package org.wikimedia.integration import /** * Provides an interface to a patch set being gated by WMF CI. * * {@code * import org.wikimedia.integration.PatchSet * * stage('Checkout patch') { checkout(PatchSet.fromZuul(params).getSCM())) } * } */ class PatchSet implements Serializable { /** * Git SHA-1 value representing this patch set in the remote. */ String commit /** * Project name. */ String project /** * Git ref that points to patch set commit. */ String ref /** * Git remote location where the patch set can be fetched from. */ URI remote /** * Constructs a new PatchSet from the given parameters set by Zuul during CI * gating: ZUUL_PROJECT, ZUUL_URL, ZUUL_REF, and ZUUL_COMMIT. * * @params params Parameters set by Zuul during CI gating. */ static PatchSet fromZuul(Map params) { new PatchSet( commit: params.ZUUL_COMMIT, project: params.ZUUL_PROJECT, ref: params.ZUUL_REF, remote: URI.create(params.ZUUL_URL + "/").resolve(params.ZUUL_PROJECT) ) } /** * Returns an SCM mapping that the Jenkins `checkout` function can use to * clone the project repo and check out the patch set. */ Map getSCM() { [ $class: 'GitSCM', userRemoteConfigs: [[ url: remote.toString(), refspec: ref, ]], branches: [[ name: commit, ]], extensions: [ [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'], [$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: true], [$class: 'SubmoduleOption', recursiveSubmodules: true], ] ] } }