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WareLogging. VersionControl.
= guides, cheatsheets, etc. =
There's a lot of documentation, and much of it is good, but there's a fragmentary quality to it which somewhat mirrors the interface. Lots Of Little Pieces. The man pages are copious and generally useful, but could be improved.
* http://www.gnome.org/~federico/misc/git-cheat-sheet.txt
* http://www.undefinedfire.com/lab/changing-existing-git-authors/
* http://www.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide
* http://moserei.de/index.php/58/shared-git-repo-ssh-umask-problems <- super useful
= general notes =
* [April 4 2009]
* Someday, the default filesystem is going to do a fair percentage of this stuff transparently.
* Subjectively, git is ''fast''.
* New repos are cake:
** mkdir blah && cd blah && git init
** All else being equal, this alone would be enough to justify the switch to a DVCS.
* Where the hell do I find a list of the exit codes for git commands?
* History/logs after a git mv.
** git log --follow filename
** https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/linux-pm/2009-January/019269.html
= UI concerns =
* You may be tempted to pretend that git is basically just an amped up svn with more terminology. It is pretty easy to duplicate the workflow, but thinking this way will still probably bite you on the ass.
* Colors are pretty. Why aren't they on auto by default?
* I would be happier if git avoided duplicating terminology from older systems for radically different concepts. Checkout, for example. You had to know that this would cause conceptual pain.
* Suspect there is no way I'm realistically going to get all of SFE using this beast. svn was enough of a stretch.
= branching =
* http://lwn.net/Articles/210045/
* git pull . master
= #git on freenode =
<amystrat> How can I find the commit where a certain file was removed?
<doener> amystrat: git log --diff-filter=D -- file