package org.wikimedia.integration import import static org.wikimedia.integration.Utility.arg /** * Provides an interface to Blubber for generating Dockerfiles. */ class Blubber implements Serializable { /** * Blubber config path. */ final String configPath /** * Jenkins pipeline workflow script context. */ final def workflowScript /** * Blubberoid base service URL. */ final String blubberoidURL /** * Blubber constructor. * * @param workflowScript Jenkins workflow script context. * @param configPath Blubber config path. * @param blubberoidURL Blubberoid service URL. */ Blubber(workflowScript, String configPath, String blubberoidURL) { this.workflowScript = workflowScript this.configPath = configPath this.blubberoidURL = blubberoidURL } /** * Returns a valid Dockerfile for the given variant. * * @param variant Blubber variant name. */ String generateDockerfile(String variant) { def config = workflowScript.readFile(file: configPath) def headers = [[name: "content-type", value: getConfigMediaType()]] def response = workflowScript.httpRequest(url: getRequestURL(variant), httpMode: "POST", customHeaders: headers, requestBody: config, consoleLogResponseBody: true, validResponseCodes: "200") response.content } /** * Returns a request media type based on the config file extension. */ String getConfigMediaType() { def ext = configPath.substring(configPath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) switch (ext) { case ["yaml", "yml"]: return "application/yaml" default: return "application/json" } } /** * Return a request URL for the given variant. */ String getRequestURL(String variant) { blubberoidURL + URLEncoder.encode(variant, "UTF-8") } }