Related: WalkingOnWater, DerrickJensen. ---- <[Jacob]> given the movement towards transparency in the world, it seems possible to me that a return to diversity will occur as specific communities are allowed more breathing room in an "open source" governing situation. only those directly involved are allowed to be directly involved. of course this could go the exact opposite direction so what the hell do i know. <[Brennen]> I'm not completely without optimism about this, I guess. It sometimes seems to me that, for example, the American veneer of superficial uniformity (interstates, Pizza Hut, Holiday Inn, sports radio, etc.) we all talk so much about is pretty thin in a lot of places, and only really sustained by a lot of external energy. 'course, this is also the kind of realization that sometimes helps prompt groups of people to pay attention when they're told they should start shooting and stabbing one another. I'm being incoherent. It's too early in the morning for coherence. I think you'd like some of Jensen's stuff, the writing about writing and whatnot.