WalaWiki content from p1k3.com
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  1. A tag for pages about software, hardware, etc. Also a list of same.
  2. * dotfiles, etc.: https://github.com/brennen/bpb-kit
  3. misc, analog, lo-fi
  4. -------------------
  5. * TypewriterStuff
  6. * VisualizingThings
  7. * MoleskineNotebook
  8. * MiquelriusNotebook
  9. * FountainPen
  10. * PetzlHeadlamp
  11. coms
  12. ----
  13. * [http://www.txtdrop.com/ txtDrop]
  14. code
  15. ----
  16. * PerlLanguage - my weapon of choice.
  17. * LearningPerl
  18. * [http://thc.org/root/phun/unmaintain.html How to Write Unmaintainable Code]
  19. * QuickBasic
  20. text
  21. ----
  22. * TextEditors
  23. * UnixTalk
  24. * [http://www.w3.org/International/charlint/ Charlint] - A character normalization tool.
  25. * [http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ Ascii Generator] - Render text as...cooler text. See also: [FIGlet].
  26. file transfer
  27. -------------
  28. * [lftp]
  29. database
  30. --------
  31. * mysql> SHOW PROCESSLIST;
  32. operating systems, daemons, utilities, hardware &c.
  33. ---------------------------------------------------
  34. * DebianTricks
  35. * BashTricks
  36. * [Learning FreeBSD]
  37. * [http://www.linux-mag.com/content/view/2335/ Linux Magazine: What's GNU in Old Utilities, Part Two]
  38. * What to do if [http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2004/09/msg03693.html scp fails during a transfer]. (Basically, use rsync.)
  39. * [http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ Life with qmail] & the [http://www.flounder.net/qmail/qmail-howto.html qmail-HOWTO]: You can tell qmail to deliver mail to local users by putting the right domain in /var/qmail/control/locals. Rock.
  40. * Do you use a RAQ? [http://www.cobaltfaqs.com/ Cobaltfaqs.com] is extraordinarily useful. Also, they have [http://www.cobaltfaqs.com/download/ a download directory]. If you don't use a RAQ, I wouldn't suggest you start.
  41. * [http://www.linuxprinting.org/ linuxprinting.org]
  42. ** [http://www.linuxprinting.org/pipermail/general-list/2002q4/003113.html hp_8550]
  43. * [http://www.mkaz.com/reference/xterm_colors.html Colors for xterm]
  44. * [http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/FAQs/ext3-faq.html Linux ext3 FAQ]
  45. * [http://sunstuff.org/hardware/partnumbers/all.shtml Sun Part Numbers]
  46. * [http://www.gnokii.org/ Gnokii] - Mobile phone stuff for Linux.
  47. * [http://utopia.knoware.nl/~hlub/rlwrap/ rlwrap] - Add readline functionality to any unix filter program -- useful in REPLs.
  48. web, media, documents
  49. ---------------------
  50. * EditGrid
  51. * apt-get install aumix
  52. * BookMaking, SelfPublishing.
  53. * MozillaFirefox
  54. * WikiEngines
  55. * http://extensionroom.mozdev.org/
  56. * [http://www.pybliographer.org/ pybliographer]
  57. * [http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/ freesound] and [http://www.ccmixter.org/ ccmixter]
  58. graphics
  59. --------
  60. * ImageManipulation
  61. * [http://www.inkscape.org/ Inkscape] - an open vector graphics tool. Looks promising.
  62. * SonyDigitalCamera