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  1. WareLogging, sort of. Regular expressions are wonderful (and wonderfully ugly) little creatures used to describe patterns in text. Useful in good TextEditors, or in a language like PerlLanguage. This page is a repository of useful regex stuff.
  2. = resources =
  3. * LinuxInANutshell, 2nd edition
  4. ** p. 69, grep
  5. ** p. 247, pattern matching
  6. ** p. 208, perl quickref regex section
  7. = WareLogging =
  8. * PerlCompatibleRegularExpressions
  9. = thoughts & recipes =
  10. An EvolvingRegularExpression
  11. Use egrep for complex expressions. Otherwise you will have to escape ?, +, {, |, (, and ) in order to get them to behave as special characters. If you're used to writing in Perl or similar, keep in mind that vi / VimEditor pattern matching will treat at least some of these characters as literals unless you escape them.
  12. (?<! ''regex'') ''other stuff''
  13. is a zero-width negative lookbehind assertion. Matches, in
  14. other words, if ''regex'' does *not* precede the ''other stuff''.
  15. egrep -ri "^[a-z., ]+$" ./*.dir
  16. Shows lines which are just alphanumeric plus period,
  17. comma, and space characters in all files with
  18. the extension .dir.
  19. tail -f /var/log/p1k3.access_log | egrep -vi "(googlebot|slurp)"
  20. following log file, wanted to avoid bot traffic noise
  21. may well eat CPU.