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  1. <[Anonymous]> from whence comes this fascination of eating black beans with chopsticks?
  2. <[Molly]> Me, by the way. forgetting to "log in" as usual...
  3. <[Brennen]> I didn't have a fork.
  4. (Suddenly I'm remembering this terrible piece of ethnic humor that certain cheerfully fascist Czech types wouldn't stop quoting.)
  5. <[Molly]> how can you not have any forks? do I know these cheerfully fascist czechs? Also, you look like Bob Dylan. Re: Film "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid".
  6. <[Brennen]> Just moved into a new apartment. I have since acquired a fork, a shower curtain, a card table, and a $2 bookshelf. You know Matyas, yes? Actually, I think he was pretty much the only cheerful fascist among the Czechs I met in Lincoln. Alex was kind of a fascist, but he was Flemish, I think (or Walloon? Something he was separatist and angry about). And not so much cheerful as ridiculously bleak in a way that was amusing when he wasn't trying to get himself killed.
  7. Have you seen _I'm Not There._ yet? They had it, somehow uncensored, on the plane out of Amsterdam last month. For all the pretense, it's kind of brilliant.
  8. <[Molly]> No, haven't seen the film. But, my flatmate has it, so I reckon I'll see it soon. I met Matyas once, at that gathering where they all cooked Czech food and Kamila was really really homesick, right before I left for Bath. But I've heard about Matyas...and I thought that may be who you were talking about.
  9. <[Molly]> PS: Yeah, Belgium, symbolic of European Unity as Brussells is the capital of the EU. And yet they do have a major separatist movement that absolutely no one outside of the country understands.
  10. <[hhhboonsnocks]> Belgium. Home to palm trees, mountains and its world-renown herds of elephants.