package org.wikimedia.integration import import static org.wikimedia.integration.Utility.* import org.wikimedia.integration.GerritPipelineComment import org.wikimedia.integration.GerritReview /** * Provides an interface to common pipeline build/run/deploy functions. * * You must provide the Jenkins workflow script sandbox object that will be * used to declare Jenkins pipeline steps. * * {@code * // With just the Jenkins context * def pipeline = new PipelineRunner(this) * * // Or with a map of additional settings * def pipeline = new PipelineRunner(this, configPath: "dist/pipeline", registry: "foo.registry") * } */ class PipelineRunner implements Serializable { /** * Relative path to Blubber config file. */ def blubberConfig = "blubber.yaml" /** * Base URL for the Blubberoid service. */ def blubberoidURL = "" /** * Directory in which pipeline configuration is stored. */ def configPath = ".pipeline" /** * Relative path to Helm config file. */ def helmConfig = "helm.yaml" /** * Absolute path to a Kubernetes config file to specify when executing * `helm` or other k8s related commands. By default, none will be specified. */ def kubeConfig = null /** * Namespace used for Helm/Kubernetes deployments. */ def namespace = "ci" /** * Docker pull policy when deploying. */ def pullPolicy = "IfNotPresent" /** * Default Docker registry host used when qualifying public image URLs. */ def registry = "" /** * Alternative Docker registry host used only when registering images. */ def registryInternal = "docker-registry.discovery.wmnet" /** * Default Docker registry repository used for tagging and registering images. */ def repository = "wikimedia" /** * Timeout for deployment using Helm. */ def timeout = 120 /** * Jenkins Pipeline Workflow context. */ final def workflowScript /** * Constructor with Jenkins workflow script context and settings. * * @param settings Property map. * @param workflowScript Jenkins workflow script sandbox object. */ PipelineRunner(Map settings = [:], workflowScript) { this.workflowScript = workflowScript settings.each { prop, value -> this.@"${prop}" = value } } /** * Builds the given image variant and returns an ID for the resulting image. * * @param variant Image variant name that should be built. * @param labels Additional name/value labels to add to the image metadata. */ String build(String variant, Map labels = [:]) { def cfg = getConfigFile(blubberConfig) if (!workflowScript.fileExists(cfg)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("failed to build image: no Blubber config found at ${cfg}") } def blubber = new Blubber(workflowScript, cfg, blubberoidURL) def dockerfile = getTempFile("Dockerfile.") workflowScript.writeFile(text: blubber.generateDockerfile(variant), file: dockerfile) def labelFlags = labels.collect { k, v -> "--label ${arg(k + "=" + v)}" }.join(" ") def dockerBuild = "docker build --pull ${labelFlags} --file ${arg(dockerfile)} ." def output = true, script: dockerBuild) // Return just the image ID from `docker build` output output.substring(output.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1).trim() } /** * Deploys the given registered image using the configured Helm chart and * returns the name of the release. * * @param imageName Name of the registered image to deploy. * @param imageTag Tag of the registered image to use. * @param overrides Additional Helm value overrides to set. */ String deploy(String imageName, String imageTag, Map overrides = [:]) { def cfg = workflowScript.readYaml(file: getConfigFile(helmConfig)) assert cfg instanceof Map && cfg.chart : "you must define 'chart: ' in ${cfg}" deployWithChart(cfg.chart, imageName, imageTag, overrides) } /** * Deploys the given registered image using the given Helm chart and returns * the name of the release. * * @param chart Chart URL. * @param imageName Name of the registered image to deploy. * @param imageTag Tag of the registered image to use. * @param overrides Additional Helm value overrides to set. */ String deployWithChart(String chart, String imageName, String imageTag, Map overrides = [:]) { def values = [ "docker.registry": registry, "docker.pull_policy": pullPolicy, "main_app.image": [repository, imageName].join("/"), "main_app.version": imageTag, ] + overrides values = values.collect { k, v -> arg(k + "=" + v) }.join(",") def release = imageName + "-" + randomAlphanum(8) helm("install --namespace=${arg(namespace)} --set ${values} -n ${arg(release)} " + "--debug --wait --timeout ${timeout} ${arg(chart)}") release } /** * Returns a path under configPath to the given config file. * * @param filePath Relative file path. */ String getConfigFile(String filePath) { [configPath, filePath].join("/") } /** * Returns a path under configPath to a temp file with the given base name. * * @param baseName File base name. */ String getTempFile(String baseName) { getConfigFile("${baseName}${randomAlphanum(8)}") } /** * Deletes and purges the given Helm release. * * @param release Previously deployed release name. */ void purgeRelease(String release) { purgeReleases([release]) } /** * Deletes and purges the given Helm release. * * @param release Previously deployed release name. */ void purgeReleases(List releases) { if (releases.size() > 0) { helm("delete --purge ${args(releases)}") } } /** * Name and push an image specified by the given image ID to the WMF Docker * registry. * * The repo name is enforced as "", and the * remote path prefix is enforced as "/wikimedia/". * * {@code * // Pushes built image to * def image ="production") * pipeline.registerAs(image, "mathoid", "build-123") * } * @param imageID Image ID. * @param name Remote name to use for the image. * @param tag Remote tag to use for the image. */ String registerAs(String imageID, String name, String tag) { def nameAndTag = qualifyRegistryPath(name, registryInternal) + ":" + tag"docker tag ${arg(imageID)} ${arg(nameAndTag)} && " + "sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-pusher ${arg(nameAndTag)}") nameAndTag } /** * Removes the given image from the local cache. All tags are removed from * the image as well. * * @param imageID ID of the image to remove. */ void removeImage(String imageID) { removeImages([imageID]) } /** * Removes the given images from the local cache. * * @param imageIDs IDs of images to remove. */ void removeImages(List imageIDs) { if (imageIDs.size() > 0) {"docker rmi --force ${args(imageIDs)}") } } /** * Submits a comment to Gerrit with the build result and links to published * images. * * @param imageName Fully qualified name of published image. * @param imageTags Image tags. */ void reportToGerrit(imageName, imageTags = []) { def comment if (workflowScript.currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS' && imageName) { comment = new GerritPipelineComment( jobName: workflowScript.env.JOB_NAME, buildNumber: workflowScript.env.BUILD_NUMBER, jobStatus: workflowScript.currentBuild.result, image: imageName, tags: imageTags, ) } else { comment = new GerritPipelineComment( jobName: workflowScript.env.JOB_NAME, buildNumber: workflowScript.env.BUILD_NUMBER, jobStatus: workflowScript.currentBuild.result, ) }, comment) } /** * Runs a container using the image specified by the given ID. * * @param imageID Image ID. * @param arguments Entry-point arguments. */ void run(String imageID, List arguments = []) { workflowScript.timeout(time: 20, unit: "MINUTES") {"exec docker run --rm ${args([imageID] + arguments)}") } } /** * Fully qualifies an image name to a public registry path. * * @param name Image name. * @param registryName Alternative registry. Defaults to {@link registry}. */ String qualifyRegistryPath(String name, String registryName = "") { assert !name.contains("/") : "image name ${name} cannot contain slashes" [registryName ?: registry, repository, name].join("/") } /** * Runs end-to-end tests for the given release via `helm test`. * * @param release Previously deployed release name. */ void testRelease(String release) { helm("test --cleanup ${arg(release)}") } private /** * Execute a helm command, specifying the right tiller namespace. */ void helm(String cmd) { kubeCmd("helm --tiller-namespace=${arg(namespace)} ${cmd}") } /** * Execute a Kubernetes related command, specifying the configured * kubeConfig. */ void kubeCmd(String cmd) { def env = kubeConfig ? "KUBECONFIG=${arg(kubeConfig)} " : """${env}${cmd}") } }