- <?php
- require(__DATAGEN_CLASSES__ . '/AuthorizeNetTransactionGen.class.php');
- /**
- * The AuthorizeNetTransaction class defined here contains any
- * customized code for the AuthorizeNetTransaction class in the
- * Object Relational Model. It represents the "authorize_net_transaction" table
- * in the database, and extends from the code generated abstract AuthorizeNetTransactionGen
- * class, which contains all the basic CRUD-type functionality as well as
- * basic methods to handle relationships and index-based loading.
- *
- * @package Quasi
- * @subpackage DataObjects
- *
- */
- class AuthorizeNetTransaction extends AuthorizeNetTransactionGen
- {
- /// Indexes for the response array (pipe delimited string ..)
- const ResponseCodeIdx = 0;
- const ResponseSubcodeIdx = 1;
- const ResponseReasonCodeIdx = 2;
- const ResponseReasonTextIdx = 3;
- const AuthorizationCodeIdx = 4;
- const AVSResponseIdx = 5;
- const TransactionIdIdx = 6;
- const InvoiceNumberIdx = 7;
- const DescriptionIdx = 8;
- const AmountIdx = 9;
- const MethodIdx = 10;
- const TransactionTypeIdx = 11;
- const CustomerIdIdx = 12;
- const FirstNameIdx = 13;
- const LastNameIdx = 14;
- const CompanyIdx = 15;
- const AddressIdx = 16;
- const CityIdx = 17;
- const StateIdx = 18;
- const ZipCodeIdx = 19;
- const CountryIdx = 20;
- const PhoneIdx = 21;
- const FaxIdx = 22;
- const EmailAddressIdx = 23;
- const ShipToFirstNameIdx = 24;
- const ShipToLastNameIdx = 25;
- const ShipToCompanyIdx = 26;
- const ShipToAddressIdx = 27;
- const ShipToCityIdx = 28;
- const ShipToStateIdx = 29;
- const ShipToZipCodeIdx = 30;
- const ShipToCountryIdx = 31;
- const TaxIdx = 32;
- const DutyIdx = 33;
- const FreightIdx = 34;
- const TaxExemptIdx = 35;
- const PurchaseOrderNumberIdx = 36;
- const MD5HashIdx = 37;
- const CCVResponseIdx = 38;
- const CAVResponseIdx = 39;
- /**
- * Default "to string" handler
- * Allows pages to _p()/echo()/print() this object, and to define the default
- * way this object would be outputted.
- *
- * Can also be called directly via $objAuthorizeNetTransaction->__toString().
- *
- * @return string a nicely formatted string representation of this object
- */
- public function __toString()
- {
- return sprintf('AuthorizeNetTransaction Object %s', $this->intId);
- }
- }
- ?>