A Qcodo based CMS/ecommerce framework
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  1. NOTICE - Tuesday, November 08, 2011
  2. QuasiCMS has been renamed to Quinta CMS and moved to a new home:
  3. http://github.com/quinta/quintacms
  4. The notes below are purely for historical reference and in case any care to play with
  5. the old version. It is no longer supported and will not run on newer versions of QCodo.
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  11. Tuesday, October 25, 2011:
  12. Note: the following are instructions from a couple of years ago and a couple of QCodo versions ago ..
  13. there is a QCodo 0.3.4 (roughly ..) included that may work but probably will not unless your system
  14. is quite old. Development on QuasiCMS has slowed down in favor of some other projects. I am making
  15. this available for reference and interest only at the moment
  16. These notes are included for historical purposes - THIS README WILL BE REPLACED AS SOON AS THERE
  17. IS A NEW RELEASE, until then this whole repository is NOT RECOMMENDED for use unless you are
  18. a developer and curious .. as soon as development resumes in ernest I have some radical changes planned
  19. so do not depend on the structure or API.
  20. ***************************************************************************************
  21. Sun Nov 30 2008:
  22. This is the 0.2-beta release of Quasi - it is functional but very rough and there is a TODO list about
  23. 100 miles long .. still, it is usable and you can make a website with it. Be aware that access control is
  24. still unimplemented and there are likely to be many bugs.
  25. Security is low (if any), USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
  26. This release is intended primarily for developers.
  27. That said, hey - it works. And if you are a developer or even have some basic programming ability you
  28. may find it a nice framework to work with and/or learn from. I encourage you to get involved with the
  29. project and make Quasi a "quasi-real" CMS ;).
  30. There is now an installer in the released zip/tgz bundled with QCodo. To install you can simply
  31. unpack the compressed file to a directory available to the webserver and visit <location>/install.php.
  32. This will optionally create a database for Quasi or you can create one before this and the installation
  33. will install the quasi data (optionally with example data).
  34. NOTE that the QCodo that is bundled with Quasi contains bug fixes and modifications that may
  35. cause it not to run on stock QCodo installations.
  37. configuration will be overwritten if you do!!
  38. There is one other (more geeky) way to install Quasi - manually:
  39. * 1. Unpack the tarball to the directory that you want to have as the root of Quasi (eg. /var/www/quasi/).
  40. * 2. Create the quasicms database - login to mysql and run this command:
  41. mysql> create database quasicms; grant all on quasicms.* to quasidbu identified by 'quasidbp';
  42. NOTE: You _should_ change the username and password in include/configuration.php and replace
  43. them in the command above with values for your server!!
  44. * 3. Install the database:
  45. You can use the quasi-example-data.sql for a functioning example site including the core modules:
  46. you@yourserver$ mysql -u root -p < core/quasi-with-data.sql
  47. Or, if you prefer you can install only the default database structure with no data and no modules:
  48. you@yourserver$ mysql -u root -p < core/quasi.sql
  49. See the class comments, documentation and design notes for how to install modules (like Account).
  50. * 6.(Optional) Edit the Qcodo generator configuration (includes/_devtools/codegen_settings.xml) to point to
  51. core/relationships.txt like this:
  52. <relationshipsScript filepath="/path/to/your/quasiroot/core/relationships.txt" format="qcodo"/>
  53. and then run the Qcodo code generator (includes/_devtools/codegen.php)
  54. 7. Et voila - Enjoy!
  55. Note: you may need to give the webserver read rights to the new directories.
  56. "chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/quasi/ " works on Debian ...