" How to install me:
" git clone http://code.p1k3.com/gitea/brennen/wmf-engprod-offsite-slides.git
" mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
" cp wmf-engprod-offsite-slides/vim/vimrc ~/.vim/vimrc
" git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
" vim +PluginInstall
" Use comma for the leader key
let mapleader = ","
" 1. Package management {{{
set nocompatible
" Disable modelines for security:
set nomodeline
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
call vundle#begin()
" Let Vundle manage Vundle - required:
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
" Really nice file tree - see keybindings section below for some tweaks:
Plugin 'preservim/nerdtree'
Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
" Double click to open nodes:
" (for directory nodes with a single click, set to 2)
" (for all nodes with a single click, set to 3)
let NERDTreeMouseMode = 1
" Fancy start screen with recent files & bookmarks
Plugin 'mhinz/vim-startify'
let g:startify_bookmarks = [ {'v': '~/code/wmf'}, '~/.bashrc', '~/notes/' ]
" Vim Outliner of Markups - see :help voom - no idea yet if this is any good
Plugin 'vim-voom/VOoM'
" Align text vertically on a string:
Plugin 'Align'
" Wrap common version control commands:
Plugin 'vcscommand.vim'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Visual marking of changes in working tree:
Plugin 'git://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git'
" commands for surrounding chars:
Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat' " used by vim-surround, commentary
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
" Readline-style keybindings in command line / insert:
Plugin 'tpope/vim-rsi'
" Enable gc[motion] to comment, gcc to comment current line:
Plugin 'https://tpope.io/vim/commentary.git'
" A bunch of colorschemes + a gui menu listing them:
Plugin 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plugin 'chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme.git'
Plugin 'desert-warm-256'
Plugin 'ColorSchemeMenuMaker'
Plugin 'ScrollColors'
" beyondgrep.com:
Plugin 'mileszs/ack.vim'
" fzf - fuzzy finding
" https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
let g:fzf_launcher = '/usr/bin/xterm'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
" Preview contents of named registers:
Plugin 'junegunn/vim-peekaboo'
" ASCII art - ,di to start, arrow keys to draw lines, ,ds to stop:
Plugin 'DrawIt'
" Most recently used files - my fork allows for a top-level menu:
let g:MRU_Menu_Path = '&Recent\ Files'
let g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries = 30
let g:MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries = 30
Plugin 'https://code.p1k3.com/gitea/brennen/mru.git'
" Do stuff with tables - used by some vim-markdown features:
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
" Filetypes / modes / language support {{{
let g:go_version_warning = 0
Plugin 'fatih/vim-go' " golang
Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plugin 'chikamichi/mediawiki.vim'
Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
Plugin 'nginx.vim'
Plugin 'jceb/vim-orgmode'
" }}}
" Graceful syntax checking for many languages:
" - apt-get install shellcheck for shell linting
Plugin 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
let g:syntastic_php_checkers = ['php']
let g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker = 1
let g:syntastic_perl_lib_path = ['./lib', './lib/auto']
let g:syntastic_perl_checkers = ['perl', 'podchecker']
" Fancy status line; laststatus can be set so it always shows up:
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
let g:airline_theme = 'luna'
if has("gui_running")
let g:airline_theme = 'base16_ashes'
" GUI font size - use <Leader><Leader>+ or - to adjust
Plugin 'drmikehenry/vim-fontsize'
" Ctrl-A increment / Ctrl-X decrement various date formats with this one:
" try, for example: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 23:59:59 +0000
Plugin 'tpope/vim-speeddating'
" Open files at the cursor position where you left off (awesome):
Plugin 'farmergreg/vim-lastplace'
" Handle .editorconfig files:
" https://editorconfig.org/
" https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim
Plugin 'editorconfig-vim'
" a calendar - used in conjunction with vimwiki diaries
let g:calendar_keys = {
\ 'goto_next_month': '<C-Right>',
\ 'goto_prev_month': '<C-Left>',
\ 'goto_next_year': '<C-Up>',
\ 'goto_prev_year': '<C-Down>'
\ }
Plugin 'mattn/calendar-vim'
Plugin 'mbbill/undotree'
" Vimwiki - for notes, daily logs, etc. {{{
" Main personal wiki:
let wiki = {}
let wiki.path = '~/vimwiki/'
let wiki.path_html = '~/html/'
let wiki.auto_tags = 1
let wiki.auto_diary_index = 1
let wiki.automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1
" This could be a list containing many vimwikis:
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki]
" Don't make temporary wikis based on file extensions in the list - this
" is necessary to avoid .md files getting a filetype of vimwiki instead of
" markdown:
let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
let g:vimwiki_folding = 'expr'
" let g:vimwiki_folding = 'syntax'
" let g:vimwiki_folding = 'list'
" Link concealing when cursor not on line, etc.:
" let g:vimwiki_conceallevel = 0
" Don't obscure URLs in links:
" let g:vimwiki_url_maxsave = 0
" Make links clickable and such:
let g:vimwiki_use_mouse = 1
" Use colors in header highlighting
let g:vimwiki_hl_headers = 1
Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
augroup bpb_vimwiki
" clear any existing commands in this group:
" selectively activate foldcolumn:
au FileType vimwiki setlocal foldcolumn=3
" regenerate vimwiki diary on file load:
" (with auto_diary_index, the index is updated every time you use
" ,wi to open - this covers the rest of the cases, i guess)
au BufReadPost,BufNewFile *vimwiki/diary/diary.wiki :VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks
" set up linewrapping so that long lines more or less work
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.wiki call <SID>LonglineMode()
augroup END
" }}}
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" }}}
" 2. miscellaneous UI {{{
" Set the window title (usually to filename plus some metadata):
set title
" Pretty colors:
set t_Co=256
syntax on
" Pretty characters:
set encoding=utf-8
" Do not beep or flash at me:
" vb is needed to stop beep
" t_vb sets visual bell action, we're nulling it out here
" note also that this may need to be repeated in .gvimrc
set visualbell
set t_vb=
" Enable mouse for (a)ll, (n)ormal, (v)isual, (i)nsert, or (c)ommand line
" mode - works in most terminals:
set mouse=a
" Let me delete stuff while in insert mode:
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Display commands as-typed + current position in file:
set showcmd
set ruler
" Set height of command line area - having it greater than one avoids some
" hit-enter prompts:
set cmdheight=2
" Display a visual menu for tab-completion of files:
set wildmenu
" Keep lots of command-line history - 10000 is currently the max value:
set history=10000
" Search:
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set wrapscan
" neovim defaults hlsearch to on, which annoys me personally
set nohlsearch
" use + register (x window clipboard) as unnamed register (copy to system
" clipboard on yy, for example):
if has('nvim')
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
set clipboard=unnamedplus,autoselect
" }}}
" 3. File saving/loading/swap/backups {{{
" Read (unchanged) buffers when they're modified on filesystem.
" this saves me a lot of time and agony because I switch git branches
" constantly, but it might not be what you want:
set autoread
" Disable swapfiles (you may not want this (but you probably do)):
set noswapfile
" }}}
" 4. Whitespace handling {{{
" Display tabs and trailing spaces:
set listchars=tab:⇾\ ,trail:·
set list
" Display tab characters as 8 spaces, indent 2 spaces,
" always use spaces instead of tabs:
set tabstop=8
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
set autoindent
" set smarttab
" set smartindent
" For c code, no tab expansion, turn off softtabstop
au FileType c setlocal noexpandtab
au FileType c setlocal shiftwidth=8
au FileType c setlocal softtabstop=0
" Turn off tab expansion for Makefiles and calendar files:
au FileType make setlocal noexpandtab
au FileType calendar setlocal noexpandtab
" Wrap entire words in markdown files
" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19624105/how-can-i-make-vim-break-lines-only-on-whitespace
au FileType markdown setlocal wrap linebreak breakat&vim
" }}}
" 5. Custom keybindings {{{
" F2 toggles the nerdtree file browser pane
map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
imap <F2> <Esc>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" F3 finds the current file in nerdtree
map <F3> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
" F4 toggles line numbers
map <F4> :set invnumber<CR>
imap <F4> <Esc>:set invnumber<CR>
" F5 saves everything
map <F5> :wall<CR>
imap <F5> <Esc><F5>
" F6 brings up a recently-used file list using MRU
map <F6> :MRU<CR>
imap <F6> <Esc><F6>
" F7 opens ~/.vim/vimrc (in existing tab if open, new otherwise)
" (7 kind of looks like a rotated v)
" see http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/07.html for
" rationale - the idea is to make changing vim configuration trivial
if has('nvim')
map <F7> :call <SID>TabDrop("~/.vim/vimrc")<CR>
map <F7> :call <SID>TabDrop($MYVIMRC)<CR>
imap <F7> <Esc><F7>
" F8 inserts an ISO-8601 datestamp (mnemonic: eight rhymes with date)
" (used to open the options window; use :options for that)
map <F8> :r !date -I<CR>kJ
" ,F8 inserts a date with seconds precision
map <Leader><F8> :r !date -Is<CR>kJ
" ,td / ,tD do the same (mnemonic: toDay)
map <Leader>td :r !date -I<CR>kJ
map <Leader>tD :r !date -Is<CR>kJ
imap <F8> <Esc><F8>
" F9 toggles search highlighting and some other noise
map <F9> :call <SID>Crosshairs()<CR>
imap <F9> <Esc><F9>
" F10 starts a git commit for recent changes
map <F10> :Gcommit -av<CR>
" F11 i'm leaving unbound because of fullscreen shortcuts in various
" terminals and window managers
" in normal or insert mode, <F12> copies all in buffer
" in visual/select modes, it just yanks the selected bit
nmap <F12> :%y+<CR>
imap <F12> <Esc><F12>
vmap <F12> y+
" add a menu separator
menu Cheatsheet.-misc- :
" split lines under the cursor (modeled on, maybe, emacs?)
map K i<CR><Esc>g;
" an FZF fragment menu
nmap <Leader>F :call <SID>FragmentMenu()<CR>
" Find files with fzf fuzzy-finder (assumes FZF is installed)
" https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
nmap <Leader>f :FZF<CR>
" Pull up the git log:
nmap <Leader>gl :Glog<CR>:copen<CR>
" Run any Makefile in the current directory:
nmap <leader>m :make<CR>
" Jump to next, previous errors:
nmap <Leader>n :cnext<CR>
nmap <Leader>p :cprev<CR>
" Reformat a paragraph:
nmap <Leader>q gqip
" Q mapping (it usually enters ex mode) based on this mail from bram:
" https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/vim/vim_use/iXH_Zxj8iBA/H7YDtbACBAAJ
" note this is done by default in neovim
map Q gq
" Delete trailing whitespace, file-wide:
nmap <Leader>s :%s/\s\+$//e<CR>
" New tab:
nmap <Leader>tn :tabnew<CR>
" Split window navigation (ctrl-j/k, alt-arrows):
map <C-J> <C-W>j<C-W>_
map <M-Down> <C-W>j
map <C-K> <C-W>k<C-W>_
map <M-Up> <C-W>k
map <M-Right> <C-W>l
map <M-Left> <C-W>h
" }}}
" 6. Write custom functions {{{
" Run the file through a custom filter, leaving the cursor at its original
" location in the file (or close) - there might be a better way to do this,
" but I don't know what it is.
function! s:RunFilter(filter)
let l:currentline = line('.')
exe ":%!" . a:filter
exe ":" . l:currentline
" Do some normal-mode commands and return the cursor to its previous location
function! s:ExecNormalAndReturnCursor(commands)
let l:currentline = line('.')
" see http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/30.html
exe "normal! " . a:commands
exe ":" . l:currentline
" Spit out a date for today.
function! s:Datestamp()
" . is current line, -1 is 1 line above that, r would otherwise read
" the output onto the line below the cursor
.-1r !date
" select a fragment script using fzf and include its output in the
" current buffer
function! s:FragmentMenu()
call fzf#run({
\ 'options': '--reverse',
\ 'sink': '.-1r !',
\ 'source': 'find ~/bin/ -maxdepth 1 -name "fragment-*" -printf "%f\n"'
\ })
" Make things more amenable to editing long soft-wrapped lines
" mostly an attempt to make vimwiki a bit more ergonomic, this
" version adapted from:
" http://www.baryudin.com/blog/vim-line-wrapping-and-word-boundary.html
function! s:LonglineMode()
setlocal wrap linebreak
set virtualedit=
setlocal display+=lastline
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> gk
noremap <buffer> <silent> k gk
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> gj
noremap <buffer> <silent> j gj
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> g<Home>
noremap <buffer> <silent> <End> g<End>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> <C-o>gk
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> <C-o>gj
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> <C-o>g<Home>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <End> <C-o>g<End>
" add some display sugar that helps highlight cursor, searches, and
" textwidth. good for fiddling with alignment, reflowing text, etc.
function! s:Crosshairs()
set invhlsearch
set invcursorcolumn
set invcursorline
" Toggle a colorcolumn - will get weird if it's set outside this function
if &colorcolumn == "+1"
set colorcolumn=0
" I think this is relative to textwidth:
set colorcolumn=+1
" Tab drop (edit in existing or new tab) a file's real path, in case it is a
" symlink - useful for, frex, symlinked .vimrc. does wildcard expansion on
" the path. as usual, there are probably better ways to do all of this.
function! s:TabDrop(path)
let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand(a:path)))
echom realpath
execute 'tab drop ' . realpath
" This is ridiculous:
" https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/21825/how-to-insert-text-from-a-variable-at-current-cursor-position
function! s:AppendAtCursor(string)
execute "normal! a\<C-r>\<C-r>=a:string\<CR>\<Space>\<Esc>"
" Get a list of key bindings, along with where they were defined, and
" open it in a tab. This variant of redir and map seen at:
" https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7642746/is-there-any-way-to-view-the-currently-mapped-keys-in-vim#7642762
function! g:ListBindings()
redir! > ~/vim_keys.txt
silent verbose map
redir END
call <SID>TabDrop("~/vim_keys.txt")
" }}}
" 7. Pick a colorscheme {{{
" I have used these all at one time or another and liked them for various
" reasons:
" colorscheme brookstream
" colorscheme mustang
" colorscheme dark-ruby
" colorscheme Tomorrow-Night-Bright
" colorscheme pyte
" colorscheme wargrey
" colorscheme hybrid
" colorscheme icansee
" colorscheme candycode
" colorscheme peppers
" colorscheme inkpot
colorscheme iceberg
" }}}
" 8. Make folding suck less {{{
" Turn off folding by default - i constantly open some file and have to
" expand folds to see what's going on; this is easy to get back with zi
set nofoldenable
" Use {{{ and }}} to denote a folded section (these can be adjusted by
" setting foldmarker, but i'm sticking with the vim defaults):
set foldmethod=marker
" For custom foldline colors:
highlight FoldColumn ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=white guibg=darkgrey guifg=white
" forked from: http://dhruvasagar.com/2013/03/28/vim-better-foldtext
function! BPB_NeatFoldText()
let line = ' ' . substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '^\s*"\?\s*\|\s*"\?\s*{{' . '{\d*\s*', '', 'g') . ' '
let lines_count = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
let lines_count_text = '| ' . printf("%10s", lines_count . ' lines') . ' |'
let foldchar = matchstr(&fillchars, 'fold:\zs.')
let foldtextstart = strpart('+' . repeat(foldchar, v:foldlevel*2) . line, 0, (winwidth(0)*2)/3)
let foldtextend = lines_count_text . repeat(foldchar, 8)
let foldtextlength = strlen(substitute(foldtextstart . foldtextend, '.', 'x', 'g')) + &foldcolumn
return foldtextstart . repeat(foldchar, winwidth(0)-foldtextlength) . foldtextend
set foldtext=BPB_NeatFoldText()
" }}}