- <?php
- /**
- * This class provides a panel in which to list orders
- * from within a user account owned by that user.
- *
- * $Id: AccountOrderListPanel.class.php 286 2008-10-10 23:33:36Z erikwinn $
- *@version 0.1
- *
- *@copyright (C) 2008 by Erik Winn
- *@license GPL v.2
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
- * @package Quasi
- * @subpackage Classes
- *
- */
- class AccountOrderListPanel extends QPanel
- {
- // Local instance of the Meta DataGrid to list Orders
- public $dtgOrders;
- // A local Paginator to facilitate data binding on the DataGrid
- public $objPaginator;
- //button and the view link for the item in the grid list
- public $btnCreateNew;
- public $pxyView;
- protected $objControlBlock;
- // Callback Method Names - these are in the control block
- protected $strSetEditPanelMethod;
- protected $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
- public function __construct( $objParentObject,
- $objControlBlock,
- $strSetEditPanelMethod,
- $strCloseEditPanelMethod,
- $strControlId = null )
- {
- try {
- parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
- } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
- $objExc->IncrementOffset();
- throw $objExc;
- }
- $this->objControlBlock = $objControlBlock;
- $this->strSetEditPanelMethod = $strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod = $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
- $this->Template = __QUASI_CORE_TEMPLATES__ . '/AccountOrderListPanel.tpl.php';
- $this->dtgOrders = new OrderDataGrid($this);
- $this->dtgOrders->SetDataBinder('AccountOrderDataBinder', $this);
- $this->dtgOrders->CssClass = 'datagrid';
- $this->dtgOrders->AlternateRowStyle->CssClass = 'alternate';
- // Add Pagination
- $this->objPaginator = new QPaginator($this->dtgOrders);
- $this->dtgOrders->Paginator = $this->objPaginator;
- $this->dtgOrders->ItemsPerPage = 20;
- $this->pxyView = new QControlProxy($this);
- if(IndexPage::$blnAjaxOk)
- $this->pxyView->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'pxyView_Click'));
- else
- $this->pxyView->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'pxyView_Click'));
- $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddProxyColumn($this->pxyView, 'Id', '<?= $_ITEM->Id ?>', Quasi::Translate('Order'));
- $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddTypeColumn('StatusId', 'OrderStatusType');
- $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddColumn('CreationDate');
- $this->dtgOrders->GetColumn(2)->Name = Quasi::Translate('Ordered');
- $strOrderTotalParam = '<?= money_format("%n", $_ITEM->ProductTotalCharged '
- . ' + $_ITEM->ShippingCharged '
- . ' + $_ITEM->HandlingCharged '
- . ' + $_ITEM->Tax ) ?>';
- $objOrderTotalColumn = new QDataGridColumn(Quasi::Translate('Order Total'), $strOrderTotalParam );
- $this->dtgOrders->AddColumn($objOrderTotalColumn);
- // Column sizes will need to be tweaked to use these:
- // $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddColumn('TrackingNumber');
- // $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddColumn('LastModificationDate');
- // $this->dtgOrders->GetColumn(3)->Name = Quasi::Translate('Last Change');
- // $this->dtgOrders->MetaAddColumn('ShippingCity');
- $this->btnCreateNew = new QButton($this);
- $this->btnCreateNew->Text = Quasi::Translate('Create a New') . ' ' . Quasi::Translate('Order');
- if(IndexPage::$blnAjaxOk)
- $this->btnCreateNew->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnCreateNew_Click'));
- else
- $this->btnCreateNew->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerControlAction($this, 'btnCreateNew_Click'));
- }
- public function pxyView_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $intOrderId)
- {
- $objEditPanel = new AccountOrderViewPanel($this,
- $this->objControlBlock,
- $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod,
- $intOrderId);
- $strShowMethod = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->objControlBlock->$strShowMethod($objEditPanel);
- }
- public function btnCreateNew_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
- {
- $objEditPanel = new AccountOrderViewPanel($this, $this->objControlBlock,
- $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, null);
- $strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
- $this->objControlBlock->$strMethodName($objEditPanel);
- }
- /**
- * This binds the Datagrid data retrieval to this Person, the orders listed in the Datagrid will be those
- * associated with this user in the database.
- *
- * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it. If not, then no pagination will be used.
- * It will also perform any sorting requested in by clicking on the column titles in the Datagrid.
- */
- public function AccountOrderDataBinder()
- {
- if ($this->objPaginator)
- $this->dtgOrders->TotalItemCount = Order::CountByAccountId($this->objControlBlock->Account->Id) ;
- $objClauses = array();
- // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
- // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array - this is in the datagrid if the user clicks on column title
- if ($objClause = $this->dtgOrders->OrderByClause)
- array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
- // Add the LimitClause information, as well
- if ($objClause = $this->dtgOrders->LimitClause)
- array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
- array_push($objClauses, QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Order()->CreationDate, false) );
- $this->dtgOrders->DataSource = Order::LoadArrayByAccountId(
- $this->objControlBlock->Account->Id, $objClauses
- );
- }
- }
- ?>