<[caeb]> This makes a bit more sense if you know that a Swiffer is one of the best spider-killing tools I've yet encountered. Couldn't tell you if it mops well, though. Or whatever it is it's supposed to do. <[Brennen]> It's supposed to Swiff, innit? <[heather]> i spose it is sposed to Swiff, but if ca is using the swiffer instead of waking me up at 3 am... <[Molly]> I was driving downtown the other night, and I noticed a wolfy-looking spider on the windshield. Imagine my fright when I flicked my wipers and discovered the spider was, in fact, on the inside. It was calmly taken care of. I should start carrying a swiffer in the car, I reckon.... <[Brennen]> (It's not Photoshopped, incidentally.)