package org.wikimedia.integration import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS /** * Represents a directed acyclic graph (DAG) for defining pipeline stage * dependencies and scheduling them in a parallel topological-sort order. * * An {@link ExecutionGraph} is constructed by passing sets of arcs (aka * edges/branches) that may or may not intersect on common nodes. * * @example * A graph such as: *

 *   a       w       z
 *     ⇘   ⇙
 *       b       x
 *     ⇙   ⇘   ⇙
 *   c       y
 *     ⇘   ⇙
 *       d
* * Can be constructed any number of ways as long as all the arcs are * represented in the given sets. * *

 * def graph = ExecutionGraph([
 *   ["a", "b", "c", "d"], // defines edges a → b, b → c, c → d
 *   ["w", "b", "y"],      // defines edges w → b, b → y
 *   ["x", "y", "d"],      // defines edges x → y, y → d
 *   ["z"],                // defines no edge but an isolate node
 * ])
* * @example * The same graph could be constructed this way. * *

 * def graph = ExecutionGraph([
 *   ["a", "b", "y"],
 *   ["w", "b", "c", "d"],
 *   ["x", "y"],
 *   ["z"],
 * ])
* * @example * {@link ExecutionGraph#stack()} will return concurrent "frames" of the graph * in a topological sort order, meaning that nodes are always traversed before * any of their successor nodes, and nodes of independent branches can be * scheduled in parallel. * * For the same example graph: * *

 * graph.stack().each { println it.join("|") }
* * Would output: * *
 * a|w|z
 * b|x
 * c|y
 * d
*/ class ExecutionGraph implements Serializable { /** * Map of graph progression, nodes and their successor (out) nodes. * * @example * An example graph and its progression. * *

   *   a       w       z    [
   *     ⇘   ⇙                a:[b],    w:[b],
   *       b       x
   *     ⇙   ⇘   ⇙            b:[c, y], x:[y],
   *   c       y
   *     ⇘   ⇙                c:[d],    y:[d],
   *       d                ]
*/ protected Map progression /** * Map of graph recession, nodes and their predecessor (in) nodes. Allows * for efficient backward traversal. * * @example * An example graph and its recession. * *

   *   a       w       z    [
   *     ⇘   ⇙                b:[a, w],
   *       b       x
   *     ⇙   ⇘   ⇙            c:[b],    y:[b, x],
   *   c       y
   *     ⇘   ⇙                d:[c, y],
   *       d                ]
*/ protected Map recession /** * Set of graph isolates, nodes that are unconnected from all other nodes. */ protected Set isolates /** * Constructs a directed execution graph using the given sets of edge * sequences (arcs). * * @example * See {@link ExecutionGraph} for examples. */ ExecutionGraph(List arcs) { progression = [:] recession = [:] isolates = [] as Set arcs.each { addArc(it as List) } } /** * All ancestors of (nodes eventually leading to) the given node. */ Set ancestorsOf(node) { def parents = inTo(node) parents + parents.inject([] as Set) { ancestors, parent -> ancestors + ancestorsOf(parent) } } /** * Whether the given graph is equal to this one. */ boolean equals(ExecutionGraph other) { progression == other.progression && isolates == other.isolates } /** * Returns all nodes that have no outgoing edges. */ Set leaves() { (recession.keySet() - progression.keySet()) + isolates } /** * The number of nodes that lead directly to the given one. */ int inDegreeOf(node) { inTo(node).size() } /** * The nodes that lead directly to the given one. */ Set inTo(node) { recession[node] ?: [] as Set } /** * All nodes in the graph. */ Set nodes() { progression.keySet() + recession.keySet() + isolates } /** * Returns a union of this graph and the given one. */ ExecutionGraph or(ExecutionGraph other) { def newGraph = new ExecutionGraph() [this, other].each { source -> source.progression.each { newGraph.addSuccession(it.key, it.value) } source.isolates.each { newGraph.addIsolate(it) } } newGraph } /** * The number of nodes the given one directly leads to. */ int outDegreeOf(node) { outOf(node).size() } /** * The nodes the given one directly leads to. */ Set outOf(node) { progression[node] ?: [] as Set } /** * Returns a concatenation of this graph and the given one. */ ExecutionGraph plus(ExecutionGraph other) { def newGraph = this | other leaves().each { leaf -> newGraph.addSuccession(leaf, other.roots()) } newGraph } /** * Returns all nodes that have no incoming edges. */ Set roots() { (progression.keySet() - recession.keySet()) + isolates } /** * Returns each concurrent node "frames" of the graph in a topological sort * order. See {@link ExecutionGraph} for examples. A {@link RuntimeException} * will be thrown in the event a graph cycle is detected. */ List stack() throws RuntimeException { def concurrentFrames = [] def graphSize = (progression.keySet() + recession.keySet() + isolates).size() def traversed = [] as Set def prevNodes while (traversed.size() < graphSize) { def nextNodes if (!prevNodes) { nextNodes = roots() } else { nextNodes = [] as Set prevNodes.each { prev -> outOf(prev).each { outNode -> if ((inTo(outNode) - traversed).isEmpty()) { nextNodes.add(outNode) } } } } if (!nextNodes && traversed.size() < graphSize) { throw new RuntimeException("cycle detected in graph (${this})") } traversed.addAll(nextNodes) prevNodes = nextNodes concurrentFrames.add(nextNodes as List) } concurrentFrames } /** * A string representation of the graph compatible with dot. * * @example * Render the graph with dot * *

   * $ echo "[graph.toString() value]" | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg
*/ String toString() { def allEdges = progression.inject([]) { edges, predecessor, successors -> edges + successors.collect { successor -> "${predecessor} -> ${successor}" } } 'digraph { ' + (allEdges + isolates).join("; ") + ' }' } protected /** * Appends a new arc of nodes to the graph. * * @example * An existing graph. *

   *   a
   *     ⇘
   *       b
   *         ⇘
   *           c
* * Appended with graph << ["x", "b", "y", "z"] becomes. *

   *   a       x
   *     ⇘   ⇙
   *       b
   *     ⇙   ⇘
   *   y       c
   *     ⇘
   *       z
*/ @NonCPS void addArc(List arc) { if (arc.size() == 1) { addIsolate(arc[0]) } else { arc.eachWithIndex { node, i -> if (i < (arc.size() - 1)) { addSuccession(node, [arc[i+1]]) } } } } @NonCPS void addIsolate(isolate) { isolates.add(isolate) } @NonCPS void addSuccession(predecessor, successors) { if (!progression.containsKey(predecessor)) { progression[predecessor] = [] as Set } progression[predecessor].addAll(successors) successors.each { successor -> if (!recession.containsKey(successor)) { recession[successor] = [] as Set } recession[successor].add(predecessor) } isolates -= (successors + predecessor) } }