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  1. VimEditor, WareLogging.
  2. <[AlanShutko]> There's a small sweet spot where GUIs are useful. When you've got a file, you don't need one. If you've got 5-15, you can actually list all the files and reasonably pick them. If you've got a hundred files, you might be able to get by with a hierarchy and GUI picking, but by the time you hit a thousand files or more you're back to a command-line style where you type at least part of the name and use completion.
  3. <[Brennen]> This is kind of a valid point and certainly my (limited) experience with Eclipse didn't show me that a tangled mass of thousands of files in dozens of directories is especially comprehensible with that kind of help - in fact I had the distinct impression that the IDE was exacerbating a convoluted hierarchical nightmare, or had an important role in bootstrapping it into place.
  4. At the same time, aren't you really saying that there's a small sweet spot where file listers or a tree-view widget are really useful, more than GUIs overall? Much as I might be living in that sweet spot, I don't think the little pane with a hierarchy is anything like the last word on project navigation...
  5. <[Stephen]> The little pane of project files works for TextMate. But the real joy comes with 'Go To File'.
  6. http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/working_with_multiple_files
  7. Check out 2.3 Moving Between Files (With Grace), actually the whole document is a list of dozens abilities that I can no longer live without. I seriously cannot fully express how much I love this editor. The big suck is that it's Mac only.
  8. <[Brennen]> Months later, I should mention that I've moved to [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658 NERD tree] for in-Vim file navigation. It does the collapsible directory tree thing gracefully.