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  1. TrackingAcademics, TrackingWriters, HumanNature.
  2. * ''TheBlankSlate''
  3. [http://pinker.wjh.harvard.edu/articles/media/2006_09_30_thenewrepublic.html Pinker] vs. [http://www.rockridgeinstitute.org/research/lakoff/whencognitivescienceenterspolitics Lakoff]
  4. Pinker, from above:
  5. :The standard contemporary analysis sees the political right as having a tragic vision in which human nature is permanently afflicted by limitations of knowledge, wisdom, and virtue, and the political left as having a utopian vision in which human nature is naturally innocent, but corrupted by defective social institutions and perfectible by reformed ones.
  6. Goddammit, Steven, ''who'''s being condescending?