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  1. TrackingWriters
  2. * [http://www.livejournal.com/users/rollick/423627.html#cutid1 Excellent Gaiman interview], including stuff about Narnia and "The Problem of Susan".
  3. * [http://www.sequentialtart.com/13quest_1103.shtml The Best Neil Gaiman Interview Ever].
  4. * Neil Gaiman [http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.07/gorillaz.html interviews the Gorillaz].
  5. But how do you pronounce "Gaiman"? Gaym'n, according to his website.
  6. :Yes, I just read that.
  7. Things That Look Different After Reading His Stuff:
  8. Doors.
  9. Marbles.
  10. Snowglobes.
  11. Closets.
  12. Black buttons.
  13. And at last, justification for that instinctive fear of Jack-in-the-boxes.