.txt" format="qcodo"/>
  58. </database>
  59. </dataSources>
  60. </codegen>