- <?php
- /**
- * This file is a part of Quasi CMS
- *@package Quasi
- */
- if(!defined('QUASICMS') ) die('No Quasi.');
- /**
- * Class EndiciaRequest - class for performing shipping requests via Endicia API web services
- *
- * This class provides an interface to shipping requests. Abstract methods MUST be implemented by
- * subclasses, others may be overridden as needed. Subclasses are instantiated by a call to
- * ShippingMethod::GetRequest($strRequestType). The primary function of this base class is to associate
- * the request with the ShippingMethod
- *
- * This class also connects to the specified server via the methods provided by extending WebServiceRequest.
- *
- *@todo
- * - implement the other Get methods, only label requests are finished!
- * -
- *
- *@author Erik Winn <erikwinnmail@yahoo.com>
- *
- * $Id: EndiciaRequest.class.php 517 2009-03-24 17:59:23Z erikwinn $
- *@version 0.1
- *
- *@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
- *@license GPL v.2
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
- *
- *@package Quasi
- * @subpackage Classes
- */
- class EndiciaRequest extends ShippingRequest
- {
- /**
- * Assigned by Endicia - identifies the system making the request.
- *However, any string (strlen > 0 && < 50) will do as it is not checked
- *@var string strRequesterId
- */
- protected $strRequesterId;
- /**
- *@var string strRequestId
- */
- protected $strRequestId;
- /**
- * Endicia prefers the weight in ounces .. (0000.0)
- *@var float fltTotalWeightOz
- */
- protected $fltTotalWeightOz;
- /**
- * Type of label to return [Default, CertifiedMail, DestinationConfirm, International]
- * "Default" creates based on mail class. Note: if you want PDF images returned you
- * must set this to International for international labels.
- *@var string strLabelType
- */
- protected $strLabelType = 'Default';
- /**
- * The format for the returned image - this is the default for international using
- * LabelType "Default" is GIF so this is the best default for us.
- *@var string strImageFormat
- */
- protected $strImageFormat = 'GIF';
- /**
- * [4X6 | 4X5 | 4X4.5 | 6X4 | 7X3 | Dmo30384 | EnvelopeSize10 | Mailer7X5 ]
- * The size for the returned image (inches)
- *@var string strLabelSize
- */
- protected $strLabelSize = '4X6';
- /**
- * Rotation for the returned image [None, Rotate90, Rotate180, Rotate270]
- *@var string strImageRotation
- */
- protected $strImageRotation = 'Rotate180';
- /**
- * Resolution for the returned image [150 | 203 | 300]
- *@var string strImageResolution
- */
- protected $strImageResolution = '203';
- /**
- * Endicia uses its own version of the USPS Service Types ..
- * For Domestic:
- * [Express, First, LibraryMail, MediaMail,ParcelPost, Priority]
- * For International:
- * [ExpressMailInternational, FirstClassMailInternational, PriorityMailInternational]
- *@var string strMailClass
- */
- protected $strMailClass;
- /**
- * Specifies nondelivery options for international labels and customs forms
- *@var string strNonDeliveryOption
- */
- protected $strNonDeliveryOption;
- /**
- * Unique identifier for the end user printing the label
- *@var string strPartnerCustomerId
- */
- protected $strPartnerCustomerId;
- /**
- * Unique identifier for the transaction (eg. invoice or order id)
- *@var string strPartnerTransactionId
- */
- protected $strPartnerTransactionId;
- /**
- * Name of the sender, required for international shipping and must contain
- * at least two words. This defaults to STORE_OWNER
- *@var string strFromName
- */
- protected $strFromName;
- /**
- * Name of the sender company
- * at least two words. This defaults to STORE_NAME
- *@var string strFromCompany
- */
- protected $strFromCompany;
- /**
- * Name of the sender city
- * at least two words. This defaults to STORE_CITY
- *@var string strFromCity
- */
- protected $strFromCity;
- /**
- * Line one of return address ..
- *@var string strReturnAddress1
- */
- protected $strReturnAddress1;
- /**
- * Line two of return address ..
- *@var string strReturnAddress2
- */
- protected $strReturnAddress2;
- /**
- * The total value of the shipment
- *@var float fltTotalValue
- */
- protected $fltTotalValue;
- /**
- * EndiciaRequest Constructor - sets defaults for this request method ..
- *
- * @param ShippingMethod objShippingMethod - the method to be used for the request
- */
- public function __construct(ShippingMethod $objShippingMethod)
- {
- parent::__construct($objShippingMethod);
- if($objShippingMethod->TestMode)
- {
- $this->strRemoteAccountId = ENDICIA_TESTACCOUNT_ID;
- $this->strRemotePassword = ENDICIA_TESTPASSWORD;
- $this->strRequestId = ENDICIA_TESTREQUEST_ID;
- $this->strRequesterId = ENDICIA_TESTREQUESTER_ID;
- $this->strRemoteDomainName = ENDICIA_TESTDOMAIN;
- } else {
- $this->strRemoteAccountId = ENDICIA_ACCOUNT_ID;
- $this->strRemotePassword = ENDICIA_PASSWORD;
- $this->strRequestId = ENDICIA_REQUEST_ID;
- $this->strRequesterId = ENDICIA_REQUESTER_ID;
- $this->strRemoteDomainName = ENDICIA_DOMAIN;
- }
- $this->strRemoteCgiUrl = '/LabelService/EwsLabelService.asmx/';
- //combine weight as endicia accepts only ounces
- $this->fltTotalWeightOz = round( ($objShippingMethod->Ounces + ($objShippingMethod->Pounds * 16)), 2);
- //and the minimum is one.
- if($this->fltTotalWeightOz < 1)
- $this->fltTotalWeightOz = 1;
- $this->fltTotalValue = $objShippingMethod->Order->ProductTotalCharged;
- $this->strPartnerTransactionId = 'BPCB' . $objShippingMethod->Order->Id;
- $this->strPartnerCustomerId = STORE_NAME;
- $this->strFromCompany = STORE_NAME;
- $this->strReturnAddress1 = STORE_ADDRESS1;
- $this->strReturnAddress2 = STORE_ADDRESS2;
- $this->strFromCity = STORE_CITY;
- $this->strFromName = STORE_OWNER;
- $aryFromName = explode( ' ', $this->strFromName );
- if(count( $aryFromName ) < 2 )
- throw new Exception('EndiciaRequest: FromName (STORE_OWNER) must have at least 2 words!');
- if($this->objShippingMethod->Order->IsInternational)
- {
- $this->strLabelType = 'International';
- // $this->strImageFormat = 'GIF';
- }
- //translate USPS service types - ugly as these change .. careful.
- ///@todo - fill out the rest here .. library, parcel, etc .. no time ..
- if( 'FIRST CLASS' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'First';
- elseif( 'PRIORITY' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'Priority';
- elseif( 'EXPRESS' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'Express';
- elseif( 'Express Mail International' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'ExpressMailInternational';
- elseif( 'First Class Mail International' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'FirstClassMailInternational';
- elseif( 'Priority Mail International' == $objShippingMethod->ServiceType )
- $this->strMailClass = 'PriorityMailInternational';
- else // assume we are using the Endicia ShippingMethod natively
- $this->strMailClass = $objShippingMethod->ServiceType;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a shipping label image suitable for printing
- *@return image object containing the image code
- */
- public function GetLabel()
- {
- $this->createRequest(ShippingRequestType::Label, WebRequestType::POST);
- $this->submitRequest();
- return $this->objShippingLabelImage;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a label image request
- */
- protected function createLabelRequest()
- {
- $this->strApiName = 'GetPostageLabelXML';
- if('Express Mail International' == $this->ServiceType
- || 'Priority Mail International' == $this->ServiceType )
- $this->strImageRotation ='Rotate90';
- $strXML = 'labelRequestXML=';
- $strXML .= sprintf('<LabelRequest Test="%s" LabelType="%s" LabelSize="%s" LabelFormat="%s" ImageRotation="%s" ImageResolution="%s">',
- $this->Test,
- $this->strLabelType,
- $this->strLabelSize,
- $this->strImageFormat,
- $this->strImageRotation,
- $this->strImageResolution
- );
- $strXML .= '<RequesterID>' . $this->strRequesterId . '</RequesterID>';
- $strXML .= '<AccountID>' . $this->RemoteAccountId . '</AccountID>';
- $strXML .= '<PassPhrase>' . $this->RemotePassword . '</PassPhrase>';
- $strXML .= '<MailClass>' . $this->strMailClass . '</MailClass>';
- $strXML .= '<WeightOz>' . $this->fltTotalWeightOz. '</WeightOz>';
- if($this->fltTotalValue)
- $strXML .= '<Value>' . $this->fltTotalValue . '</Value>';
- $strXML .= '<OriginCountry>' . $this->OriginCountry . '</OriginCountry>';
- ///@todo -- make this smarter ..
- $strXML .= '<Description>Consumer Goods</Description>';
- $strXML .= '<PartnerCustomerID>' . $this->strPartnerCustomerId . '</PartnerCustomerID>';
- $strXML .= '<PartnerTransactionID>' . $this->strPartnerTransactionId . '</PartnerTransactionID>';
- $strXML .= $this->formatAddress($this->objShippingMethod->Order);
- $strXML .= '<FromCompany>' . $this->strFromCompany . '</FromCompany>';
- $strXML .= '<FromName>' . $this->strFromName . '</FromName>';
- $strXML .= '<ReturnAddress1>' . $this->strReturnAddress1 . '</ReturnAddress1>';
- $strXML .= '<ReturnAddress2>' . $this->strReturnAddress2 . '</ReturnAddress2>';
- $strXML .= '<FromCity>' . $this->strFromCity . '</FromCity>';
- $strXML .= '<FromState>' . $this->OriginStateCode . '</FromState>';
- $strXML .= '<FromPostalCode>' . substr($this->OriginZip, 0, 5) . '</FromPostalCode>';
- $strPhone = preg_replace( '/[\- ]/', '', STORE_PHONE );
- $strXML .= '<FromPhone>' . $strPhone . '</FromPhone>';
- if($this->objShippingMethod->Order->IsInternational)
- {
- $strXML .= '<FromCountry>' . $this->OriginCountry . '</FromCountry>';
- $this->initCustomsInformationArray();
- foreach($this->aryCustomsInformation as $intIndex => $objInfo)
- {
- $intIdx = $intIndex + 1;
- $strXML .= '<CustomsDescription' . $intIdx . '>' . $objInfo->Description. '</CustomsDescription' . $intIdx . '>';
- $strXML .= '<CustomsQuantity' . $intIdx . '>' . $objInfo->Quantity . '</CustomsQuantity' . $intIdx . '>';
- $strXML .= '<CustomsWeight' . $intIdx . '>' . ceil($objInfo->Weight) . '</CustomsWeight' . $intIdx . '>';
- $strXML .= '<CustomsValue' . $intIdx . '>' . $objInfo->Value . '</CustomsValue' . $intIdx . '>';
- $strXML .= '<CustomsCountry' . $intIdx . '>' . $objInfo->OriginCountry . '</CustomsCountry' . $intIdx . '>';
- }
- }
- $strXML .= '</LabelRequest>';
- $this->strRequest = $strXML;
- }
- /**
- * Creates an account status request
- */
- protected function createAccountStatusRequest()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- $this->strApiName = 'GetAccountStatusXML';
- $strXML = 'accountStatusRequestXML=';
- $strXML .= '<AccountStatusRequest Test="' . $this->Test . '">';
- $strXML .= '<RequesterID>' . $this->RequesterId . '</RequesterID>';
- $strXML .= '<RequestID>' . $this->RequestId . '</RequestID>';
- $strXML .= '<CertifiedIntermediary>';
- $strXML .= '<AccountID>' . $this->RemoteAccountId. '</AccountID>';
- $strXML .= '<PassPhrase>' . $this->RemotePassword . '</PassPhrase>';
- $strXML .= '</CertifiedIntermediary>';
- $strXML .= '</AccountStatusRequest>';
- $this->strRequest = $strXML;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a request submitting an account credit payment
- */
- protected function createCreditAccountRequest($fltAmount)
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s UNTESTED DO NOT USE! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- $this->strApiName = 'BuyPostageXML';
- if( ! is_numeric($fltAmount) || $fltAmount < 10 || $fltAmount >= 100000)
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s - Param: %s ' .
- 'Postage amount must be a number between 10 and 99999.99.',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType),
- $fltAmount ));
- $strXML = 'recreditRequestXML=';
- $strXML .= '<RecreditRequest Test="' . $this->Test . '">';
- $strXML .= '<RequesterID>' . $this->RequesterId . '</RequesterID>';
- $strXML .= '<RequestID>' . $this->RequestId . '</RequestID>';
- $strXML .= '<CertifiedIntermediary>';
- $strXML .= '<AccountID>' . $this->RemoteAccountId . '</AccountID>';
- $strXML .= '<PassPhrase>' . $this->RemotePassword . '</PassPhrase>';
- $strXML .= '</CertifiedIntermediary>';
- $strXML .= '<RecreditAmount>' . round($fltAmount, 2) . '</RecreditAmount>';
- $strXML .= '</RecreditRequest>';
- $this->strRequest = $strXML;
- }
- //Response handlers
- /**
- * Handles a rate request
- */
- protected function handleRateResponse()
- {
- $objDomDoc = $this->getDomDocument('RateRequestResponse');
- if($objDomDoc)
- {
- $strErrorMessage = $this->requestErrors($objDomDoc);
- if($strErrorMessage)
- {
- $this->blnHasErrors = true;
- $this->strErrors = $strErrorMessage;
- $this->fltRate = null;
- }
- else
- $this->fltRate = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('NetCharge')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- } else {
- // die($this->strResponse);
- $this->HasErrors = true;
- $this->ErrorMessages = 'Unknown Endicia error ..';
- $this->fltRate = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Handles a label image request response
- * This function handles the entire label request which includes extracting the tracking number
- * and other information from the response XML.
- */
- protected function handleLabelResponse()
- {
- $objDomDoc = $this->getDomDocument('LabelRequestResponse');
- if($objDomDoc)
- {
- $strErrorMessage = $this->requestErrors($objDomDoc);
- if($strErrorMessage)
- {
- $this->blnHasErrors = true;
- $this->strErrors = $strErrorMessage;
- $this->objShippingLabelImage = null;
- } else {
- $objImageNodeList = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('Base64LabelImage');
- //if nothing, try the other tag - International is usually in there ..
- if($objImageNodeList->length <= 0)
- $objImageNodeList = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('Image');
- //still nothing? ruh roh ..
- if($objImageNodeList->length <= 0)
- throw new Exception('EndiciaRequest: No label image returned for Order ' . $this->Order->Id);
- $this->objShippingLabelImage = base64_decode( $objImageNodeList->item(0)->nodeValue );
- if(!$this->objShippingLabelImage)
- throw new Exception('EndiciaRequest: Empty image!');
- if($this->Order->IsInternational)
- {//get customs forms if available ..
- if($objImageNodeList->length > 1)
- for($intIdx = 1; $intIdx < $objImageNodeList->length; ++$intIdx)
- $this->aryCustomsFormImages[] = base64_decode($objImageNodeList->item($intIdx)->nodeValue);
- }
- //try to save the tracking number ..
- $objTrackingNumberNodeList = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('TrackingNumber');
- if($objTrackingNumberNodeList->length > 0)
- {
- $strTrackingNumber = $objTrackingNumberNodeList->item(0)->nodeValue;
- if(!empty($strTrackingNumber))
- {
- if(! TrackingNumber::LoadByOrderIdNumber($this->objShippingMethod->OrderId, $strTrackingNumber ))
- {
- $objTrackingNumber = new TrackingNumber();
- $objTrackingNumber->OrderId = $this->objShippingMethod->OrderId;
- $objTrackingNumber->Number = $strTrackingNumber;
- $objTrackingNumber->Save();
- }
- }
- }
- $objFinalPriceNodeList = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('FinalPostage');
- if($objFinalPriceNodeList->length > 0)
- {
- $strFinalPrice = $objFinalPriceNodeList->item(0)->nodeValue;
- if(!empty($strFinalPrice))
- {
- $this->objShippingMethod->Order->ShippingCost = $strFinalPrice;
- $this->objShippingMethod->Order->Save(false,true);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // die($this->strResponse);
- $this->blnHasErrors = true;
- $this->strErrors = 'Unknown Endicia error ..Request:' . $this->strRequest . ' Response:' . $this->strResponse;
- $this->objShippingLabelImage = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Utility function to format the address for a label or rate request, creates a
- * string containing the XML tags for the address
- *@return string
- */
- private function formatAddress($objOrder)
- {
- $strToReturn = '';
- $intAddressLine = 1;
- $strToReturn .= '<ToName>' . $objOrder->FullShippingName . '</ToName>';
- if($objOrder->ShippingCompany)
- $strToReturn .= '<ToCompany>' . $objOrder->ShippingCompany . '</ToCompany>';
- //Endicia allows 4 Address lines so we have to be clever here ..
- $strToReturn .= '<ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>' . $objOrder->ShippingStreet1 . '</ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>';
- ++$intAddressLine;
- if($objOrder->ShippingStreet2)
- {//line 2
- $strToReturn .= '<ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>' . $objOrder->ShippingStreet2 . '</ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>';
- ++$intAddressLine;
- }
- if($objOrder->ShippingSuburb)
- {//line 2 or 3 ..
- $strToReturn .= '<ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>' . $objOrder->ShippingSuburb . '</ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>';
- ++$intAddressLine;
- }
- //line 2, 3 or 4 ..
- if($objOrder->ShippingCounty)
- {//line
- $strToReturn .= '<ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>' . $objOrder->ShippingCounty . '</ToAddress' . $intAddressLine . '>';
- ++$intAddressLine;
- }
- $strToReturn .= '<ToCity>' . $objOrder->ShippingCity . '</ToCity>';
- if( ZoneType::NoZone != $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationStateId )
- $strToReturn .= '<ToState>' . $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationStateCode . '</ToState>';
- //truncate zip else endicia complains ..
- $strToReturn .= '<ToPostalCode>' . substr( trim($this->objShippingMethod->DestinationZip), 0, 5) . '</ToPostalCode>';
- $strToReturn .= '<ToCountry>' . $this->objShippingMethod->DestinationCountry . '</ToCountry>';
- $strPhoneNumber = trim($objOrder->Account->Person->PhoneNumber);
- if( !empty($strPhoneNumber) && 'N/A' != $strPhoneNumber)
- $strPhoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $strPhoneNumber);
- else
- $strPhoneNumber = '8091236354';
- $strToReturn .= '<ToPhone>' . $strPhoneNumber . '</ToPhone>';
- return $strToReturn;
- }
- /**
- * Utility function to check for request errors - returns either a string containing
- * server error messages or false if there were none.
- *@param DOMDocument objDomDoc - the server response ..
- *@return string | boolean error messages or false if request succeeded.
- */
- private function requestErrors($objDomDoc)
- {
- $mixToReturn = false;
- $nodeListStatus = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('Status');
- //Status is zero on success ..
- if($nodeListStatus->item(0)->nodeValue > 0)
- {
- $nodeListErrors = $objDomDoc->getElementsByTagName('ErrorMessage');
- $this->blnHasErrors = true;
- $mixToReturn = 'Request: ' . $this->strRequest;
- if( $nodeListErrors->length)
- $mixToReturn .= ' Message: ' . $nodeListErrors->item(0)->nodeValue;
- else
- $mixToReturn .= ' ... Endicia had no comment. ';
- }
- return $mixToReturn;
- }
- ///Gettors
- public function __get($strName)
- {
- switch ($strName)
- {
- case 'Test':
- return $this->TestMode ? 'YES' : 'NO';
- case 'Carrier':
- return $this->objShippingMethod->Carrier ;
- default:
- try {
- return parent::__get($strName);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- }
- ///Settors
- public function __set($strName, $mixValue)
- {
- switch ($strName)
- {
- case 'FromName':
- try {
- return ($this->strFromDate = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
- } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- case 'Container':
- return ($this->objShippingMethod->Container = $mixValue);
- default:
- try {
- return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************************/
- ///@todo - implement the other Get methods ..:
- /**
- * Returns a rate for this method to the order address
- *@return float containing the rate for the order address
- */
- public function GetRate()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Returns an account status report
- *@return string containing the status report
- */
- public function GetAccountStatus()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether this method is available for the order address
- *@return boolean true if method is available
- */
- public function GetAvailability()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Submits an account credit payment
- *@return boolean true on success
- */
- public function CreditAccount()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- //Request string creators
- /**
- * Creates a rate request
- */
- protected function createRateRequest()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Creates a method available request
- */
- protected function createAvailabilityRequest()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Handles an account status request
- */
- protected function handleAccountStatusResponse()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Handles a request submitting an account credit payment
- */
- protected function handleCreditAccountResponse()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /**
- * Handles a method available request
- */
- protected function handleAvailabilityResponse()
- {
- throw new QCallerException(sprintf('EndiciaRequest: Shipping request type %s unsupported! ',
- ShippingRequestType::ToString($this->ShippingRequestType)) );
- }
- /*************************************************************************************/
- }//end class
- }//end define
- ?>