<[Alan]> I've decided to stay as far away as I can from the latest Ubuntu releases. Basically, I wait until they discontinue security patches, then dist-upgrade to the next-most-obsolete version. <[Brennen]> Regarding 11.04, I suspect you would do well to skip it entirely, and then only upgrade to its successor if ''that'' release is any less hosed. To be fair, other people report fewer issues, but I found it just short of literally impossible to use. (I am also the opposite of thrilled with their recent efforts on the UI front, but at least you can avoid those by not running the stock desktop environment.) <[Alan]> That's kind of what I was thinking, wait til 12.04. Even from a distance, Unity looked like biting off more than they could chew in the 1 year release cycle. Are there hardware issues with 11.04 on your Thinkpad? <[Brennen]> Quite a few, yeah. Random refusals to boot, flaky wireless, random shutdowns, a couple of ''failures'' to shutdown leading to "oh shit, did I just cook the laptop in my bag?" moments, etc. My favorite was probably the way that plugging in an external monitor would a) cause an instant lockup b) prevent the machine from booting ''at all'' for the next 30 minutes or so I'm sure all of this was diagnosable, and might even have a simple underlying cause, but I was frustrated enough by the time I hit that last one to decide I'd rather jump ship than spend the time. I have to admit my annoyance was probably amplified by giving the Unity stuff a shot (though I spend most of my time in xmonad these days). I kept thinking in essence "so, basically, it's 2011 and you guys broke all this shit in order to bring your users less-functional scrollbars?" Edit: I should add to all this that I realize I'm coming off as Angry User Guy Complaining On The Internet, which I have honestly been trying to avoid lately. Nobody who writes code likes Angry User Guy. He sucks. More than anything I'm just worried that this could be the first in a series of regressions which will eventually leave me using free software on principle while the pragmatics of the thing become untenable. I don't miss the 1990s nearly enough to relish the prospect of reliving that portion of them in reverse.