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  1. <[[Anonymous]]> I drive over 80 miles each way to work, almost all of it on a major interstate highway. At least once every single day, and as many as five times a day I get passed by a cop that is well outside of his jurisdiction. Will he ever get pulled over? No, of course not. He's driving a get-out-of-tickets-free car and has a get-out-of-tickets-free ID card in his wallet.
  2. Now they even have the little black and blue stripe sticker that LEOs put on their cars to identify them as being owned by a cop. That way they don't even have to worry about getting pulled over in the first place.
  3. Every time I get passed by one of these "priveleged" people, I lose even more respect for them. Just how hypocritical is it to be the one that tickets people for speeding, someone that has sworn an oath to uphold the law, and then speed every chance you get just because you know you'll get away with it?
  4. <[[mike]]> Brennen should not have been going double the speed limit.
  5. How should you have treated the cop?
  6. If you weren't speeding, you should have denied it untill your face turned blue. If you were speeding, the best course of action would be to say it was an accident. The more you piss w/the guy, the more you say your in a hurry, the longer you end up waiting for him to write the ticket.
  7. If you had a narcotic or a pyrex in your possesion, you know good and well to keep your goddamn mouth shut.
  8. <[[mike]]> Cops are supposed to be intimidating, to keep you in line.
  9. You shouldn't ever be afraid of the police. Yeah, their probably assholes, but as long as you're not doing anything wrong- you got nothing to be afraid of. The only thing to fear from a cop, is he or she catching you doing something wrong.
  10. <[[mike]]> Nervousness I can understand. If you think there is a chance the cop might let you off w/a warning, you're gonna try and convince the cop that you are a good guy, and not giving you a break of somesort, would be a real shame. I know performances always make me nervous.
  11. <[[mike]]> Privliged class? What are talking about? do you have an inferiority complex?
  12. "Go Cops Go!"
  13. <[[Brennen]]> Mike, I have always appreciated your nuanced and thoughtful input.
  14. <[[Molly]]> "Their" has been misused. I side with Brennen. Down with the man.
  15. <[[Anonymous]]> The best course of action is not to say anything, because convincing the stubborn cop he's wasting his time is unlikely.
  16. An observation: Cops are too worried about the delivery to know enough about the actual law to be effective at their jobs. Why would they worry about the law? That's the job of the attorneys. What appears to be a charge to a cop will look a lot different to an attorney.
  17. On an unrelated note: Remember "those guys" in high school? Yeah, those guys. They're cops now. And subconsciously they're even more pissed after those 7 years at Wayne State.
  18. <[[mike]]> My grammar is poor. I don't know if I would call my imput 'nuanced'.
  19. Who were 'those guys'?
  20. <[[mike]]> ok, ny spelling sucks too.
  21. <[[Molly]]> "Those guys" were the assholes.