- <?php
- require(__DATAGEN_CLASSES__ . '/AddressGen.class.php');
- /**
- * The Address class defined here contains any
- * customized code for the Address class in the
- * Object Relational Model. It represents the "address" table
- * in the database, and extends from the code generated abstract AddressGen
- * class, which contains all the basic CRUD-type functionality as well as
- * basic methods to handle relationships and index-based loading.
- *
- * @package Quasi Application
- * @subpackage ORM
- *
- */
- class Address extends AddressGen {
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column address.zone_id
- * @var integer intZoneId
- */
- protected $intZoneId = 13;
- const ZoneIdDefault = 13;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column address.country_id
- * @var integer intCountryId
- */
- protected $intCountryId = 223;
- const CountryIdDefault = 223;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column address.is_current
- * @var boolean blnIsCurrent
- */
- protected $blnIsCurrent = true;
- const IsCurrentDefault = true;
- /**
- * Protected member variable that maps to the database column address.type_id
- * @var integer intTypeId
- */
- protected $intTypeId =1;
- const TypeIdDefault = 1;
- /**
- * Default "to string" handler
- * Allows pages to _p()/echo()/print() this object, and to define the default
- * way this object would be outputted.
- *
- * Can also be called directly via $objAddress->__toString().
- *
- * @return string a nicely formatted string representation of this object
- */
- public function __toString()
- {
- if(isset($this->Title))
- return $this->Title;
- else
- return "Primary address";
- }
- ///gettors
- public function __get($strName)
- {
- switch ($strName)
- {
- case 'Country':
- return ($this->CountryId) ? CountryType::$NameArray[$this->CountryId] : null;
- case 'State':
- case 'Zone':
- return ($this->ZoneId) ? ZoneType::$NameArray[$this->ZoneId] : null;
- case 'Type':
- return ($this->TypeId) ? AddressType::$NameArray[$this->TypeId] : null;
- default:
- try {
- return parent::__get($strName);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- }
- ///settors
- public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
- {
- switch ($strName)
- {
- //experimental - not really used ..
- case 'Country':
- if(! is_string($mixValue) )
- throw new QCallerException('Set Address country - value must be a string.');
- $intCountryId = 0;
- foreach( CountryType::$NameArray as $intId => $strName )
- if( $strName === $mixValue )
- $intCountryId = $intId;
- if( 0 == $intCountryId)
- throw new QCallerException('Set Address country - unknown country:' . $mixValue);
- try {
- return ($this->CountryId = QType::Cast($intCountryId, QType::String));
- } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- default:
- try {
- return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- }
- // Override or Create New Load/Count methods
- // (For obvious reasons, these methods are commented out...
- // but feel free to use these as a starting point)
- /*
- public static function LoadArrayBySample($strParam1, $intParam2, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // This will return an array of Address objects
- return Address::QueryArray(
- QQ::AndCondition(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::Address()->Param1, $strParam1),
- QQ::GreaterThan(QQN::Address()->Param2, $intParam2)
- ),
- $objOptionalClauses
- );
- }
- public static function LoadBySample($strParam1, $intParam2, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // This will return a single Address object
- return Address::QuerySingle(
- QQ::AndCondition(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::Address()->Param1, $strParam1),
- QQ::GreaterThan(QQN::Address()->Param2, $intParam2)
- ),
- $objOptionalClauses
- );
- }
- public static function CountBySample($strParam1, $intParam2, $objOptionalClauses = null) {
- // This will return a count of Address objects
- return Address::QueryCount(
- QQ::AndCondition(
- QQ::Equal(QQN::Address()->Param1, $strParam1),
- QQ::Equal(QQN::Address()->Param2, $intParam2)
- ),
- $objOptionalClauses
- );
- }
- public static function LoadArrayBySample($strParam1, $intParam2, $objOptionalClauses) {
- // Performing the load manually (instead of using Qcodo Query)
- // Get the Database Object for this Class
- $objDatabase = Address::GetDatabase();
- // Properly Escape All Input Parameters using Database->SqlVariable()
- $strParam1 = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($strParam1);
- $intParam2 = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($intParam2);
- // Setup the SQL Query
- $strQuery = sprintf('
- `address`.*
- `address` AS `address`
- param_1 = %s AND
- param_2 < %s',
- $strParam1, $intParam2);
- // Perform the Query and Instantiate the Result
- $objDbResult = $objDatabase->Query($strQuery);
- return Address::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult);
- }
- */
- }
- ?>